All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Error Summary
Class |
Description |
Abbreviations |
Utility class for abbreviating (sub)structures.
Abbreviations.Option |
ABINITFormat |
AbstractAtomicDescriptor |
Abstract atomic descriptor class with helper functions for descriptors
that require the whole molecule to calculate the descriptor values,
which in turn need to be cached for all atoms, so that they can be
retrieved one by one.
AbstractAtomPairDescriptor |
A super class for atom pair descriptors allowing default implementations for
interface methods.
AbstractAWTDrawVisitor |
Partial implementation of the IDrawVisitor interface for the AWT
widget toolkit, allowing molecules to be rendered with toolkits based on
AWT, like the Java reference graphics platform Swing.
AbstractBondDescriptor |
Abstract bond descriptor class with helper functions for descriptors
that require the whole molecule to calculate the descriptor values,
which in turn need to be cached for all bonds, so that they can be
retrieved one by one.
AbstractDifference |
Difference between two IChemObjects.
AbstractDifferenceList |
Diff between two IChemObjects.
AbstractFingerprinter |
AbstractFontManager |
AbstractGeneratorParameter<T> |
AbstractMCS |
AbstractMCSAlgorithm |
AbstractMolecularDescriptor |
A super class for molecular descriptors allowing default implementations for
interface methods.
AbstractReactionLabeller |
AbstractRenderer<T extends IChemObject> |
The base class for all renderers, handling the core aspects of rendering
such as the location of the model in 'model space' and the location on
the screen to draw the model.
AbstractResourceFormat |
AbstractSelection |
AbstractSubGraph |
AbstractValidator |
Abstract validator that does nothing but provide all the methods that the
ValidatorInterface requires.
Aces2Format |
AcidicGroupCountDescriptor |
Returns the number of acidic groups.
AdductFormula |
Class defining an adduct object in a MolecularFormula.
AdductFormula |
Class defining an adduct object in a MolecularFormula.
AdductionLPMechanism |
This mechanism adduct together two fragments.
AdductionPBMechanism |
This mechanism adduct together two fragments due to a double bond.
AdductionProtonLPReaction |
IReactionProcess which produces a protonation.
AdductionProtonPBReaction |
IReactionProcess which produces a protonation to double bond.
AdductionSodiumLPReaction |
IReactionProcess which produces an adduction of the Sodium.
ADFFormat |
AdjacencyMatrix |
Calculator for a adjacency matrix representation of this AtomContainer.
AlchemyFormat |
Algorithm |
AliphaticAtom |
Deprecated. |
AliphaticSymbolAtom |
Deprecated. |
AllCycles |
Compute all simple cycles (rings) in a graph.
AllPairsShortestPaths |
Utility to determine the shortest paths between all pairs of atoms in a
AllRingsFinder |
Compute the set of all rings in a molecule.
AllRingsFinder.Threshold |
The threshold values provide a limit at which the computation stops.
ALOGPDescriptor |
AminoAcid |
A AminoAcid is Monomer which stores additional amino acid specific
informations, like the N-terminus atom.
AminoAcid |
A AminoAcid is Monomer which stores additional amino acid specific
informations, like the N-terminus atom.
AminoAcidCountDescriptor |
Class that returns the number of each amino acid in an atom container.
AminoAcidManipulator |
Class with convenience methods that provide methods to manipulate
AminoAcids |
Tool that provides templates for the (natural) amino acids.
AngularMomentum |
This class is used to calculate angular momentum states.
AnyAtom |
Deprecated. |
AnyOrderQueryBond |
Deprecated. |
APolDescriptor |
Sum of the atomic polarizabilities (including implicit hydrogens).
AromaticAtom |
Deprecated. |
AromaticAtomsCountDescriptor |
Class that returns the number of aromatic atoms in an atom container.
AromaticBondsCountDescriptor |
This Class contains a method that returns the number of aromatic atoms in an AtomContainer.
Aromaticity |
A configurable model to perceive aromatic systems.
Aromaticity.Model |
Container for aromaticity models.
AromaticityCalculator |
AromaticOrSingleQueryBond |
Deprecated. |
AromaticQueryBond |
Deprecated. |
AromaticSymbolAtom |
Deprecated. |
ArrowElement |
Association |
Base class for storing interactions like hydrogen bonds and ionic interactions.
Atom |
Represents the idea of an chemical atom.
Atom |
Represents the idea of an chemical atom.
AtomContainer |
This class should not be used directly.
AtomContainer |
This class should not be used directly.
AtomContainerAtomPermutor |
An atom container atom permutor that uses ranking and unranking to calculate
the next permutation in the series.
AtomContainerAtomPermutor |
AtomContainerBondPermutor |
This class allows the user to iterate through the set of all possible
permutations of the bond order in a given atom container.
AtomContainerBoundsGenerator |
AtomContainerComparator |
Compares two IAtomContainers for order with the following criteria with decreasing priority:
AtomContainerComparatorBy2DCenter |
Compares two IAtomContainers based on their 2D position.
AtomContainerDiff |
AtomContainerDiscretePartitionRefiner |
A tool for determining the automorphism group of the atoms in a molecule, or
for checking for a canonical form of a molecule.
AtomContainerLegacy |
Base class for all chemical objects that maintain a list of Atoms and
AtomContainerLegacy |
Base class for all chemical objects that maintain a list of Atoms and
AtomContainerManipulator |
Class with convenience methods that provide methods to manipulate
AtomContainerPermutor |
The base class for permutors of atom containers, with a single abstract
method containerFromPermutation that should be implemented in
concrete derived classes.
AtomContainerPrinter |
AtomContainerRenderer |
AtomContainerSet |
A set of AtomContainers.
AtomContainerSet |
A set of AtomContainers.
AtomContainerSetManipulator |
AtomCountDescriptor |
IDescriptor based on the number of atoms of a certain element type.
AtomDegreeDescriptor |
This class returns the number of not-Hs substituents of an atom, also defined as "atom degree".
AtomDiff |
Compares two IAtom classes.
AtomEncoder |
An encoder for invariant atom properties.
AtomHashGenerator |
A hash function which generates 64-bit hash codes for the atoms of a
AtomHybridizationDescriptor |
This class returns the hybridization of an atom.
AtomHybridizationVSEPRDescriptor |
This class returns the hybridization of an atom.
AtomicNumberAtom |
Deprecated. |
AtomicNumberDifferenceDescriptor |
Describes the imbalance in atomic number of the IBond.
AtomicProperties |
Provides atomic property values for descriptor calculations.
AtomMappingTools |
AtomMassGenerator |
IGenerator that can render mass number information of atoms.
AtomMassSymbolElement |
Rendering element that shows the IAtom mass number information.
AtomMatcher |
Defines compatibility checking of atoms for (subgraph)-isomorphism mapping.
AtomMatcher |
AtomNumberGenerator |
AtomNumberGenerator.AtomColorer |
AtomNumberGenerator.AtomNumberTextColor |
Color to draw the atom numbers with.
AtomNumberGenerator.ColorByType |
AtomNumberGenerator.Offset |
Offset vector in screen space coordinates where the atom number label
will be placed.
AtomNumberGenerator.WillDrawAtomNumbers |
Boolean parameter indicating if atom numbers should be drawn, allowing
this feature to be disabled temporarily.
AtomPairs2DFingerprinter |
AtomPlacer |
Methods for generating coordinates for atoms in various situations.
AtomPlacer3D |
Place aliphatic chains with Z matrix method.
AtomRef |
An atom ref, references a CDK IAtom indirectly.
AtomSignature |
The signature [ Faulon, J. L., Visco, D. P., and Pophale, R. S.. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer
Sciences. 2003. 43, Faulon, J. L., Collins, M. J., and Carr, R. D.. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer
Sciences. 2004. 44] for a molecule rooted at a particular
AtomSymbolElement |
A text element with added information.
AtomTetrahedralLigandPlacer3D |
A set of static utility classes for geometric calculations on Atoms.
AtomTools |
A set of static utility classes for geometric calculations on Atoms.
AtomType |
The base class for atom types.
AtomType |
The base class for atom types.
AtomTypeAwareSaturationChecker |
This class tries to figure out the bond order of the bonds that has the flag
SINGLE_OR_DOUBLE raised (i.e.
AtomTypeCharges |
Assigns charges to atom types.
AtomTypeDiff |
AtomTypeFactory |
General class for defining AtomTypes.
AtomTypeHandler |
SAX Handler for the AtomTypeReader.
AtomTypeHybridizationDifference |
AtomTypeManipulator |
Class with utilities for the IAtomType class.
AtomTypeMapper |
An AtomTypeMapper allows the mapping of atom types between atom type
AtomTypeReader |
XML Reader for the CDKBasedAtomTypeConfigurator.
AtomTypeTools |
AtomTypeTools is a helper class for assigning atom types to an atom.
AtomValenceDescriptor |
This class returns the valence of an atom.
AtomValenceTool |
This class returns the valence of an atom.
Atropisomeric |
Restricted axial rotation around Aryl-Aryl bonds.
AttachedGroup |
Holds data on a specific functional group or substituent.
AutocorrelationDescriptorCharge |
This class calculates ATS autocorrelation descriptor, where the weight equal
to the charges.
AutocorrelationDescriptorMass |
AutocorrelationDescriptorPolarizability |
This class calculates ATS autocorrelation descriptor, where the weight equal
to the charges.
AverageBondLengthCalculator |
Utility class for calculating the average bond length for various
IChemObject subtypes : IReaction, IAtomContainerSet, IChemModel, and IReactionSet.
AWTDrawVisitor |
Implementation of the IDrawVisitor interface for the AWT
widget toolkit, allowing molecules to be rendered with toolkits based on
AWT, like the Java reference graphics platform Swing.
AWTFontManager |
AWT-specific font manager.
BadMatrixFormatException |
BasicAtomEncoder |
Enumeration of atom encoders for seeding atomic hash codes.
BasicAtomGenerator |
BasicAtomGenerator.AtomColor |
Class to hold the color by which atom labels are drawn.
BasicAtomGenerator.AtomColorer |
BasicAtomGenerator.AtomRadius |
Magic number with unknown units that defines the radius
around an atom, e.g.
BasicAtomGenerator.ColorByType |
Boolean property that triggers atoms to be colored by type
when set to true.
BasicAtomGenerator.CompactAtom |
Boolean parameters that will cause atoms to be drawn as
filled shapes when set to true.
BasicAtomGenerator.CompactShape |
BasicAtomGenerator.KekuleStructure |
Determines whether structures should be drawn as Kekule structures, thus
giving each carbon element explicitly, instead of not displaying the
element symbol.
BasicAtomGenerator.Shape |
When atoms are selected or in compact mode, they will
be covered by a shape determined by this enumeration.
BasicAtomGenerator.ShowEndCarbons |
Boolean parameters that will show carbons with only one
(non-hydrogen) neighbor to be drawn with an element symbol.
BasicAtomGenerator.ShowExplicitHydrogens |
Boolean property that triggers explicit hydrogens to be
drawn if set to true.
BasicBondGenerator |
Generator for elements from bonds.
BasicBondGenerator.BondDistance |
The gap between double and triple bond lines on the screen.
BasicBondGenerator.BondWidth |
The width on screen of a bond.
BasicBondGenerator.DefaultBondColor |
The color to draw bonds if not other color is given.
BasicBondGenerator.TowardsRingCenterProportion |
The proportion to move in towards the ring center.
BasicBondGenerator.WedgeWidth |
The width on screen of the fat end of a wedge bond.
BasicGenerator |
Combination generator for basic drawing of molecules.
BasicGroupCountDescriptor |
Returns the number of basic groups.
BasicSceneGenerator |
This generator does not create any elements, but acts as a holding place
for various generator parameters used by most drawings, such as the zoom,
background color, margin, etc.
BasicSceneGenerator.ArrowHeadWidth |
The width of the head of arrows.
BasicSceneGenerator.BackgroundColor |
The background color of the drawn image.
BasicSceneGenerator.BondLength |
The length on the screen of a typical bond.
BasicSceneGenerator.FitToScreen |
If true, the scale is set such that the diagram
fills the whole screen.
BasicSceneGenerator.FontName |
Font to use for text.
BasicSceneGenerator.ForegroundColor |
The foreground color, with which objects are drawn.
BasicSceneGenerator.Margin |
Area on each of the four margins to keep empty.
BasicSceneGenerator.Scale |
The scale is the factor to multiply model coordinates by to convert the
coordinates to screen space coordinate, such that the entire structure
fits the visible screen dimension.
BasicSceneGenerator.ShowMoleculeTitle |
Determines if the molecule's title is depicted.
BasicSceneGenerator.ShowReactionTitle |
Determines if the reaction's title is depicted.
BasicSceneGenerator.ShowTooltip |
Determines if tooltips are to be shown.
BasicSceneGenerator.UseAntiAliasing |
If set to true, uses anti-aliasing for drawing.
BasicSceneGenerator.UsedFontStyle |
The font style to use for text.
BasicSceneGenerator.ZoomFactor |
The zoom factor which is a user oriented parameter allowing the
user to zoom in on parts of the molecule.
BasicValidator |
Validator which tests a number of basic chemical semantics.
Bayesian |
Bayesian models using fingerprints: provides model creation, analysis, prediction and
Uses a variation of the classic Bayesian model, using a Laplacian correction, which sums log
values of ratios rather than multiplying them together.
BCUTDescriptor |
Eigenvalue based descriptor noted for its utility in chemical diversity.
BFSShortestPath |
BGFFormat |
BiconnectivityInspector |
BinaryTree |
BioPolymer |
A BioPolymer is a subclass of a Polymer which is supposed to store
additional informations about the Polymer which are connected to BioPolymers.
BioPolymer |
A BioPolymer is a subclass of a Polymer which is supposed to store
additional informations about the Polymer which are connected to BioPolymers.
BitSetFingerprint |
Bond |
Implements the concept of a covalent bond between two or more atoms.
Bond |
Implements the concept of a covalent bond between two or more atoms.
BondCountDescriptor |
IDescriptor based on the number of bonds of a certain bond order.
BondDiff |
Compares two IBond classes.
BondEnergies |
BondEnergy |
BondManipulator |
Class with convenience methods that provide methods to manipulate
BondMatcher |
Defines compatibility checking of bonds for (subgraph)-isomorphism mapping.
BondMatcher |
BondOrderDifference |
BondPartialPiChargeDescriptor |
The calculation of bond-pi Partial charge is calculated
determining the difference the Partial Pi Charge on atoms
A and B of a bond.
BondPartialSigmaChargeDescriptor |
The calculation of bond-sigma Partial charge is calculated
determining the difference the Partial Sigma Charge on atoms
A and B of a bond.
BondPartialTChargeDescriptor |
The calculation of bond total Partial charge is calculated
determining the difference the Partial Total Charge on atoms
A and B of a bond.
BondRef |
A bond ref, references a CDK IBond indirectly.
BondSigmaElectronegativityDescriptor |
The calculation of bond-Polarizability is calculated determining the
difference the Sigma electronegativity on atoms A and B of a bond.
BondsToAtomDescriptor |
This class returns the number of bonds on the shortest path between two atoms.
BondTools |
A set of static utility classes for geometric calculations on IBond s.
BooleanArrayDifference |
Difference between two boolean[]'s.
BooleanDifference |
BooleanIOSetting |
An class for a reader setting which must be of type String.
BooleanResult |
Object that provides access to the calculated descriptor value.
BooleanResultType |
IDescriptorResult type for boolean.
Bounds |
Defines a bounding box element which the renderer can use to determine the true
drawing limits.
BoundsCalculator |
Utility class for calculating the 2D bounding rectangles (bounds)
of various IChemObject subtypes - IChemModel, IReactionSet, IReaction,
IAtomContainerSet, and IAtomContainer.
BoundsGenerator |
Produce a bounding rectangle for various chem objects.
BoundsGenerator.BoundsColor |
The color of the box drawn at the bounds of a
molecule, molecule set, or reaction.
BPolDescriptor |
Sum of the absolute value of the difference between atomic polarizabilities
of all bonded atoms in the molecule (including implicit hydrogens) with polarizabilities taken from
This descriptor assumes 2-centered bonds.
BremserOneSphereHOSECodePredictor |
BSFormat |
Bspt |
BSP-Tree stands for Binary Space Partitioning Tree.
Bspt.Tuple |
CacaoCartesianFormat |
CacaoInternalFormat |
CACheFormat |
Canon |
CanonicalLabeler |
CanonicalLabellingAdaptor |
CanonOpts |
Basic flavor options to tweak canonical invariants, note these deliberately mirror some fields
from the SmiFlavor settings.
CarbonTypesDescriptor |
Topological descriptor characterizing the carbon connectivity.
CarbonylEliminationReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate mass spectrum process.
CASNumber |
Tools to work with CAS registry numbers.
Helper class to provide general information about this CDK library.
Helper class to provide a Java API to the CDK OWL ontology, following the design of similar namespace
classes in the Jena library, like RDF .
CDK2DAtomColors |
Gives a short table of atom colors for 2D display.
CDKAtomColors |
CDKAtomTypeMatcher |
Atom Type matcher that perceives atom types as defined in the CDK atom type list
org/openscience/cdk/dict/data/cdk-atom-types.owl .
CDKBasedAtomTypeConfigurator |
AtomType resource that reads the atom type configuration from an XML file.
CDKConstants |
An interface providing predefined values for a number of
constants used throughout the CDK.
CDKConvention |
This is an implementation for the CDK convention.
CDKDictionaryReferences |
This class transforms implicit references to dictionary of CDK
objects into explicit references.
CDKException |
Exception that is thrown by CDK classes when some problem has occurred.
CDKHueckelAromaticityDetector |
CDKHydrogenAdder |
Adds implicit hydrogens based on atom type definitions.
CDKMCSHandler |
CDKOWLFormat |
Serializes a CDK model into the Web Ontology Language using the
N3 format.
CDKOWLReader |
Reads content from a CDK OWL serialization.
CDKOWLWriter |
Serializes the data model into CDK OWL.
CDKRGraph |
CDKRMapHandler |
CDKRNode |
CDKSourceCodeFormat |
CDKSourceCodeWriter |
Converts a Molecule into CDK source code that would build the same
CDKSubGraphHandler |
CDKUtilities |
CDKValencyChecker |
Assumes CDK atom types to be detected and adds missing hydrogens based on the
atom typing.
CDKValidator |
This Validator tests the internal data structures, and
tries to detect inconsistencies in it.
ChargeGroup |
A ChargeGroup (CG) is a numbered collection of atoms in an MDMolecule.
ChargeRule |
This class validate if the charge in the IMolecularFormula correspond with
a specific value.
Chem3D_Cartesian_1Format |
Chem3D_Cartesian_2Format |
ChemDrawFormat |
ChemFile |
A Object containing a number of ChemSequences.
ChemFile |
A Object containing a number of ChemSequences.
ChemFileManipulator |
Class with convenience methods that provide methods from
methods from ChemObjects within the ChemFile.
ChemGraph |
ChemicalFilters |
ChemModel |
An object containing multiple MoleculeSet and
the other lower level concepts like rings, sequences,
fragments, etc.
ChemModel |
An object containing multiple MoleculeSet and
the other lower level concepts like rings, sequences,
fragments, etc.
ChemModelManipulator |
Class with convenience methods that provide methods from
methods from ChemObjects within the ChemModel.
ChemModelRenderer |
ChemObject |
The base class for all chemical objects in this cdk.
ChemObject |
The base class for all chemical objects in this cdk.
ChemObjectChangeEvent |
Event fired by cdk classes to their registered listeners
in case something changes within them.
ChemObjectDiff |
ChemObjectDifference |
ChemObjectIO |
Provides some basic functionality for readers and writers.
ChemSequence |
A sequence of ChemModels, which can, for example, be used to
store the course of a reaction.
ChemSequence |
A sequence of ChemModels, which can, for example, be used to
store the course of a reaction.
ChemSequenceManipulator |
Class with convenience methods that provide methods from
methods from ChemObjects within the ChemSequence.
ChemtoolFormat |
ChiChainDescriptor |
Evaluates chi chain descriptors.
ChiClusterDescriptor |
Evaluates chi cluster descriptors.
ChiPathClusterDescriptor |
Evaluates chi path cluster descriptors.
ChiPathDescriptor |
Evaluates chi path descriptors.
ChiralityAtom |
Deprecated. |
CIFFormat |
CIFReader |
This is not a reader for the CIF and mmCIF crystallographic formats.
CIPLigandRule |
Compares to ILigand s based on CIP sequences sub rules.
CIPTool |
Enumeration with the two tetrahedral chiralities defined by the CIP schema.
CircularFingerprinter |
Circular fingerprints: for generating fingerprints that are functionally equivalent to ECFP-2/4/6 and FCFP-2/4/6
fingerprints, which are partially described by Rogers et al.
CircularFingerprinter.FP |
Close |
Indicates the closing point of the path.
ClosedShellJob |
Calculates the orbitals and orbital energies of electron systems
with closed shells
CMLCoreModule |
CMLErrorHandler |
CDK's SAX2 ErrorHandler for giving feedback on XML errors in the CML document.
CMLFormat |
CMLHandler |
SAX2 implementation for CML XML fragment reading.
CMLModuleStack |
Low weight alternative to Sun's Stack class.
CMLReactionModule |
CMLReader |
Reads a molecule in CML 1.x and 2.0 format.
CMLResolver |
This class resolves DOCTYPE declaration for Chemical Markup Language (CML)
files and uses a local version for validation.
CMLRSSFormat |
CMLWriter |
Complex |
This class handles complex values.
ConformerContainer |
A memory-efficient data structure to store conformers for a single molecule.
ConjugatedPiSystemsDetector |
ConnectedComponents |
Compute the connected components of an adjacency list.
ConnectionMatrix |
Calculator for a connection matrix representation of this AtomContainer.
ConnectivityChecker |
Tool class for checking whether the (sub)structure in an
AtomContainer is connected.
Convertor |
Convertor |
Helper class that converts a CDK IChemObject into RDF using a
Jena model and the CDK data model ontology.
CovalentRadiusDescriptor |
This class returns the covalent radius of a given atom.
CPKAtomColors |
CPSADescriptor |
Calculates 29 Charged Partial Surface Area (CPSA) descriptors.
CRK2DFormat |
CRK3DFormat |
CrossoverMachine |
Modified molecular structures by applying crossover operator on a pair of parent structures
and generate a pair of offspring structures.
Crystal |
Class representing a molecular crystal.
Crystal |
Class representing a molecular crystal.
CrystalGeometryTools |
A set of static methods for working with crystal coordinates.
CrystClustFormat |
CrystClustReader |
CrystClustWriter |
Rather stupid file format used for storing crystal information.
CTFileQueryBond |
CTFileQueryBond.Type |
CTXFormat |
CTXReader |
Reader that extracts information from the IDENT, NAME, ATOMS and BONDS
blocks in CTX files.
CubicTo |
A cubic curve in the path.
CustomSerializer |
Custom Serializer with the sole purpose and functionality to not
output the XML declaration.
CxSmilesGenerator |
CycleBasis |
CycleFinder |
Defines a method to find the cycles of a molecule.
Cycles |
A utility class for storing and computing the cycles of a chemical graph.
CyclicVertexSearch |
Describes a search to identify vertices which belong to elementary cycles and
if those cycles are isolated or are part of a fused system.
DaltonFormat |
DataFeatures |
Class with constants for possible data features defined in the
a Data Feature Ontology.
DataFeaturesTool |
Utility that helps determine which data features are present.
DeAromatizationTool |
DebugAdductFormula |
DebugAminoAcid |
Debugging data class.
DebugAtom |
Debugging data class.
DebugAtomContainer |
Debugging data class.
DebugAtomContainerSet |
Debugging data class.
DebugAtomType |
Debugging data class.
DebugBioPolymer |
Debugging data class.
DebugBond |
Debugging data class.
DebugChemFile |
Debugging data class.
DebugChemModel |
Debugging data class.
DebugChemObject |
Debugging data class.
DebugChemObjectBuilder |
A helper class to instantiate a IChemObject for the original CDK
DebugChemSequence |
Debugging data class.
DebugCrystal |
Debugging data class.
DebugElectronContainer |
Debugging data class.
DebugElement |
Debugging data class.
DebugFragmentAtom |
Class to represent an IPseudoAtom which embeds an IAtomContainer.
DebugIsotope |
Debugging data class.
DebugLonePair |
Debugging data class.
DebugMapping |
Debugging data class.
DebugMolecularFormula |
DebugMolecularFormulaSet |
DebugMonomer |
Debugging data class.
DebugPDBAtom |
Debugging data class.
DebugPDBMonomer |
Debugging data class.
DebugPDBPolymer |
Debugging data class.
DebugPDBStructure |
Debugging data class.
DebugPolymer |
Debugging data class.
DebugPseudoAtom |
Debugging data class.
DebugReaction |
Debugging data class.
DebugReactionScheme |
Debugging data class.
DebugReactionSet |
Debugging data class.
DebugRing |
Debugging data class.
DebugRingSet |
Debugging data class.
DebugSingleElectron |
Debugging data class.
DebugStrand |
Debugging data class.
DebugSubstance |
Debugging data class.
DeduceBondSystemTool |
DefaultBondMatcher |
DefaultChemObjectBuilder |
A factory class to provide implementation independent ICDKObject s.
DefaultChemObjectReader |
Abstract class that ChemObjectReader's can implement to have it
take care of basic stuff, like managing the ReaderListeners.
DefaultChemObjectReaderErrorHandler |
DefaultChemObjectWriter |
Abstract class that ChemObjectReader's can implement to have it
take care of basic stuff, like managing the ReaderListeners.
DefaultEventChemObjectReader |
Abstract class that IteratingChemObjectReader's can implement to have it
take care of basic stuff, like managing the ReaderListeners.
DefaultIteratingChemObjectReader<T extends IChemObject> |
Abstract class that IteratingChemObjectReader's can implement to have it
take care of basic stuff, like managing the ReaderListeners.
DefaultMatcher |
DefaultMCSPlusAtomMatcher |
DefaultRandomAccessChemObjectReader |
DefaultRGraphAtomMatcher |
DefaultVFAtomMatcher |
DefaultVFBondMatcher |
Depiction |
Base class of a pre-rendered depiction.
DepictionGenerator |
A high-level API for depicting molecules and reactions.
DescriptorEngine |
A class that provides access to automatic descriptor calculation and more.
DescriptorException |
Exception that is thrown by descriptor routines when a problem has occurred.
DescriptorSpecification |
Class that is used to distribute descriptor specifications.
DescriptorValue |
Class that is used to store descriptor values as IChemObject properties.
DfPattern |
The depth-first (DF) backtracking sub-structure matching algorithm so named
because it matches the molecule in a depth-first manner (bond by bond).
Dictionary |
Dictionary with entries.
DictionaryDatabase |
Database of dictionaries listing entries with compounds, fragments
and entities.
DictionaryHandler |
Class for unmarshalling a dictionary schema file.
DictionaryValidator |
Validates the existence of references to dictionaries.
DictRef |
Object that can be used as key in IChemObject.setProperty(key, value) to
denote that this property is a dictionary reference for this IChemObject.
DiscretePartitionRefiner |
A mechanism for refining partitions of graph-like objects.
DisjointSetForest |
Implementation of a union-find data structure, largely copied from
code due to Derrick Stolee.
DistanceMoment |
Fast similarity measure for 3D structures.
DistanceToAtomDescriptor |
This class returns the 3D distance between two atoms.
DMol3Format |
DOCK5Format |
DoubleArrayResult |
DoubleArrayResultType |
IDescriptorResult type for doubles.
DoubleBondAcceptingAromaticityDetector |
DoubleBondElementEncoderFactory |
Defines a stereo encoder factory for the hash code.
DoubleBondStereochemistry |
Stereochemistry specification for double bonds.
DoubleDifference |
DoubleResult |
DoubleResultType |
IDescriptorResult type for double.
DynamicFactory |
DynamicFactory.BasicCreator<T> |
A simple creator that helps in creating an anonymous classes for a
DynamicFactory.ConstructorKey |
A class which encapsulates the information about an interface (of this
implementation) and the parameter types of the constructor.
DynamicFactory.CreationModifier<T> |
An interface that allows posterior modification of an instance after it
has been created.
DynamicFactory.Creator<T> |
DynamicFactory.DefaultInterfaceProvider |
DynamicFactory.InterfaceProvider |
An interface that can provide which interfaces the given class
EccentricConnectivityIndexDescriptor |
A topological descriptor combining distance and adjacency information.
EdgeBuilder |
EffectiveAtomPolarizabilityDescriptor |
Effective polarizability of a heavy atom
Parameters for this descriptor:
no parameters
ElectronContainer |
Base class for entities containing electrons, like bonds, orbitals, lone-pairs.
ElectronContainer |
Base class for entities containing electrons, like bonds, orbitals, lone-pairs.
ElectronContainerDiff |
ElectronDonation |
Defines an electron donation model for perceiving aromatic systems.
Electronegativity |
Calculation of the electronegativity of orbitals of a molecule
by the method Gasteiger based on electronegativity is given by X = a + bq + c(q*q).
ElectronImpactNBEReaction |
IReactionProcess which make an electron impact for for Non-Bonding Electron Lost.
ElectronImpactPDBReaction |
IReactionProcess which make an electron impact for pi-Bond Dissociation.
ElectronImpactSDBReaction |
IReactionProcess which make an electron impact for Sigma Bond Dissociation.
Element |
Implements the idea of an element in the periodic table.
Element |
Implements the idea of an element in the periodic table.
ElementComparator |
Compares elements based on the order commonly used in
molecular formula.
ElementDiff |
ElementGroup |
A group of rendering elements, of any type.
ElementRule |
This class validate if the occurrence of the IElements in the IMolecularFormula
are into a limits.
Elements |
Enumeration of chemical elements.
EnsembleHashGenerator |
A hash function which generates a single 64-bit hash code for a set of
molecules (ensemble).
Entry |
Entry in a Dictionary.
EntryReact |
Entry in a Dictionary for reactions.
EnzymeResidueLocator |
Atom that represents part of an residue in an enzyme, like Arg255.
EquivalentClassPartitioner |
An algorithm for topological symmetry.
EssentialCycles |
Determine the uniquely defined essential cycles of a graph.
EStateAtomTypeMatcher |
Determines the EState atom types.
EStateFingerprinter |
This fingerprinter generates 79 bit fingerprints using the E-State
EStateFragments |
A class representing the 79 E-state atom types in terms of SMARTS.
EventCMLHandler |
CDO object needed as interface with the JCFL library for reading CML
in a event based manner.
EventCMLReader |
Reads a molecule in CML 1.x and 2.0 format.
ExactMapping |
ExhaustiveFragmenter |
Generate fragments exhaustively.
ExplicitConnectionAtom |
Deprecated. |
Expr |
An expression stores a predicate tree for checking properties of atoms
and bonds.
Expr.Type |
Types of expression, for use in the Expr tree object.
ExtAtomContainerManipulator |
ExtendedAtomGenerator |
A generator for atoms with mass, charge, etc.
ExtendedAtomGenerator.ShowAtomTypeNames |
Boolean that indicates if atom type names should be given instead
of element symbols.
ExtendedAtomGenerator.ShowImplicitHydrogens |
Boolean that indicates if implicit hydrogens should be depicted.
ExtendedCisTrans |
Extended Cis/Trans double bond configuration.
ExtendedFingerprinter |
Generates an extended fingerprint for a given IAtomContainer , that
extends the Fingerprinter with additional (25) bits describing ring
features and isotopic masses.
ExtendedTetrahedral |
Extended tetrahedral configuration.
FenskeHall_ZMatrixFormat |
FiguerasSSSRFinder |
FinalMappings |
Fingerprinter |
Generates a fingerprint for a given AtomContainer.
FingerprinterTool |
Tool with helper methods for IFingerprint.
FingerprintFormat |
FixBondOrdersTool |
FMFDescriptor |
An implementation of the FMF descriptor characterizing complexity of a molecule.
ForceFieldConfigurator |
Reads in a force field configuration file, set the atom types into a vector, and the data into a hashtable
Therefore, it uses the class MM2BasedParameterSetReader .
FormalChargeAtom |
Deprecated. |
FormatFactory |
A factory for recognizing chemical file formats.
FormatStringBuffer |
A class for formatting output similar to the C printf command.
FortranFormat |
Converts a String representation of a Fortran double to a double.
FourierGridBasis |
At this time this class does not work correcly.
FractionalCSP3Descriptor |
FractionalPSADescriptor |
Polar surface area expressed as a ratio to molecular size.
FragmentAtom |
Class to represent an IPseudoAtom which embeds an IAtomContainer.
FragmentAtom |
Class to represent an IPseudoAtom which embeds an IAtomContainer.
FragmentComplexityDescriptor |
Class that returns the complexity of a system.
FragmentUtils |
Helper methods for fragmentation algorithms.
FunctionalGroupsFinder |
Finds and extracts a molecule's functional groups in a purely rule-based
manner (it is not a classical functional group identification functionality
based on substructure matching!).
GamessFormat |
GamessReader |
A reader for GAMESS log file.
GasteigerMarsiliPartialCharges |
GasteigerPEPEPartialCharges |
The calculation of the Gasteiger (PEPE) partial charges is based on
[Saller, H., Quantitative Emperische Modelle fur Elektronische Effekte in Pi-Systemen und fur die Chemische Reaktivitat, 1985, ?Institute?].
Gaussian03Format |
Gaussian03Reader |
A reader for Gaussian03 output.
Gaussian90Format |
Gaussian92Format |
Gaussian94Format |
Gaussian95Format |
Gaussian98Format |
Gaussian98Reader |
A reader for Gaussian98 output.
GaussianInputFormat |
GaussianInputWriter |
File writer thats generates input files for Gaussian calculation
GaussiansBasis |
This class contains the information to use gauss function as a base
for calculation of quantum mechanics.
GeneralPath |
A path of rendering elements from the elements.path package.
GenerateCompatibilityGraph |
GeometricCumulativeDoubleBondFactory |
Stereo encoder factory for 2D and 3D cumulative double bonds.
GeometricDoubleBondEncoderFactory |
A stereo encoder factory encoding double bond configurations by 2D and 3D
GeometricTetrahedralEncoderFactory |
A stereo encoder factory for tetrahedral centres.
Geometry3DValidator |
Validates the 3D geometry of the model.
GeometryTools |
GeometryTools.CoordinateCoverage |
Provides the coverage of coordinates for this molecule.
GeometryUtil |
A set of static utility classes for geometric calculations and operations.
GeometryUtil.CoordinateCoverage |
Provides the coverage of coordinates for this molecule.
GhemicalMMFormat |
GhemicalMMReader |
GhemicalSPMFormat |
GIMatrix |
This class is intended to provide the user an efficient way of implementing matrix of double number and
using normal operations (linear operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication, inversion, concatenation)
on them.
GraphOnlyFingerprinter |
Specialized version of the Fingerprinter which does not take bond orders
into account.
GraphRendererModel |
This class handles a set of function for the GraphRenderer
GraphUtil |
Collection of static utilities for manipulating adjacency list
representations stored as a int[][].
GraphUtil.EdgeToBondMap |
Utility for storing IBond s indexed by vertex end points.
GravitationalIndexDescriptor |
IDescriptor characterizing the mass distribution of the molecule.
GridGenerator |
Generates a grid of points in 3D space within given boundaries.
GROMOS96Format |
HanserRingFinder |
HashGeneratorMaker |
Fluent API for creating hash generators.
HBondAcceptorCountDescriptor |
This descriptor calculates the number of hydrogen bond acceptors using a slightly simplified version of the
PHACIR atom types.
HBondDonorCountDescriptor |
This descriptor calculates the number of hydrogen bond donors using a slightly simplified version of the
PHACIR atom types.
HeterolyticCleavageMechanism |
This mechanism displaces the chemical bond to an Atom.
HeterolyticCleavagePBReaction |
IReactionProcess which a bond is broken displacing the electron to one of the
HeterolyticCleavageSBReaction |
IReactionProcess which a bond is broken displacing the electron to one of the
HighlightGenerator |
Generate an under/overlaid highlight in structure depictions.
HighlightGenerator.HighlightPalette |
Defines the color palette used to provide the highlight colors.
HighlightGenerator.HighlightRadius |
Magic number with unknown units that defines the radius around an atom,
HighlightGenerator.Palette |
Defines a color palette, the palette should provide a color the specified
identifier (id).
HINFormat |
HINReader |
Reads an object from HIN formated input.
HINWriter |
Writer that outputs in the HIN format.
HomolyticCleavageMechanism |
This mechanism breaks the chemical bond between atoms.
HomolyticCleavageReaction |
IReactionProcess which breaks the bond homogeneously leading to radical ions.
HOSECodeAnalyser |
Analyses a molecular formula given in String format and builds
an AtomContainer with the Atoms in the molecular formula.
HOSECodeGenerator |
HuLuIndexTool |
HybridizationFingerprinter |
HybridizationNumberAtom |
Deprecated. |
HybridizationRatioDescriptor |
HydrogenAtom |
Deprecated. |
HydrogenPlacer |
This is a wrapper class for some existing methods in AtomPlacer.
HyperconjugationReaction |
HyperconjugationReaction is the stabilizing interaction that results
from the interaction of the electrons in a s-bond (for our case only C-H)
with an adjacent empty (or partially filled) p-orbital.
IAdductFormula |
Class defining an adduct object in a MolecularFormula.
IAminoAcid |
A AminoAcid is Monomer which stores additional amino acid specific
informations, like the N-terminus atom.
IAtom |
Represents the idea of an chemical atom.
IAtomColorer |
Interface to a class for coloring atoms.
IAtomContainer |
Base class for all chemical objects that maintain a list of Atoms and
IAtomContainerSet |
A set of AtomContainers.
IAtomicDescriptor |
Classes that implement this interface are QSAR descriptor calculators.
IAtomPairDescriptor |
Classes that implement this interface are QSAR descriptor calculators.
IAtomType |
The base class for atom types.
IAtomType.Hybridization |
An enum for the different hybridization states.
IAtomTypeConfigurator |
Interface that allows reading atom type configuration data from some
IAtomTypeGuesser |
Classes that implement this interface are atom type guessers.
IAtomTypeMatcher |
Classes that implement this interface are atom type matchers.
IBasis |
A basis set must implement this class.
IBioPolymer |
A BioPolymer is a subclass of a Polymer which is supposed to store
additional informations about the Polymer which are connected to BioPolymers.
IBitFingerprint |
Interface for bit fingerprint representations.
IBond |
Implements the concept of a covalent bond between two or more atoms.
IBond.Display |
Bond display style, controlling how bonds appear in a 2D depiction.
IBond.Order |
A list of permissible bond orders.
IBond.Stereo |
Enumeration of possible stereo types of two-atom bonds.
IBondDescriptor |
Classes that implement this interface are QSAR descriptor calculators.
ICanonicalMoleculeLabeller |
ICanonicalReactionLabeller |
ICDKChangeListener |
A ChangeListener for the CDK, to be independent from the Swing package.
ICDKObject |
The base class for all data objects in this CDK.
ICDKSelectionChangeListener |
A ChangeListener for the CDK, to be independent from the Swing package.
IChargeCalculator |
Interface for classes that calculate (partial) charges centered
on atom nuclei.
IChemFile |
IChemFormat |
This class is the interface that all ChemFormat's should implement.
IChemFormatMatcher |
This interface is used for classes that are able to match a certain
chemical file format.
IChemFormatMatcher.MatchResult |
Simple class holds whether a format matcher matched, when it matched and
what the format was.
IChemModel |
An object containing multiple MoleculeSet and
the other lower level concepts like rings, sequences,
fragments, etc.
IChemObject |
The base class for all chemical objects in this cdk.
IChemObjectBuilder |
A helper class to instantiate a ICDKObject instance for a specific
IChemObjectChangeEvent |
Event fired by CDK IChemObject classes to their registered listeners
in case something changed within them.
IChemObjectIO |
This class is the interface that all IO readers should implement.
IChemObjectIOListener |
Allows monitoring of progress of file reader activities.
IChemObjectListener |
Classes implementing this interface must implement this method
such that they react appropriately to changes in the object they
are interested in.
IChemObjectReader |
This interface specifies the common functionality all IO readers should provide.
IChemObjectReader.Mode |
IChemObjectReaderErrorHandler |
IChemObjectSelection |
IChemObjectWriter |
This class is the interface that all IO writers should implement.
IChemSequence |
A sequence of ChemModels, which can, for example, be used to
store the course of a reaction.
ICMLConvention |
This interface describes the procedures classes must implement to be plugable
into the CMLHandler.
ICMLCustomizer |
Interface for classes that allow the Convertor to be customized for certain
ICMLModule |
This interface describes the procedures classes must implement to be plugable
into the CMLHandler.
ICountFingerprint |
Interface for count fingerprint representations.
ICrystal |
Class representing a molecular crystal.
IDCreator |
Class that provides methods to give unique IDs to ChemObjects.
IDeduceBondOrderTool |
A common interface for tools that deduce bond orders from connectivity
and optionally additional information, like number of implicit or
explicit hydrogens, or hybridization states.
IDescriptor |
Classes that implement this interface are QSAR descriptor calculators.
IDescriptorResult |
Object that provides access to the calculated descriptor value.
IDifference |
Object that describes the difference between two Object s.
IDifferenceList |
IDoubleBondStereochemistry |
Stereochemistry specification for double bond stereochemistry.
IDoubleBondStereochemistry.Conformation |
Enumeration that defines the two possible values for this stereochemistry type.
IDrawVisitor |
IEdge |
IElectronContainer |
Base class for entities containing electrons, like bonds, orbitals, lone-pairs.
IElectronicPropertyCalculator |
Interface for classes that calculate (partial) charges centered
on atom nuclei.
IElement |
Implements the idea of an element in the periodic table.
IEventChemObjectReader |
Interface for an iterating molecule reader.
IFinalMapping |
IFingerprinter |
Interface for fingerprint calculators.
IFontManager |
An interface for managing the drawing of fonts at different zoom levels.
IFontManager.FontStyle |
Style of the font to use to draw text.
IFragmentAtom |
Class to represent an IPseudoAtom which embeds an IAtomContainer.
IFragmenter |
An interface for classes implementing fragmentation algorithms.
IFunction |
A class, which has a function value should implement this interface.
IGenerator<T extends IChemObject> |
IGeneratorParameter<T> |
Parameter from some rendering of the 2D diagram.
IGraphMatrix |
Interface describing a molecular graph matrix calculator.
IImplementationSpecification |
Interface that is used to describe the specification of a certain
implementation of an algorithm.
IIsotope |
Used to store and retrieve data of a particular isotope.
IIteratingChemObjectReader<T extends IChemObject> |
Interface for an iterating molecule reader.
ILigand |
Concept of a ligand in CIP terms, reflecting a side chain of a central atom that can
have precedence over another.
ILoggingTool |
Useful for logging messages.
ILonePair |
A LonePair is an orbital primarily located with one Atom, containing
two electrons.
IMapper |
IMapping |
Represents a mapping of two atoms.
IMatrix |
This class contains a complex matrix.
IMCSBase |
IMolecularDescriptor |
Classes that implement this interface are QSAR descriptor calculators
for IAtomContainer objects.
IMolecularFormula |
Class defining a molecular formula object.
IMolecularFormulaSet |
Class defining a molecular formula object.
IMonomer |
A Monomer is an AtomContainer which stores additional monomer specific
informations for a group of Atoms.
IMouseEventRelay |
Widget toolkit-independent interface to relay for mouse events.
ImplicitHCountAtom |
Deprecated. |
ImplicitHydrogenLigand |
Subclass of Ligand to which no further recursion must be applied.
This class provides backwards compatibility of JNA-INCHI with JNI-INCHI,
this enum was exposed in the CDK API.
This class provides backwards compatibility of JNA-INCHI with JNI-INCHI,
this enum was exposed in the CDK API.
INChIContentProcessorTool |
Deprecated. |
INChIFormat |
InChIGenerator |
This class generates the IUPAC International Chemical Identifier (InChI) for
a CDK IAtomContainer.
InChIGeneratorFactory |
INChIHandler |
Deprecated. |
InChINumbersTools |
Tool for calculating atom numbers using the InChI algorithm.
INChIPlainTextFormat |
INChIPlainTextReader |
Reads the content of a IUPAC/NIST Chemical Identifier (INChI) plain text
INChIReader |
Reads the content of a IUPAC/NIST Chemical Identifier (INChI) document.
InChITautomerGenerator |
Creates tautomers for a given input molecule, based on the mobile H atoms listed in the InChI.
InChIToStructure |
This class generates a CDK IAtomContainer from an InChI string.
IncorrectUseOfCDKCoreClassError |
Error that is thrown by debug implementations of the core CDK classes.
IndexOutOfBoundsException |
InductiveAtomicHardnessDescriptor |
Inductive atomic hardness of an atom in a polyatomic system can be defined
as the "resistance" to a change of the atomic charge.
InductiveAtomicSoftnessDescriptor |
Inductive atomic softness of an atom in a polyatomic system can be defined
as charge delocalizing ability.
InductivePartialCharges |
INode |
IntArrayCountFingerprint |
IntArrayFingerprint |
IntegerArrayResult |
IntegerArrayResultType |
IDescriptorResult type for integers.
IntegerDifference |
IntegerIOSetting |
An class for a reader setting which must be of type String.
IntegerResult |
Object that provides access to the calculated descriptor value.
IntegerResultType |
IDescriptorResult type for integer.
Intractable |
Indicates a computation did not complete within some predefined bound.
InvalidSmilesException |
Exception thrown when an error is occurred during SMILES parsing.
Invariant |
Marker interface for invariants.
InverseSymbolSetQueryAtom |
Deprecated. |
InvPair |
This is used to hold the invariance numbers for the canonical labeling of
IAtomContainer s.
IonizationPotentialTool |
IOSetting |
An interface for reader settings.
IOSetting.Importance |
IParameterReact |
Interface for classes that generate parameters used in reactions.
IPAtomicHOSEDescriptor |
This class returns the ionization potential of an atom containing lone
pair electrons.
IPAtomicLearningDescriptor |
Deprecated. |
IPBondLearningDescriptor |
Deprecated. |
IPDBAtom |
A PDBAtom is a subclass of a Atom which is supposed to store additional informations about the Atom.
IPDBMonomer |
Represents the idea of an protein monomer as found in PDB files.
IPDBPolymer |
A PDBPolymer is a subclass of a BioPolymer which is supposed to store
additional informations about the BioPolymer which are connected to BioPolymers.
IPDBStructure |
Represents the idea of an chemical structure.
IPMolecularLearningDescriptor |
Deprecated. |
IPolymer |
Subclass of Molecule to store Polymer specific attributes that a Polymer has.
IPseudoAtom |
Represents the idea of a non-chemical atom-like entity, like Me,
R, X, Phe, His, etc.
IQuery |
IQueryAtom |
Defines the ability to be matched against IAtom 's.
IQueryAtomContainer |
General concept of a IAtomContainer aimed at doing molecular subgraph
queries using the UniversalIsomorphismTester.
IQueryBond |
Defines the ability to be matched against IBond's.
IQueryCompiler |
IRandomAccessChemObjectReader<T> |
IRDFWeightFunction |
Weight function used in the RDFCalculator .
IReaction |
Represents the idea of a chemical reaction.
IReaction.Direction |
Permissible reaction directions.
IReactionMechanism |
Classes that implement this interface are reaction mechanisms.
IReactionProcess |
Classes that implement this interface are Reactions types.
IReactionScheme |
Classes that implement this interface of a scheme.
IReactionSet |
A set of reactions, for example those taking part in a reaction.
IReaderListener |
Allows monitoring of progress of file reader activities.
IRenderer<T extends IChemObject> |
Interface that all 2D renderers implement.
IRenderingElement |
Widget toolkit-independent, abstract definition of something to be drawn.
IRenderingVisitor |
An IRenderingVisitor is responsible of converting an abstract
chemical drawing into a widget set specific drawing.
IResourceFormat |
This class is the interface that all ResourceFormat's should implement.
IRGroup |
Represents a single substitute structure in an IRGroupList .
IRGroupList |
Represents a list of Rgroup substitutes to be associated with some key in an
IRGroupQuery .
IRGroupQuery |
Interface definition for Rgroup query classes.
IRing |
Class representing a ring structure in a molecule.
IRingSet |
Maintains a set of Ring objects.
IRule |
Interface which groups all method that validate a IMolecularFormula.
ISequenceSubRule<ILigand> |
ISetting |
A simple setting that can be managed by the SettingManager.
ISimpleChemObjectReader |
This class is the interface that all IO readers should implement.
ISingleElectron |
A Single Electron is an orbital which is occupied by only one electron.
IsoAlkanes |
This class contains methods for generating simple organic alkanes.
Isomorphism |
IsomorphismTester |
A too simplistic implementation of an isomorphism test for chemical graphs.
Isotope |
Used to store and retrieve data of a particular isotope.
Isotope |
Used to store and retrieve data of a particular isotope.
IsotopeContainer |
This class defines a isotope container.
IsotopeDiff |
IsotopeFactory |
Used to store and return data of a particular isotope.
IsotopeHandler |
Reads an isotope list in CML2 format.
IsotopePattern |
This class defines the properties of a deisotoped
pattern distribution.
IsotopePatternGenerator |
Generates all Combinatorial chemical isotopes given a structure.
IsotopePatternManipulator |
Class to manipulate IsotopePattern objects.
IsotopePatternRule |
This class validate if the Isotope Pattern from a given IMolecularFormula
correspond with other to compare.
IsotopePatternSimilarity |
This class gives a score hit of similarity between two different
isotope abundance pattern.
IsotopeReader |
Reader that instantiates an XML parser and customized handler to process
the isotope information in the CML2 isotope data file.
Isotopes |
List of isotopes.
IsProtonInAromaticSystemDescriptor |
This descriptor returns 1 if the protons is directly bonded to an aromatic system,
it returns 2 if the distance between aromatic system and proton is 2 bonds,
and it return 0 for other positions.
IsProtonInConjugatedPiSystemDescriptor |
This class evaluates if a proton is joined to a conjugated system.
IState |
IStereoElement<F extends IChemObject,C extends IChemObject> |
Representation of stereochemical configuration.
IStrand |
A Strand is an AtomContainer which stores additional strand specific
informations for a group of Atoms.
IStructureGenerationListener |
ISubstance |
A chemical substance that consists of one or more chemical structures.
ISubstanceDescriptor |
Classes that implement this interface are QSAR substance calculators.
IteratingMDLConformerReader |
Iterate over conformers of a collection of molecules stored in SDF format.
IteratingPCCompoundASNReader |
Iterating PubChem PCCompound ASN reader.
IteratingPCCompoundXMLReader |
Iterating PubChem PCCompound ASN.1 XML reader.
IteratingPCSubstancesXMLReader |
Iterating PubChem PC-Substances ASN.1 XML reader.
IteratingSDFReader |
Iterating MDL SDF reader.
IteratingSMILESReader |
Iterating SMILES file reader.
ITetrahedralChirality |
Stereochemistry specification for quadrivalent atoms.
ITetrahedralChirality.Stereo |
Enumeration that defines the two possible chiralities for this stereochemistry type.
IValencyChecker |
A common interface for SaturationChecker and ValencyChecker.
IValidator |
Interface that Validators need to implement to be used in validation.
IVector |
IViewEventRelay |
IWriterListener |
Allows monitoring of progress of writing activities.
JaguarFormat |
JJTSMARTSParserState |
JMEFormat |
JmolColors |
Default Jmol colors.
JPlogPDescriptor |
A logP model donated by Lhasa Limited.
KabschAlignment |
Aligns two structures to minimize the RMSD using the Kabsch algorithm.
KappaShapeIndicesDescriptor |
Kier and Hall kappa molecular shape indices compare the molecular graph with minimal and maximal molecular graphs;
a description is given at: :
"they are intended to capture different aspects of molecular shape.
Kekulization |
Assign a Kekulé representation to the aromatic systems of a compound.
KierHallSmartsDescriptor |
A fragment count descriptor that uses e-state fragments.
KlekotaRothFingerprinter |
LabelContainer |
LargestChainDescriptor |
Class that returns the number of atoms in the largest chain.
LargestPiSystemDescriptor |
Class that returns the number of atoms in the largest pi system.
LengthOverBreadthDescriptor |
Evaluates length over breadth descriptors.
Ligand |
Concept of a ligand in CIP terms, reflecting a side chain of a central atom that can
have precedence over another.
LineElement |
A line between two points.
LineElement.LineType |
The type of the line.
LineTo |
A line element in the path.
LingoFingerprinter |
LingoSimilarity |
LoggingToolFactory |
LogicalOperatorAtom |
Deprecated. |
LogicalOperatorBond |
Deprecated. |
LonePair |
A LonePair is an orbital primarily located with one Atom, containing
two electrons.
LonePair |
A LonePair is an orbital primarily located with one Atom, containing
two electrons.
LonePairDiff |
LonePairElectronChecker |
Provides methods for checking whether an atoms lone pair electrons are saturated
with respect to a particular atom type.
LonePairGenerator |
Generate the symbols for lone pairs.
LongestAliphaticChainDescriptor |
Counts the number of atoms in the longest aliphatic chain.
MACCSFingerprinter |
This fingerprinter generates 166 bit MACCS keys.
MacroModelFormat |
Main |
MannholdLogPDescriptor |
Prediction of logP based on the number of carbon and hetero atoms.
Mapping |
A Mapping is an relation between two ChemObjects in a non-chemical
Mapping |
A Mapping is an relation between two ChemObjects in a non-chemical
MappingGenerator |
IGenerator that will show how atoms map between the reactant and
product side.
MappingGenerator.AtomAtomMappingLineColor |
The width on screen of an atom-atom mapping line.
MappingGenerator.MappingLineWidth |
The width on screen of an atom-atom mapping line.
MappingGenerator.ShowAtomAtomMapping |
Boolean by which atom-atom mapping depiction can be temporarily disabled.
Mappings |
A fluent interface for handling (sub)-graph mappings from a query to a target
MarkedElement |
A marked element adds meta-data (id and tags) to a CDK rendering
element (or group of elements).
MassAtom |
Deprecated. |
MassToFormulaTool |
Match |
Matching |
A matching is an independent edge set of a graph.
Matrix |
This class contains a matrix.
MatrixNotInvertibleException |
Maygen |
The main class of the MAYGEN package.
Maygen.Consumer |
McGregor |
McGregorChecks |
McgregorHelper |
MCSPlus |
MCSPlusHandler |
MDEDescriptor |
MDLFormat |
MDLMolConvention |
Implementation of the MDLMol Covention for CML.
MDLReader |
MDLRXNFormat |
MDLRXNReader |
MDLRXNV2000Format |
MDLRXNV2000Reader |
MDLRXNV3000Format |
MDLRXNV3000Reader |
Class that implements the new MDL mol format introduced in August 2002.
MDLRXNWriter |
Writes a reaction to a MDL rxn or SDF file.
MDLV2000Format |
MDLV2000Reader |
Reads content from MDL molfiles and SD files.
MDLV2000Writer |
Enumeration of all valid radical values.
MDLV3000Format |
MDLV3000Reader |
Class that implements the MDL mol V3000 format.
MDLV3000Writer |
Ctab V3000 format output.
MDMolecule |
MDMoleculeConvention |
Implements a Convention for parsing an MDMolecule from CML.
MDMoleculeCustomizer |
Customize persistence of MDMolecule by adding support for residues and charge groups.
MinimalPathIterator |
MinimumCycleBasis |
Compute the minimum cycle basis (MCB) of a graph.
MM2AtomTypeMatcher |
MM2BasedAtomTypePattern |
Class stores hose code patterns to identify mm2 force field atom types.
MM2BasedParameterSetReader |
AtomType list configurator that uses the ParameterSet originally
defined in mm2.prm from tinker.
MMElementRule |
This class validate if the occurrence of the IElements in the IMolecularFormula, for
metabolites, are into a maximal limit according paper: .
MMElementRule.Database |
A enumeration of the possible databases
according the rules.
MMElementRule.RangeMass |
A enumeration of the possible mass range
according the rules.
Mmff |
Facade to access Merck Molecular Force Field (MMFF) functions.
MMFF94AtomTypeMatcher |
MMFF94BasedAtomTypePattern |
MMFF94BasedParameterSetReader |
AtomType list configurator that uses the ParameterSet originally defined in
mmff94.prm from moe.
MMFF94ParametersCall |
Set the right atoms order to get the parameters.
MMFF94PartialCharges |
The calculation of the MMFF94 partial charges.
MMODFormat |
ModelBuilder3D |
The main class to generate the 3D coordinates of a molecule ModelBuilder3D.
Mol2Format |
Mol2Reader |
Reads a molecule from an Mol2 file, such as written by Sybyl.
Mol2Writer |
MolecularFormula |
Class defining a molecular formula object.
MolecularFormula |
Class defining a molecular formula object.
MolecularFormulaChecker |
Validate a molecular formula given in IMolecularformula object.
MolecularFormulaGenerator |
This class generates molecular formulas within given mass range and elemental
MolecularFormulaManipulator |
Class with convenience methods that provide methods to manipulate
IMolecularFormula 's.
MolecularFormulaRange |
Class defining a expanded molecular formula object.
MolecularFormulaRangeManipulator |
Class with convenience methods that provide methods to manipulate
MolecularFormulaSet |
Class defining an set object of MolecularFormulas.
MolecularFormulaSet |
Class defining an set object of MolecularFormulas.
MolecularFormulaSetManipulator |
Class with convenience methods that provide methods to manipulate
MoleculeBuilder |
Takes in parsed Tokens from NomParser and contains rules
to convert those tokens to a Molecule.
MoleculeFactory |
MoleculeFeaturesTool |
Utility that helps determine which data features are present.
MoleculeFromSignatureBuilder |
Builds a molecule from a signature.
MoleculeGraphs |
Deprecated. |
MoleculeHashGenerator |
A hash function which generates a single 64-bit hash code for a molecule.
MoleculeSanityCheck |
MoleculeSetManipulator |
MoleculeSetRenderer |
MoleculeSignature |
MoleculeSignatureLabellingAdaptor |
MolHandler |
MomentOfInertiaDescriptor |
A descriptor that calculates the moment of inertia and radius of gyration.
Monomer |
A Monomer is an AtomContainer which stores additional monomer specific
informations for a group of Atoms.
Monomer |
A Monomer is an AtomContainer which stores additional monomer specific
informations for a group of Atoms.
MOPAC2002Format |
MOPAC2007Format |
MOPAC2009Format |
MOPAC2012Format |
MOPAC7Format |
MOPAC7InputFormat |
Mopac7Reader |
Reads MOPAC output, extracts several electronic parameters and assigns them as a molecule
Mopac7Writer |
Prepares input file for running MOPAC.
MOPAC93Format |
MOPAC97Format |
MorganNumbersTools |
MoSSOutputFormat |
MoSSOutputReader |
Reader for MoSS output files [Unknown BibTeXML type: BOR2002] which present the results
of a substructure mining study.
MoveTo |
A MoveTo path element moves the drawing 'pen' without making any lines or
curves and is commonly used to start a path or make gaps in the path.
MPQCFormat |
MurckoFragmenter |
NeighborList |
Creates a list of atoms neighboring each atom in the molecule.
NitrogenRule |
This class validate if the rule of nitrogen is kept.
Node |
Deprecated. |
NodeBuilder |
NomParser |
NomParserConstants |
Token literal values and constants.
NomParserTokenManager |
Token Manager.
NonCHHeavyAtom |
Deprecated. |
Normalizer |
NoSuchAtomException |
Exception that is thrown when an Atom is requested or required that
does not exist in the relevant environment.
NoSuchAtomTypeException |
Exception that may be thrown when an atom type is looked up or perceived
but no such atom type was found.
NoSuchBondException |
Exception that is thrown when a Bond is requested or required that
does not exist in the relevant environment.
NumericalSurface |
A class representing the solvent accessible surface area surface of a molecule.
NWChemFormat |
Octahedral |
Represents an octahedral configuration of an atom six neighbors.
OneElectronJob |
Calculates the orbitals and orbital energies of electron systems
without electron electron interactions
OptionIOSetting |
An class for a reader setting which must be found in the list
of possible settings.
Orbit |
A list of atom indices, and the label of the orbit.
Orbitals |
This class represents a set of orbitals
OrderQueryBond |
Deprecated. |
OrderQueryBond |
Deprecated. |
OrderQueryBondOrderOnly |
OvalElement |
An oval element (should) have both a width and a height.
OverlapResolver |
OWLAtomTypeHandler |
OWLAtomTypeMappingHandler |
OWLAtomTypeMappingReader |
OWLAtomTypeReader |
OWLBasedAtomTypeConfigurator |
AtomType resource that reads the atom type configuration from an OWL file.
OWLFile |
Dictionary with entries build from an OWL file.
OWLReact |
Dictionary with entries build from an OWL React.
OxygenAtomCountDescriptor |
Descriptor that returns the number of oxygens in the chemical
ParameterReact |
Class which defines the allowed parameters of a reaction.
ParseException |
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
ParseException |
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
PartialAtomicChargeColors |
Class defining the color which with atoms are colored.
PartialFilledStructureMerger |
Randomly generates a single, connected, correctly bonded structure from
a number of fragments.
PartialPiChargeDescriptor |
The calculation of pi partial charges in pi-bonded systems of an heavy
atom was made by Saller-Gasteiger.
PartialSigmaChargeDescriptor |
The calculation of sigma partial charges in sigma-bonded systems of an heavy atom
was made by Marsilli-Gasteiger.
PartialTChargeMMFF94Descriptor |
The calculation of total partial charges of an heavy atom is based on MMFF94
PartialTChargePEOEDescriptor |
The calculation of total partial charges of an heavy atom is based on
Partial Equalization of Electronegativity method (PEOE-PEPE) from Gasteiger.
Partition |
A partition of a set of integers, such as the discrete partition {{1}, {2},
{3}, {4}} or the unit partition {{1, 2, 3, 4}} or an intermediate like {{1,
2}, {3, 4}}.
PartitionRefinement |
Factory for partition refiners.
PartitionRefinement.AtomRefinerBuilder |
PartitionRefinement.BondRefinerBuilder |
PathBuilder |
Builder class for paths.
PathEdge |
PathElement |
A path element.
PathElement |
A path composed of points.
PathGraph |
PathTools |
Tools class with methods for handling molecular graphs.
Pattern |
A structural pattern for finding an exact matching in a target compound.
PCCompoundASNReader |
Reads an object from ASN formated input for PubChem Compound entries.
PCCompoundXMLReader |
Reads an object from ASN.1 XML formated input for PubChem Compound entries.
PCModelFormat |
PCSubstanceXMLReader |
Reads an object from ASN formated input for PubChem Compound entries.
PDBAtom |
Represents the idea of an atom as used in PDB files.
PDBAtom |
Represents the idea of an atom as used in PDB files.
PDBAtomCustomizer |
PDBConvention |
Implements the PDB convention used by PDB2CML.
PDBFormat |
PDBMLFormat |
XML version of the PDB format.
PDBMonomer |
Represents the idea of an monomer as used in PDB files.
PDBMonomer |
Represents the idea of an monomer as used in PDB files.
PDBPolymer |
An entry in the PDB database.
PDBPolymer |
An entry in the PDB database.
PDBReader |
Reads the contents of a PDBFile.
PDBStrand |
An entry in the PDB database.
PDBStructure |
Holder for secundary protein structure elements.
PDBStructure |
Holder for secundary protein structure elements.
PDBWriter |
Saves small molecules in a rudimentary PDB format.
PeriodicGroupNumberAtom |
Deprecated. |
PeriodicTable |
Represents elements of the Periodic Table.
PeriodicTablePositionDescriptor |
This class returns the period in the periodic table of an atom belonging to an atom container
Parameters for this descriptor:
no parameters
Permutation |
A permutation with some associated methods to multiply, invert, and convert
to cycle strings.
PermutationGroup |
A permutation group with a Schreier-Sims representation.
PermutationGroup.Backtracker |
An interface for use with the apply method, which runs through all the
permutations in this group.
Permutor |
General permutation generator, that uses orderly generation by ranking and
Permutor |
PetitjeanNumberDescriptor |
According to the Petitjean definition, the eccentricity of a vertex corresponds to
the distance from that vertex to the most remote vertex in the graph.
PetitjeanShapeIndexDescriptor |
PharmacophoreAngleBond |
Represents an angle relationship between three pharmacophore groups.
PharmacophoreAtom |
A representation of a pharmacophore group.
PharmacophoreBond |
Represents a distance relationship between two pharmacophore groups.
PharmacophoreMatcher |
Identifies atoms whose 3D arrangement matches a specified pharmacophore query.
PharmacophoreQuery |
Represents a colleciton of pharmacophore groups and constraints.
PharmacophoreQueryAngleBond |
Represents a pharmacophore query angle constraint.
PharmacophoreQueryAtom |
Represents a query pharmacophore group.
PharmacophoreQueryBond |
Represents a pharmacophore query distance constraint.
PharmacophoreUtils |
Provides some utility methods for pharmacophore handling.
PhysicalConstants |
An class providing predefined properties of physical constants.
PiBondingMovementReaction |
IReactionProcess which tries to reproduce the delocalization of electrons
which are unsaturated bonds from conjugated rings.
PiContactDetectionDescriptor |
This class checks if two atoms have pi-contact (this is true when there is
one and the same conjugated pi-system which contains both atoms, or directly
linked neighbours of the atoms).
PiElectronegativity |
Calculation of the electronegativity of orbitals of a molecule
by the method Gasteiger based on electronegativity is given by X = a + bq + c(q*q).
PiElectronegativityDescriptor |
Pi electronegativity is given by X = a + bq + c(q*q)
Parameters for this descriptor:
Number of maximum iterations
PMPConvention |
Implementation of the PMPMol Covention for CML.
PMPFormat |
PMPReader |
Reads an frames from a PMP formated input.
Point |
Point2dDifference |
Difference between two boolean[]'s.
Point3dDifference |
Difference between two boolean[]'s.
Polarizability |
Calculation of the polarizability of a molecule by the method of Kang and
Jhon and Gasteiger based on [ Kang, Y.K. and Jhon, M.S.. Theoretica Chimica Acta. 1982. 61] and [ Gasteiger, J. and Hutchings, M.G.. J. Amer. Chem. Soc.. 1984. 106]
Limitations in parameterization of atoms:
H, Csp3, Csp2, Csp2arom, Csp3, Nsp3, Nsp2, Nsp3,
P, Osp3 and Osp2.
Polymer |
Subclass of Molecule to store Polymer specific attributes that a Polymer has.
Polymer |
Subclass of Molecule to store Polymer specific attributes that a Polymer has.
PostFilter |
POVRayFormat |
PQSChemFormat |
Primes |
Deprecated. |
ProblemMarker |
Tool to mark IChemObject's as having a problem.
ProductsBoxGenerator |
Generate the symbols for radicals.
Projection |
Stereochemistry projection types.
Projector |
Tool to make projections from 3D to 2D.
PropertiesListener |
Answers the questions by looking up the values in a Properties
ProteinBuilderTool |
Class that facilitates building protein structures.
ProteinPocketFinder |
ProtonAffinityHOSEDescriptor |
This class returns the proton affinity of an atom containing.
ProtonTotalPartialChargeDescriptor |
The calculation of partial charges of an heavy atom and its protons is based on Gasteiger Marsili (PEOE).
PseudoAtom |
Represents the idea of a non-chemical atom-like entity, like Me,
R, X, Phe, His, etc.
PseudoAtom |
Represents the idea of a non-chemical atom-like entity, like Me,
R, X, Phe, His, etc.
PubChemASNFormat |
PubChemCompoundsXMLFormat |
PubChemCompoundXMLFormat |
PubchemFingerprinter |
Generates a Pubchem fingerprint for a molecule.
PubChemFormat |
PubChemSubstancesASNFormat |
PubChemSubstancesXMLFormat |
PubChemSubstanceXMLFormat |
PubChemXMLHelper |
Helper class to parse PubChem XML documents.
QChemFormat |
QSARConvention |
This is an implementation for the CDK convention.
QSARCustomizer |
Customizer for the libio-cml Convertor to be able to export details for
QSAR descriptors calculated for Molecules.
QuadTo |
Make a quadratic curve in the path.
Quaternion |
This class handles quaternions.
QueryAtom |
QueryAtomContainer |
QueryAtomContainerCreator |
Utilities for creating queries from 'real' molecules.
QueryBond |
Implements the concept of a "query bond" between two or more atoms.
QueryChemObject |
QueryCompiler |
QueryProcessor |
Queue |
RadicalChargeSiteInitiationHReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate mass spectrum process.
RadicalChargeSiteInitiationReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate mass spectrum process.
RadicalGenerator |
Generate the symbols for radicals.
RadicalSiteHrAlphaReaction |
This reaction could be represented as [A*]-(C)_2-C3[H] => A([H])-(C_2)-[C3*].
RadicalSiteHrBetaReaction |
This reaction could be represented as [A*]-(C)_3-C4[H] => A([H])-(C_3)-[C4*].
RadicalSiteHrDeltaReaction |
This reaction could be represented as [A*]-(C)_4-C5[H] => A([H])-(C_4)-[C5*].
RadicalSiteHrGammaReaction |
This reaction could be represented as [A*]-C1-C2-C3[H] => A([H])-C1-C2-[C3*].
RadicalSiteInitiationHReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate mass spectrum process.
RadicalSiteInitiationReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate mass spectrum process.
RadicalSiteIonizationMechanism |
This mechanism extracts an atom because of the stabilization of a radical.
RadicalSiteRearrangementMechanism |
This mechanism displaces an Atom or substructure (R) from one position to an other.
RadicalSiteRrAlphaReaction |
This reaction could be represented as [A*]-(C)_2-C3[R] => A([RH])-(C_2)-[C3*].
RadicalSiteRrBetaReaction |
This reaction could be represented as [A*]-(C)_3-C4[R] => A([R])-(C_3)-[C4*].
RadicalSiteRrDeltaReaction |
This reaction could be represented as [A*]-(C)_5-C6[R] => A([R])-(C_5)-[C6*].
RadicalSiteRrGammaReaction |
This reaction could be represented as [A*]-(C)_4-C5[R] => A([R])-(C_4)-[C5*].
RandomAccessReader |
Random access to text files of compounds.
RandomAccessSDFReader |
Random access of SDF file.
RandomGenerator |
RandomGenerator is a generator of constitutional isomers.
RandomNumbersTool |
Class supplying useful methods to generate random numbers.
RasmolColors |
RawCopyFormat |
RDBERule |
Ring Double Bond Equivalents (RDBE) or
Double Bond Equivalents (DBE) are calculated from valence values of
elements contained in a formula and should tell the number of bonds - or rings.
RDFCalculator |
Calculator of radial distribution functions.
RdfileReader |
Iterating reader for RDFiles.
RdfileRecord |
The RdfileRecord class represents a single record of an RD file.
RDFProtonDescriptor_G3R |
RDFProtonDescriptor_GDR |
RDFProtonDescriptor_GHR |
RDFProtonDescriptor_GHR_topol |
RDFProtonDescriptor_GSR |
ReactantsBoxGenerator |
Generate the symbols for radicals.
Reaction |
Represents the idea of a chemical reaction.
Reaction |
Represents the idea of a chemical reaction.
ReactionArrowGenerator |
Generate the arrow for a reaction.
ReactionBoxGenerator |
Generate the symbols for radicals.
ReactionChain |
Classes that extends the definition of reaction to a chain reaction.
ReactionEngine |
The base class for all chemical reactions objects in this cdk.
ReactionManipulator |
Provides a variety of methods to manipulate and convert from/to IReaction .
ReactionPlusGenerator |
Generate the arrow for a reaction.
ReactionRenderer |
ReactionRole |
ReactionRoleQueryAtom |
Deprecated. |
ReactionSceneGenerator |
Generator for general reaction scene components.
ReactionSceneGenerator.ArrowHeadWidth |
Double which indicates how wide the arrow head is in screen pixels.
ReactionSceneGenerator.ShowReactionBoxes |
Boolean that indicates if boxes are drawn around the reaction.
ReactionScheme |
Classes that extends the definition of reaction to a scheme.
ReactionScheme |
Classes that extends the definition of reaction to a scheme.
ReactionSchemeManipulator |
ReactionSet |
A set of reactions, for example those taking part in a reaction.
ReactionSet |
A set of reactions, for example those taking part in a reaction.
ReactionSetManipulator |
ReactionSetRenderer |
ReactionSpecification |
Class that is used to distribute reactions specifications.
ReaderEvent |
Signals that something has happened in a file reader.
ReaderFactory |
A factory for creating ChemObjectReaders.
RearrangementAnionReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate in movement resonance.
RearrangementCationReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate in movement resonance.
RearrangementChargeMechanism |
This mechanism displaces the charge(radical, charge + or charge -) because of
a double bond which is associated.
RearrangementLonePairReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate in movement resonance.
RearrangementRadicalReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate in movement resonance.
RebondTool |
Provides tools to rebond a molecule from 3D coordinates only.
RectangleElement |
A rectangle, with width and height.
RecursiveSmartsAtom |
Deprecated. |
Refinable |
Implementors are graph-like objects that are refinable by the
equitable and discrete partition refiners.
RelevantCycles |
Compute the relevant cycles (CR) of a graph.
RemovingSEofBMechanism |
This mechanism extracts a single electron from a bonding orbital which located in
an bond.
RemovingSEofNBMechanism |
This mechanism extracts a single electron from a non-bonding orbital which located in
a ILonePair container.
RendererModel |
Model for IRenderer that contains settings for drawing objects.
RendererModel.ColorHash |
The color hash is used to color substructures.
RendererModel.ExternalHighlightColor |
The color used to highlight external selections.
RendererModel.MarkedOutput |
If format supports it (e.g.
RendererModel.Padding |
Padding between molecules in a grid or row.
RendererModel.SelectionColor |
Color of a selection.
RendererModel.TitleColor |
Color of title text.
RendererModel.TitleFontScale |
Size of title font relative compared to atom symbols
Residue |
A residue is a named, numbered collection of atoms in an MDMolecule.
RGraph |
This class implements the Resolution Graph (RGraph).
RGroup |
Represents a single substitute structure in an RGroupList .
RGroupList |
Represents a list of Rgroup substitutes to be associated with some
RGroupQuery .
RGroupQuery |
Represents information contained in a Symyx RGfile (R-group query file).
It contains a root structure (the scaffold if you like), a map with
R-group definitions (each of which can contain multiple substitutes) and
a map with attachment points.
RGroupQueryFormat |
Format for Symyx RGfiles (Rgroup query files).
RGroupQueryReader |
A reader for Symyx' Rgroup files (RGFiles).
RGroupQueryWriter |
A writer for Symyx' Rgroup files (RGFiles).
An RGfile describes a single molecular query with Rgroups.
RInChIExample |
RInChIException |
Exception thrown by classes residing in the module cdk-rinchi .
RInChIGenerator |
This class generates a IUPAC Reaction International Chemical Identifier (RInChI) for a provided CDK IReaction object.
RInChIOptions |
Options for RInChI processing.
RInChIOptions.RInChIOptionBuilder |
Builder class for constructing instances of RInChIOptions with customized settings.
RInChIToReaction |
This class generates a CDK IReaction for a given IUPAC Reaction International Chemical Identifier (RInChI).
Ring |
Class representing a ring structure in a molecule.
Ring |
Class representing a ring structure in a molecule.
RingBond |
Deprecated. |
RingElement |
A ring is just a circle - in other words, an oval whose width and height are
the same.
RingFilter |
RingFinder |
RingGenerator |
Generates just the aromatic indicators for rings : circles, or light-gray
inner bonds, depending on the value of CDKStyleAromaticity.
RingGenerator.CDKStyleAromaticity |
Depicts aromaticity of rings in the original CDK style.
RingGenerator.MaxDrawableAromaticRing |
The maximum ring size for which an aromatic ring should be drawn.
RingGenerator.RingProportion |
The proportion of a ring bounds to use to draw the ring.
RingGenerator.ShowAromaticity |
Determines whether rings should be drawn with a circle if they are
RingIdentifierAtom |
Deprecated. |
RingManipulator |
RingMembershipAtom |
Deprecated. |
RingPartitioner |
Partitions a RingSet into RingSets of connected rings.
RingPlacer |
Class providing methods for generating coordinates for ring atoms.
RingSearch |
Efficiently search for atoms that are members of a ring.
RingSet |
Maintains a set of Ring objects.
RingSet |
Maintains a set of Ring objects.
RingSetManipulator |
RingSizeComparator |
RMap |
An RMap implements the association between an edge (bond) in G1 and an edge
(bond) in G2, G1 and G2 being the compared graphs in a RGraph context.
RNode |
Node of the resolution graph (RGraph) An RNode represents an association
between two edges of the source graphs G1 and G2 that are compared.
RotatableBondsCountDescriptor |
The number of rotatable bonds is given by the SMARTS specified by Daylight on
SMARTS tutorial
RssWriter |
Generates an RSS feed.
RuleOfFiveDescriptor |
This Class contains a method that returns the number failures of the
Lipinski's Rule Of 5.
SaturationChecker |
Provides methods for checking whether an atoms valences are saturated with
respect to a particular atom type.
SDFFormat |
SDFWriter |
SelectionVisibility |
Extended existing symbol visibility options to account for selection of atoms in the standard
SetReactionCenter |
Class extension of ParameterReact class which defines if a reaction is set already the reaction center
in the reactants.
SettingManager<T extends ISetting> |
Provides dynamic management of settings.
Sgroup |
Generic CTab Sgroup (substructure group) that stores all other types of group.
SgroupBracket |
Representation of an Sgroup bracket.
SgroupKey |
Keys for indexing common Sgroup attributes.
SgroupManipulator |
Utilities related to Ctab Sgroups.
SgroupType |
Enumeration of Ctab Sgroup types.
SharingAnionReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate in movement resonance.
SharingChargeDBReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate in movement resonance.
SharingChargeSBReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate in movement resonance.
SharingElectronMechanism |
This mechanism displaces the charge (lonePair) because of
deficiency of charge.
SharingLonePairReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate in movement resonance.
ShelXFormat |
ShelXReader |
A reader for ShelX output (RES) files.
ShelXWriter |
Serializes a MoleculeSet or a Molecule object to ShelX code.
ShortestPathFingerprinter |
ShortestPaths |
Find and reconstruct the shortest paths from a given start atom to any other
connected atom.
ShortestPathWalker |
SigmaElectronegativityDescriptor |
Atomic descriptor that reflects that Gasteiger-Marsili sigma electronegativity.
SignatureFingerprinter |
SignatureQuotientGraph |
A signature quotient graph has a vertex for every signature symmetry class
and an edge for each bond in the molecule between atoms in their class.
SignatureReactionCanoniser |
SilentChemObjectBuilder |
A factory class to provide implementation independent ICDKObject s.
SimpleAtomCanonicalizer |
This code returns a sorted set of atoms for a container according to its
symbol and hybridization states.
SimpleAtomComparator |
This code returns a sorted set of atoms for a container according to its
symbol and hybridization states.
SimpleBasisSet |
This class will generate a simple base set for a atom container.
SimpleCharStream |
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to
contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
SimpleCharStream |
An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to
contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
SimpleCycle |
SimpleCycleBasis |
SingleElectron |
A Single Electron is an orbital which is occupied by only one electron.
SingleElectron |
A Single Electron is an orbital which is occupied by only one electron.
SingleElectronDiff |
SingleMapping |
SingleMappingHandler |
SingleStructureRandomGenerator |
Randomly generates a single, connected, correctly bonded structure for
a given molecular formula.
SmallestRingAtom |
Deprecated. |
SmallRingDescriptor |
Small ring descriptors: these are based on enumeration of all the small rings (sizes 3 to 9) in a molecule,
which can be obtained quickly and deterministically.
Smarts |
Parse and generate the SMARTS query language.
Smarts2MQLVisitor |
Deprecated. |
Deprecated. |
Deprecated. |
SmartsDumpVisitor |
Deprecated. |
SMARTSFormat |
SmartsFragmentExtractor |
Utility class to create SMARTS that match part (substructure) of a molecule.
SmartsMatchers |
Deprecated. |
SMARTSParser |
This parser implements a nearly complete subset of the SMARTS syntax as defined on
Daylight website.
SMARTSParserConstants |
Token literal values and constants.
SMARTSParserDefaultVisitor |
SMARTSParserTokenManager |
Token Manager.
SMARTSParserTreeConstants |
SMARTSParserVisitor |
SmartsPattern |
A Pattern for matching a single SMARTS query against multiple target
SmartsPattern |
Deprecated. |
SMARTSQueryTool |
SmartsQueryVisitor |
Deprecated. |
SmartsResult |
The result of parsing a SMARTS.
SmartsStereoMatch |
SmiFlavor |
Flags for customising SMILES generation.
SMILESFormat |
SmilesGenerator |
SmilesParser |
Read molecules and reactions from a SMILES [?Authors?, SMILES Tutorial] string.
SmilesReactionCanoniser |
SMILESReader |
This Reader reads files which has one SMILES string on each
line, where the format is given as below:
SmilesValencyChecker |
Small customization of ValencyHybridChecker suggested by Todd Martin
specially tuned for SMILES parsing.
SMILESWriter |
Writes the SMILES strings to a plain text file.
Smirks |
Support for parsing a SMIRKS transform and utilities to parse/apply in one
SmirksOption |
SmirksTransform |
A SMIRKS transform, is a Transform which can optionally (on by
default) perform ring and aromaticity (Daylight) perception.
SMSDNormalizer |
SpanningTree |
Spanning tree of a molecule.
SpartanFormat |
SpiroAtomCountDescriptor |
Returns the number of spiro atoms.
SquarePlanar |
Describes square planar configuration.
SSSRFinder |
StabilizationCharges |
The stabilization of the positive and the negative charge
obtained (e.g in the polar breaking of a bond) is calculated from the sigma- and
lone pair-electronegativity values of the atoms that are in conjugation to the atoms
obtaining the charges.
StabilizationPlusChargeDescriptor |
The stabilization of the positive charge
(e.g.) obtained in the polar breaking of a bond is calculated from the sigma- and
lone pair-electronegativity values of the atoms that are in conjugation to the atoms
obtaining the charges.
StandardGenerator |
The standard generator creates IRenderingElement s for the atoms and bonds of a structure
StandardGenerator.Alignment |
StandardGenerator.AnnotationColor |
The color of the atom numbers.
StandardGenerator.AnnotationDistance |
The distance of atom numbers from their parent atom as a percentage of bond length, default
value is 0.25 (25%)
StandardGenerator.AnnotationFontScale |
Annotation font size relative to element symbols, default = 0.4 (40%).
StandardGenerator.AtomColor |
Defines the color of unselected atoms (and bonds).
StandardGenerator.BondSeparation |
StandardGenerator.DashSection |
The number of sections to render in a dashed 'unknown' bond, default = 4;
StandardGenerator.DelocalisedDonutsBondDisplay |
Render small delocalised rings as bonds/life buoys? This can sometimes
be misleading for fused rings but is commonly used.
StandardGenerator.DeuteriumSymbol |
Display deuterium [2H] as 'D'.
StandardGenerator.FancyBoldWedges |
Modify bold wedges to be flush with adjacent bonds, default = true.
StandardGenerator.FancyHashedWedges |
Modify hashed wedges to be flush when there is a single adjacent bond, default = true.
StandardGenerator.ForceDelocalisedBondDisplay |
Indicate delocalised/aromatic bonds should always be rendered, even when
there is a valid Kekule structure.
StandardGenerator.HashSpacing |
The preferred spacing between lines in hashed bonds.
StandardGenerator.Highlighting |
Parameter defines the style of highlight used to emphasis atoms and bonds.
StandardGenerator.HighlightStyle |
Enumeration of highlight style.
StandardGenerator.OmitMajorIsotopes |
Whether Major Isotopes e.g.
StandardGenerator.OuterGlowWidth |
The width of outer glow as a percentage of stroke width.
StandardGenerator.PseudoFontStyle |
The default font style for pseudo-atoms, is Bold and Italic.
StandardGenerator.SgroupBracketDepth |
How "deep" are brackets drawn.
StandardGenerator.SgroupFontScale |
Scale Sgroup annotations relative to the normal font size (atom symbol).
StandardGenerator.StrokeRatio |
Defines the ratio of the stroke to the width of the stroke of the font used to depict atom
StandardGenerator.SymbolMarginRatio |
Defines the margin between an atom symbol and a connected bond based on the stroke width.
StandardGenerator.Visibility |
Defines which atoms have their symbol displayed.
StandardGenerator.WaveSpacing |
The spacing of waves (semi circles) drawn in wavy bonds with.
StandardGenerator.WedgeRatio |
Ratio of the wide end of wedge compared to the narrow end (stroke width).
StandardSubstructureSets |
Default sets of atom containers aimed for use with the substructure.
StatusMessagesOutput |
StatusMessagesOutput.Status |
Represents the status of a process, indicating whether it was successful, encountered warnings, or errors.
StereoBond |
Deprecated. |
StereoBond.Direction |
Stereocenters |
Find atoms which can support stereo chemistry based on the connectivity.
Stereocenters.Stereocenter |
Defines the type of a stereocenter.
Stereocenters.Type |
StereoElementFactory |
Create stereo elements for a structure with 2D and 3D coordinates.
StereoEncoder |
An encoder for stereo chemistry.
StereoEncoderFactory |
Describes a factory for stereo elements.
StereoTool |
Methods to determine or check the stereo class of a set of atoms.
StereoTool.SquarePlanarShape |
The shape that four atoms take in a plane.
StereoTool.StereoClass |
Currently unused, but intended for the StereoTool to indicate what it
'means' by an assignment of some atoms to a class.
StereoTool.TetrahedralSign |
The handedness of a tetrahedron, in terms of the point-plane distance
of three of the corners, compared to the fourth.
Strand |
A Strand is an AtomContainer which stores additional strand specific
informations for a group of Atoms.
Strand |
A Strand is an AtomContainer which stores additional strand specific
informations for a group of Atoms.
StringDifference |
StringIOSetting |
An class for a reader setting which must be of type String.
StructGenAtomTypeGuesser |
AtomTypeMatcher that finds an AtomType by matching the Atom's element symbol.
StructGenMatcher |
AtomTypeMatcher that finds an AtomType by matching the Atom's element symbol.
StructureDiagramGenerator |
Generates 2D coordinates for a molecule.
StructureResonanceGenerator |
This class try to generate resonance structure for a determinate molecule.
Substance |
Substance |
SubstructureFingerprinter |
IFingerprinter that gives a bit set which has a size equal to the number
of substructures it was constructed from.
SugarRemovalUtility |
SugarRemovalUtility.PreservationMode |
Enum with options for how to determine whether a substructure that gets
disconnected from the molecule during the removal of a sugar moiety
should be preserved or can get removed along with the sugar.
SVGFormat |
SwingEventRelay |
SwingGUIListener |
Allows processing of IOSetting quesions which are passed to the user
by using Swing dialogs.
SwingMouseEventRelay |
SwissArmyKnife |
Deprecated. |
SybylAtomTypeMatcher |
Atom Type matcher for Sybyl atom types.
SybylDescriptorFormat |
SymbolAndChargeQueryAtom |
Deprecated. |
SymbolChargeIDQueryAtom |
SymbolQueryAtom |
Deprecated. |
SymbolSetQueryAtom |
SymbolVisibility |
Predicate that defines whether an atom symbol is displayed in a structure diagram.
SystemOutLoggingTool |
TaeAminoAcidDescriptor |
An implementation of the TAE descriptors for amino acids.
Tanimoto |
Calculates the Tanimoto coefficient for a given pair of two
fingerprint bitsets or real valued feature vectors.
TargetProcessor |
TargetProperties |
TautomerizationMechanism |
This mechanism produces the tautomerization chemical reaction between two tautomers.
TautomerizationReaction |
IReactionProcess which produces a tautomerization chemical reaction.
TemplateExtractor |
Helper class that help setup a template library of CDK's Builder3D.
TemplateHandler |
Helper class for Structure Diagram Generation.
TemplateHandler3D |
Helper class for ModelBuilder3D.
Tessellate |
Performs a tessellation of the unit sphere.
TestMoleculeFactory |
This class contains methods for generating simple organic molecules and is
copy of MoleculeFactory for use in tests.
TetrahedralChirality |
Stereochemistry specification for tetravalent atoms.
TetrahedralElementEncoderFactory |
Defines a stereo encoder factory for the hash code.
TextElement |
Text element as used in the chemical drawing.
TextGroupElement |
A group of text elements, particularly the element symbol (eg: "C")
surrounded by other annotations such as mass number, charge, etc.
TextGroupElement.Position |
Compass-point positions for text element annotation children.
TextGUIListener |
Allows processing of IOSetting quesions which are passed to the user
by using the System.out and by default.
TimeManager |
TimeOut |
TinkerMM2Format |
TinkerXYZFormat |
Token |
Describes the input token stream.
Token |
Describes the input token stream.
TokenMgrError |
Token Manager Error.
TokenMgrError |
Token Manager Error.
ToleranceRangeRule |
This class validate if the mass from an IMolecularFormula is
between the tolerance range give a experimental mass.
TopologicalMatrix |
Calculator for a topological matrix representation of this AtomContainer.
TotalConnectionAtom |
Deprecated. |
TotalHCountAtom |
Deprecated. |
TotalRingConnectionAtom |
Deprecated. |
TotalValencyAtom |
Deprecated. |
TPSADescriptor |
Transform |
Transform a molecule using a query pattern and a sequence of
TransformOp s.
Transform.Mode |
TransformOp |
A transform operation (TransformOp) describes a change to be made to some
mapped set of indexed atoms (0 ≤ idx < N).
TransformOp.Type |
Triangle |
Representation of a triangle in 3D.
TrigonalBipyramidal |
Describes a trigonal-bipyramidal configuration.
TripletShortCycles |
Compute the shortest cycles through each vertex triple.
TurboMoleFormat |
TXTBasedAtomTypeConfigurator |
AtomType list configurator that uses the AtomTypes originally
defined in Jmol v5.
Type |
The type of the path elements.
Ullmann |
UndoAdapter |
An undo adapter for updating the state of the undo components according to
the new state of the undo history list.
UniChemXYZFormat |
UniColor |
Defines an atom color that draws as a single uniform color.
UniversalIsomorphismTester |
This class implements a multipurpose structure comparison tool.
UnsupportedChemObjectException |
VABCDescriptor |
Volume descriptor using the method implemented in the VABCVolume class.
VABCVolume |
VAdjMaDescriptor |
Vertex adjacency information (magnitude):
1 + log2 m where m is the number of heavy-heavy bonds.
ValidationReport |
A report on validation of chemical semantics.
ValidationTest |
Error found during sematical validation of a IChemObject.
ValidatorEngine |
Engine that performs the validation by traversing the IChemObject
VASPFormat |
VASPReader |
Read output files generated with the VASP software.
VdWRadiusDescriptor |
This class return the VdW radius of a given atom.
Vector |
This class handles vectors.
VentoFoggia |
VFAtomMatcher |
VFBondMatcher |
VFlibMCSHandler |
VFlibSubStructureHandler |
VFlibTurboHandler |
VFMapper |
VFMCSMapper |
VFQueryBuilder |
VFState |
Vibration |
A molecular vibration composed of a set of atom vectors.
VicinitySampler |
The VicinitySampler is a generator of constitutional isomers.
ViewmolFormat |
VisitedAtoms |
Helper class for the CIPTool to keep track of which atoms have
already been visited.
WedgeLineElement |
A 'wedge' is a triangle aligned along a bond that indicates stereochemistry.
WedgeLineElement.Direction |
'toFirst' means that the wedge gets thicker in the direction of the first
point in the line.
WedgeLineElement.TYPE |
If the bond is dashed ,wedged, or "up_or_down", i.e., not defined.
WeightDescriptor |
IDescriptor based on the weight of atoms of a certain element type.
WeightedPathDescriptor |
Evaluates the weighted path descriptors.
WHIMDescriptor |
WienerNumbersDescriptor |
This descriptor calculates the Wiener numbers.
WriterFactory |
Helper tool to create IChemObjectWriters.
XEDFormat |
XLogPDescriptor |
Prediction of logP based on the atom-type method called XLogP.
XMLIsotopeFactory |
Used to store and return data of a particular isotope.
XYZFormat |
XYZReader |
Reads an object from XYZ formated input.
XYZWriter |
YasaraFormat |
ZagrebIndexDescriptor |
Zagreb index: the sum of the squares of atom degree over all heavy atoms i.
ZindoFormat |
ZMatrixFormat |
ZMatrixReader |
It reads Z matrices like in Gaussian input files.
ZMatrixTools |
A set of static utility classes for dealing with Z matrices.