Class Tessellate

  • public class Tessellate
    extends Object
    Performs a tessellation of the unit sphere. This class generates the coordinates of the triangles that will tessellate the unit sphere. The algorithm is recursive subdivision of an initial representation which can be tetrahedral, octahedral or icosahedral. The default is icosahedral. The number of points generated depends on the level of subdivision. The default is 4 levels and with the initial icosahedral representation this gives 1536 points.

    The constants for the tetrahedral and icosahedral representations were taken from

    Rajarshi Guha
    Source code:
    Belongs to CDK module:
    Created on:
    • Constructor Detail

      • Tessellate

        public Tessellate()
      • Tessellate

        public Tessellate​(String type,
                          int level)
    • Method Detail

      • doTessellate

        public void doTessellate()
      • getNumberOfTriangles

        public int getNumberOfTriangles()
      • getTessAsTriangles

        public Triangle[] getTessAsTriangles()
      • getTessAsPoint3ds

        public javax.vecmath.Point3d[] getTessAsPoint3ds()