Package org.openscience.cdk.fingerprint
Class SimpleAtomComparator
- java.lang.Object
- org.openscience.cdk.fingerprint.SimpleAtomComparator
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class SimpleAtomComparator extends Object implements Comparator<IAtom>, Serializable
This code returns a sorted set of atoms for a container according to its symbol and hybridization states. This will aid in finding a deterministic path rather than Stochastic one.
- Author:
- Syed Asad Rahman (2012)
- See Also:
- Serialized Form
- Source code:
- main
- Belongs to CDK module:
- fingerprint
- Keywords:
- fingerprint, similarity
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description SimpleAtomComparator()
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description int
compare(IAtom o1, IAtom o2)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Comparator
equals, reversed, thenComparing, thenComparing, thenComparing, thenComparingDouble, thenComparingInt, thenComparingLong
Method Detail
public int compare(IAtom o1, IAtom o2)
- Specified by:
in interfaceComparator<IAtom>