Package org.openscience.cdk.geometry
Class AtomTools
- java.lang.Object
- org.openscience.cdk.geometry.AtomTools
Field Summary
Fields Modifier and Type Field Description static double
Constructor Summary
Constructors Constructor Description AtomTools()
Method Summary
All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description static void
add3DCoordinates1(IAtomContainer atomContainer)
Generate coordinates for all atoms which are singly bonded and have no coordinates.static javax.vecmath.Point3d[]
calculate3DCoordinates0(javax.vecmath.Point3d aPoint, int nwanted, double length)
Calculates substituent points.static javax.vecmath.Point3d[]
calculate3DCoordinates1(javax.vecmath.Point3d aPoint, javax.vecmath.Point3d bPoint, javax.vecmath.Point3d cPoint, int nwanted, double length, double angle)
Calculate new point(s) X in a B-A system to form B-A-X.static javax.vecmath.Point3d[]
calculate3DCoordinates2(javax.vecmath.Point3d aPoint, javax.vecmath.Point3d bPoint, javax.vecmath.Point3d cPoint, int nwanted, double length, double angle)
Calculate new point(s) X in a B-A-C system.static javax.vecmath.Point3d
calculate3DCoordinates3(javax.vecmath.Point3d focus, javax.vecmath.Point3d aNbor, javax.vecmath.Point3d bNbor, javax.vecmath.Point3d cNbor, double length)
Calculate new point X in a B-A(-D)-C system.static javax.vecmath.Point3d[]
calculate3DCoordinatesForLigands(IAtomContainer atomContainer, IAtom refAtom, int nwanted, double length, double angle)
Adds 3D coordinates for singly-bonded ligands of a reference atom (A).static javax.vecmath.Point3d
rescaleBondLength(IAtom atom1, IAtom atom2, javax.vecmath.Point3d point2)
Rescales Point2 so that length 1-2 is sum of covalent radii.
Method Detail
public static void add3DCoordinates1(IAtomContainer atomContainer)
Generate coordinates for all atoms which are singly bonded and have no coordinates. This is useful when hydrogens are present but have no coordinates. It knows about C, O, N, S only and will give tetrahedral or trigonal geometry elsewhere. Bond lengths are computed from covalent radii if available. Angles are tetrahedral or trigonal- Parameters:
- the set of atoms involved- Keywords:
- coordinate calculation, 3D model
public static javax.vecmath.Point3d rescaleBondLength(IAtom atom1, IAtom atom2, javax.vecmath.Point3d point2)
Rescales Point2 so that length 1-2 is sum of covalent radii. if covalent radii cannot be found, use bond length of 1.0- Parameters:
- stationary atomatom2
- movable atompoint2
- coordinates for atom 2- Returns:
- new coords for atom 2
public static javax.vecmath.Point3d[] calculate3DCoordinatesForLigands(IAtomContainer atomContainer, IAtom refAtom, int nwanted, double length, double angle)
Adds 3D coordinates for singly-bonded ligands of a reference atom (A). Initially designed for hydrogens. The ligands of refAtom are identified and those with 3D coordinates used to generate the new points. (This allows structures with partially known 3D coordinates to be used, as when groups are added.) "Bent" and "non-planar" groups can be formed by taking a subset of the calculated points. Thus R-NH2 could use 2 of the 3 points calculated from (1,iii) nomenclature: A is point to which new ones are "attached". A may have ligands B, C... B may have ligands J, K.. points X1, X2... are returned The cases (see individual routines, which use idealised geometry by default): (0) zero ligands of refAtom. The resultant points are randomly oriented: (i) 1 points required; +x,0,0 (ii) 2 points: use +x,0,0 and -x,0,0 (iii) 3 points: equilateral triangle in xy plane (iv) 4 points x,x,x, x,-x,-x, -x,x,-x, -x,-x,x (1a) 1 ligand(B) of refAtom which itself has a ligand (J) (i) 1 points required; vector along AB vector (ii) 2 points: 2 vectors in ABJ plane, staggered and eclipsed wrt J (iii) 3 points: 1 staggered wrt J, the others +- gauche wrt J (1b) 1 ligand(B) of refAtom which has no other ligands. A random J is generated and (1a) applied (2) 2 ligands(B, C) of refAtom A (i) 1 points required; vector in ABC plane bisecting AB, AC. If ABC is linear, no points (ii) 2 points: 2 vectors at angle ang, whose resultant is 2i (3) 3 ligands(B, C, D) of refAtom A (i) 1 points required; if A, B, C, D coplanar, no points. else vector is resultant of BA, CA, DA fails if atom itself has no coordinates or >4 ligands- Parameters:
- describing the ligands of refAtom. It could be the whole molecule, or could be a selected subset of ligandsrefAtom
- (A) to which new ligands coordinates could be addedlength
- A-X lengthangle
- B-A-X angle (used in certain cases)- Returns:
- Point3D[] points calculated. If request could not be fulfilled (e.g. too many atoms, or strange geometry, returns empty array (zero length, not null)
- Keywords:
- coordinate generation
public static javax.vecmath.Point3d[] calculate3DCoordinates0(javax.vecmath.Point3d aPoint, int nwanted, double length)
Calculates substituent points. Calculate substituent points for (0) zero ligands of aPoint. The resultant points are randomly oriented: (i) 1 points required; +x,0,0 (ii) 2 points: use +x,0,0 and -x,0,0 (iii) 3 points: equilateral triangle in xy plane (iv) 4 points x,x,x, x,-x,-x, -x,x,-x, -x,-x,x where 3x**2 = bond length- Parameters:
- to which substituents are addednwanted
- number of points to calculate (1-4)length
- from aPoint- Returns:
- Point3d[] nwanted points (or zero if failed)
public static javax.vecmath.Point3d[] calculate3DCoordinates1(javax.vecmath.Point3d aPoint, javax.vecmath.Point3d bPoint, javax.vecmath.Point3d cPoint, int nwanted, double length, double angle)
Calculate new point(s) X in a B-A system to form B-A-X. Use C as reference for * staggering about the B-A bond (1a) 1 ligand(B) of refAtom (A) which itself has a ligand (C) (i) 1 points required; vector along AB vector (ii) 2 points: 2 vectors in ABC plane, staggered and eclipsed wrt C (iii) 3 points: 1 staggered wrt C, the others +- gauche wrt C If C is null, a random non-colinear C is generated- Parameters:
- to which substituents are addednwanted
- number of points to calculate (1-3)length
- A-X lengthangle
- B-A-X angle- Returns:
- Point3d[] nwanted points (or zero if failed)
public static javax.vecmath.Point3d[] calculate3DCoordinates2(javax.vecmath.Point3d aPoint, javax.vecmath.Point3d bPoint, javax.vecmath.Point3d cPoint, int nwanted, double length, double angle)
Calculate new point(s) X in a B-A-C system. It forms form a B-A(-C)-X system. (2) 2 ligands(B, C) of refAtom A (i) 1 points required; vector in ABC plane bisecting AB, AC. If ABC is linear, no points (ii) 2 points: 2 points X1, X2, X1-A-X2 = angle about 2i vector- Parameters:
- to which substituents are addedbPoint
- first ligand of AcPoint
- second ligand of Anwanted
- number of points to calculate (1-2)length
- A-X lengthangle
- B-A-X angle- Returns:
- Point3d[] nwanted points (or zero if failed)
public static javax.vecmath.Point3d calculate3DCoordinates3(javax.vecmath.Point3d focus, javax.vecmath.Point3d aNbor, javax.vecmath.Point3d bNbor, javax.vecmath.Point3d cNbor, double length)
Calculate new point X in a B-A(-D)-C system. It forms a B-A(-D)(-C)-X system. (3) 3 ligands(B, C, D) of refAtom A (i) 1 points required; if A, B, C, D coplanar, no points. else vector is resultant of BA, CA, DA- Parameters:
- to which substituents are addedaNbor
- first ligand of AbNbor
- second ligand of AcNbor
- third ligand of Alength
- A-X length- Returns:
- Point3d nwanted points (or null if failed (coplanar))