Interface IChemObjectIO

    • Method Detail

      • accepts

        boolean accepts​(Class<? extends IChemObject> classObject)
        Returns whether the given IChemObject can be read or written.
        classObject - IChemObject of which is tested if it can be handled.
        true, if the IChemObject can be handled.
      • getIOSettings

        IOSetting[] getIOSettings()
        Returns an array of IOSettings defined by this IChemObjectIO class.
        the IOSettings for this class.
      • addSetting

        <S extends IOSetting> S addSetting​(IOSetting setting)
        Add an IOSetting to the reader/writer. If the name clashes with another setting the original setting will be returned. This method should be called when assigning field settings:
         private BooleanIOSetting setting; // field
         setting = addSetting(new BooleanIOSetting("setting", ...));
         // if setting was already added we are now using the correct instance
        setting - setting to add
        usable setting
        See Also:
      • addSettings

        void addSettings​(Collection<IOSetting> settings)
        Adds a collection of IOSettings to the reader/writer. This is useful for transferring/propagating settings between different reader/writer. When the new settings are added if there is a setting with the same name already stored the value for the new setting is set on the managed setting (See. IteratingSDFReader/SDFWriter for propagation examples). Note that if the setting is invalid (a CDKException thrown) then the setting will not be set.
         // two different readers (of same or different type)
         IChemObjectReader reader1 = ...;
         IChemObjectReader reader2 = ...;
         // settings transferred from reader2 to reader1
        settings - collection of settings to add
        See Also:
      • hasSetting

        boolean hasSetting​(String name)
        Determine whether this reader/writer has a setting of the provided name.
        name - name of a setting
        whether the setting is available
        See Also:
      • getSetting

        <S extends IOSetting> S getSetting​(String name)
        Access a named setting managed by this reader/writer.
        Type Parameters:
        S - type to cast to
        name - name of the setting
        instance of the setting for the name (InvalidParameterException is thrown if no setting for the provided name is found)
        See Also:
        getSetting(String, Class), SettingManager.get(String)
      • getSetting

        <S extends IOSetting> S getSetting​(String name,
                                           Class<S> c)
        Access a named setting managed by this reader/writer.
        Type Parameters:
        S - type to cast to
        name - name of the setting
        c - the class of the setting (matching generic return type). This is need as due to type erasure we don't know the class of 'S' at runtime.
        instance of the setting for the name (InvalidParameterException is thrown if no setting for the provided name is found)
        See Also:
        getSetting(String), SettingManager.get(String, Class)