Class Maygen

  • public class Maygen
    extends Object
    The main class of the MAYGEN package. The basic input is the molecular formula. For a molecular * formula, MAYGEN first distributes hydrogens, then for each distribution starting the generation process. The algorithm can be run in sequential or parallel mode. To collect the structures you provide a Maygen.Consumer instance, here is basic usage:
     IChemObjectBuilder builder = SilentChemObjectBuilder.getInstance();
     SmilesGenerator smigen = new SmilesGenerator(SmiFlavor.Default);
     Maygen maygen = new Maygen(builder);
     maygen.setConsumer(mol -> {
                 try {
                 } catch (CDKException ignore) { }
     int count = maygen.getCount(); // number of structures generated
    MehmetAzizYirik <>
    Belongs to CDK module:
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static interface  Maygen.Consumer  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int[] actArray​(int[] array, Permutation permutation)
      Performing the permutation action on an int array.
      int[][] addHydrogens​(int[][] a, int index, int[] hydrogens)
      After generating matrices, adding the hydrogen with respect to the pre-hydrogen distribution.
      void addOnes​(int[] list, int number)
      Add number of 1s into an ArrayList
      void addPartition​(int index, int[] newPartition, int[][] a, int[][] partitionList)
      Updating canonical partition list.
      boolean allIs0​(int[] list)
      Checks whether all the entries are equal to 0 or not.
      int atomOccurrence​(String[] info)
      Getting the number of atoms' occurrences.
      int[][] backward​(int[][] a, int[] indices, int[] degrees, int[] initialPartition, boolean[] callForward, int[] r, int[][][] max, int[][][] l, int[][][] c, boolean[] flag)
      Backward step in the algorithm.
      boolean backwardCriteria​(int x, int lInverse, int l)
      The criteria to decide which function is needed: forward or backward.
      boolean biggerCheck​(int index, int[] firstRow, int[] check, int[] partition)
      Checks two arrays in descending order.
      int[] buildArray​(int[] partition)
      Building the copy of the partition array
      IAtomContainer buildAtomContainerFromMatrix​(int[][] mat, IAtomContainer atomContainer)
      Building an atom container for an adjacency matrix.
      IAtomContainer buildContainer4SDF​(int[][] mat)
      Building an atom container for an adjacency matrix.
      IAtomContainer buildContainer4SDF​(String[] symbols)
      Building an atom container for SDF output from its symbols
      IAtomContainer buildContainer4SDF​(IAtomContainer ac, int[][] mat)
      Building an atom container for an adjacency matrix.
      String[] buildSymbolArray()  
      boolean canBuildIsomer​(String formula)
      Checking whether a molecular formula can represent a graph or not.
      boolean canBuildIsomerSingle​(String formula)
      Checking whether a molecular formula can represent a graph or not.
      void candidatePermutations​(int index, List<Permutation> cycles, List<ArrayList<Permutation>> formerPermutations)
      Calculating all candidate permutations for row canonical test.
      int[] canonicalPartition​(int i, int[] partition)
      To get the canonical partition.
      boolean canonicalTest​(int[][] a, int[] initialPartition, int[][] partitionList, int[] nonCanonicalIndices, List<ArrayList<Permutation>> formerPermutations, int[] partSize, int[] r, int[] y, int[] z, int[][] ys, int[][] zs, boolean[] learningFromCanonicalTest)  
      boolean check​(int index, int total, int[][] a, int[] newPartition, List<ArrayList<Permutation>> formerPermutations)  
      void checkJustH​(int[][][] max, int i, int j, int di)  
      boolean checkLengthTwoFormula​(String[] atoms)
      checking whether a molecular formula is length 2 or not.
      void checkOxygenSulfur​(String[] atoms)  
      int cInverse​(int i, int j, int[][] a, int[] degrees)
      Calculating the sum of the entries in the jth column until the ith row.
      void clearFormers​(boolean check, int y, int[][] partitionList, List<ArrayList<Permutation>> formerPermutations)
      When an adjacency matrix is non-canonical, cleaning the formerPermutations and partitionList from the first row of the tested block.
      void clearGlobals()
      For several calls of the run function, setting the global variables.
      int[] cloneArray​(int[] array)
      Cloning int array
      void closeFilesAndDisplayStatistic​(long startTime)  
      boolean compare​(int[] array1, int[] array2, int index1, int index2)
      Comparing two arrays for specific range of entries, whether the first array is bigger than the second one or not.
      boolean compareIndexwise​(int[] array, int[] array2, int index1, int index2)
      Comparing two int arrays are equal or not for given range of entries.
      boolean connectivityTest​(int[][] mat, int[] connectivityIndices, boolean[] learningFromConnectivity)
      Test whether an adjacency matrix is connected or disconnected.
      int csum​(int i, int j, int[][][] max)
      Summing ith column entries starting from the jth row.
      List<Permutation> cycleTranspositions​(int index, int[] partition)
      Getting the list of cycle transpositions for a given atom partition and the row index
      void degree2graph()
      Building a degree 2 graph for a single element type.
      boolean descendingOrderCheck​(int[] partition, int[] array)
      Checks a int array is in descending order or not with respect to a given atom partition.
      boolean descendingOrderCheck​(int[] array, int f, int l)
      Checks subarray of specified range of entries, the array is descending order or not.
      boolean descendingOrderUpperMatrixCheck​(int index, int[] partition, int[] firstRow, int[] secondRow)
      Checks the first row is bigger than the second row just in the upper matrix.
      int[] descendingSort​(int[] array, int index0, int index1)
      Sorting entries of a subarray specified by indices.
      int[] descendingSortWithPartition​(int[] array, int[] partition)
      Sorting entries of a int array for a given atom partition.
      void displayStatistic​(long startTime, String localFormula)  
      List<int[]> distributeHydrogens()
      If there are hydrogens in the formula, calling the hydrogenDistributor.
      void distributeSulfurOxygen​(String localFormula)  
      void distributeSymbols​(int oxy, int sul, int nextSize, int currentSize, int reversedLength, int leftEquivalents, int rightEquivalents, boolean reversalIsSmaller)
      Main function for the distribution of atom symbols: O and S for OnSm form formulae.
      void distributeSymbolsNextSizeAboveGraphSize​(int currentSize, boolean reversalIsSmaller)  
      void doRun​(String localFormula)  
      void emit​(IAtomContainer mol)
      Emits a molecule to whomever is listening.
      boolean equalRowsCheck​(int index, int[][] a, Permutation cycleTransposition, Permutation permutation)
      Comparing two arrays are equal.
      boolean equalSetCheck​(int[] array1, int[] array2, int[] partition)
      Checks two int[] arrays are equal with respect to an atom partition.
      boolean equalSetCheck2​(int[] partition, int[] array1, int[] array2)
      Checks two int[] arrays are equal with respect to an atom partition.
      String extendFormula​(String localFormula, int number, String symbol)
      Adding new entry to the new molecular formula
      void fillDegreeListHindexIsTwo​(List<int[]> degreeList, List<int[]> distributions)  
      int findIndex​(int index, Permutation cycle)
      With the cycle permutation, mapping the row index to another row in the block.
      int findMatch​(int[] max, int[] non, int value, int start)
      Find the matching entries index in compared two rows.
      int findMaximalIndexInComponent​(int[] kValues, int value)
      Finding the maximal index in a component to compare with other components.
      void findR​(int[] indices, int[] initialPartition, int[] r)
      Finding the R index of a block
      int findY​(int r, int[] initialPartition)
      For a block index r, calculating its first row index.
      int findZ​(int r, int[] initialPartition)
      For a block index r, calculating its last row index.
      int findZeros​(int[] array)  
      int[][] forward​(IAtomContainer ac, String[] symbolArrayCopy, int[][] a, int[] indices, int[] degrees, int[] initialPartition, int[][] partitionList, boolean[] callForward, int[] connectivityIndices, boolean[] learningFromConnectivity, int[] nonCanonicalIndices, List<ArrayList<Permutation>> formerPermutations, int[] hydrogens, int[] partSize, int[] r, int[] y, int[] z, int[][][] max, int[][][] l, int[][][] c, int[][] ys, int[][] zs, boolean[] learningFromCanonicalTest)
      Setting successor indices entry if there is a possible filling.
      int[][] forward​(IAtomContainer ac, String[] symbolArrayCopy, int lInverse, int cInverse, int maximalX, int i, int j, int[][] a, int[] indices, int[] initialPartition, int[][] partitionList, boolean[] callForward, int[] connectivityIndices, boolean[] learningFromConnectivity, int[] nonCanonicalIndices, List<ArrayList<Permutation>> formerPermutations, int[] hydrogens, int[] partSize, int[] r, int[] y, int[] z, int[][][] max, int[][][] l, int[][][] c, int[][] ys, int[][] zs, boolean[] learningFromCanonicalTest)  
      void generate​(IAtomContainer ac, String[] symbolArrayCopy, int[] degreeList, int[] initialPartition, int[][] partitionList, int[] connectivityIndices, boolean[] learningFromConnectivity, int[] nonCanonicalIndices, List<ArrayList<Permutation>> formerPermutations, int[] hydrogens, int[] partSize, int[] r, int[] y, int[] z, int[][] ys, int[][] zs, boolean[] learningFromCanonicalTest)
      Initialization of global variables for the generate of structures for given degree list.
      void generateFormulae​(List<String> result, List<String> symbolList, Map<String,​Integer[]> symbols, String localFormula, int index)
      Formulae generator for each element ranges
      int[][] generateOnSmMat()
      Building an OnSm molecule for a given total number of atoms.
      int[] getBlocks​(int[] array, int begin, int end)
      Getting a part of a int array specified by two entry indices
      IChemObjectBuilder getBuilder()  
      Permutation getCanonicalCycle​(int index, int total, int[][] a, int[] newPartition, Permutation cycleTransposition)
      Getting the canonical cycle of a row.
      Permutation getCanonicalPermutation​(int[] originalRow, int[] rowToCheck, int[] partition)
      Calculating the canonical permutation of a row.
      int[] getCanonicalPermutation2​(int[] partition, int[] max, int[] check)
      Calculating the canonical permutation of a row.
      Maygen.Consumer getConsumer()  
      int getCount()  
      int[] getCyclesList​(int[] max, int[] non, int index, int[] values)
      For maximal and tested rows, getting the cycle lists
      Permutation getEqualPerm​(Permutation cycleTransposition, int index, int[][] a, int[] newPartition)
      Getting the permutation making two rows identical.
      String getFormula()  
      List<String> getFormulaList​(String normalizedLocalFuzzyFormula)
      Generating list of formulae for the input fuzzy formula
      int getFuzzyCount()  
      String getFuzzyFormula()  
      Map<String,​Integer[]> getFuzzyFormulaRanges​(String localFormula, List<String> symbolList)
      To get the fuzzy formula ranges for each element type in the molecular formula
      Map<String,​Integer[]> getFuzzyFormulaRangesWithNewElements​(String localFormula, List<String> symbolList)  
      void getHigherValences​(String localFormula)
      Reading the molecular formula and setting the higher valences.
      int getHydrogensInfoLengthIsOne​(List<String> symbolList, String[] info, int hydrogens)  
      void getLernenIndices​(int index, int[][] a, List<Permutation> cycles, int[] partition, int[] nonCanonicalIndices, boolean[] learningFromCanonicalTest)
      Get indices from "learning from canonical test" method.
      int[] getMaximumPair​(int[] a, int[] b)
      Between two index pairs, getting the bigger indices.
      Permutation getNonCanonicalMakerPermutation​(int[] array, Permutation cycle, int[] partition)
      Calculating the permutation, permuting the second row and making first row non maximal.
      int[] getOccurrences()  
      List<int[]> getOxygenSulfur()  
      int[] getPartition​(int[] degrees)
      Based on the new degrees and the former partition, getting the new atom partition.
      int[] getPartition​(List<String> symbols)
      Getting the partition of symbols
      int getPermutedIndex​(Permutation permutation, int index)
      By a given permutation, checking which entry is mapped to the index.
      void getSingleAtomVariables​(String localFormula)  
      int getSize()  
      int[] getSubPartition​(int[] degrees)
      Calculating the sub partitions for a given group of degrees.
      String getSymbol​(String[] info, Integer[] n)  
      String[] getSymbolArray()  
      void getSymbolOccurrences​(String localFormula)
      Getting the symbol occurrences from the input local formula.
      List<String> getSymbols()  
      int getTotal()  
      int getTotalHydrogen()  
      int[] getTranspose​(int[] indices)
      For an index pair, getting its transpose.
      boolean getVerbose()  
      Permutation idPermutation​(int localSize)
      Builds id permutation.
      int[] idValues​(int localSize)
      Values for an id permutation for a given localSize
      int indexYZ​(int[] initialPartition, int[] r)
      Based on the molecules automorphisms, testing an adjacency matrix is canonical or not.
      void initAC​(String symbol)
      Building an atom container from a string of atom-implicit hydrogen information.
      IAtomContainer initAC​(IAtomContainer ac, String[] symbolArrayCopy)
      Building an atom container from a string of atom-implicit hydrogen information.
      void initialDegrees()
      Initial degree arrays are set based on the molecular formula.
      int[] initialKList​(int total)
      Initializing the first connectivity partition.
      int[] initialPartition​(int[] partition)
      Initial atom partition of the input molecular formula
      void initSingleAC()
      Setting the initial atom container of a molecular formula with a single heavy atom
      void intAC​(String formula)
      Setting the initial atom container of a molecular formula
      boolean isBoundary()  
      boolean isMultiThread()  
      boolean isOnSm()  
      boolean isReversalIsSmaller​(int nextSize, int reversedLength, boolean reversalIsSmaller)  
      boolean isSetElement()  
      boolean isTsvoutput()  
      int[] kValues​(int total, Set<Integer> wValues, int[] kFormer)
      Finding the connectivity partition, so the smallest index in the neighborhood.
      int[] limit​(int index, int nextRowIndex, int[][] a, Permutation permutation)
      Looking for the upper limit where the original entry is smaller.
      int lInverse​(int i, int j, int[][] a, int[] degrees)
      Calculating the sum of the entries in the ith row until the jth column.
      int[] lowerIndex​(int index, int nextRowIndex, int[][] a, Permutation permutation)
      Looking for the maximum index where the entry is not zero.
      int lsum​(int i, int j, int[][][] max)
      Summing ith rows entries starting from the jth column.
      int lValue​(int[] partEx, int degree)
      To calculate the number of conjugacy classes, used in cycle transposition calculation.
      int maximalEntry​(int min, int lInverse, int l, int cInverse, int c)
      Calculating the maximal entry for the indices.
      int[] maximalIndexWithNonZeroEntry​(int[][] a, int[] maximalIndices)
      In case if the index' entry is zero, updating the index with next index with non-zero entry.
      void maximalMatrix​(int[] degrees, int[][][] max)
      Possible maximal edge multiplicity for the atom pair (i,j).
      int minComponentIndex​(Set<Integer> zValues, int[] kValues)
      Getting the minimum component index.
      int[] nextCount​(int index, int i, int localSize, int[] degrees, int[] partition)
      Counting the occurrence of a value in a degree.
      int[] nextCount​(int index, int i, int localSize, List<String> symbols, int[] partition)  
      void nextStep​(IAtomContainer ac, String[] symbolArrayCopy, int[][] a, int[] indices, int[] degrees, int[] initialPartition, int[][] partitionList, boolean[] callForward, int[] connectivityIndices, boolean[] learningFromConnectivity, int[] nonCanonicalIndices, List<ArrayList<Permutation>> formerPermutations, int[] hydrogens, int[] partSize, int[] r, int[] y, int[] z, int[][][] max, int[][][] l, int[][][] c, int[][] ys, int[][] zs, boolean[] learningFromCanonicalTest, boolean[] flag)
      Calling foward or backward function in a nextstep function.
      String normalizeFormula​(String formula)  
      Set<Integer> nValues​(int index, int total, int[][] mat)
      Finding the neighbors of a given index.
      void orderDegreeSymbols​(int[] degree, String[] symbol, int index0, int index1, int[] hydrogens)
      Ordering degrees, hydrogens and symbols in ascending order
      int[] partitionCriteria​(int[] partEx, int degree)
      Partitioning criteria
      int[] permuteArray​(int[] array, int i, int j)
      Permuting two entries of an Integer array.
      int[] predecessor​(int[] indices, int localSize)
      Calculation of the former index pair in a matrix.
      void processFormula​(String normalizedLocalFormula, long startTime)  
      void processRun​(String normalizedLocalFormula, long startTime)  
      int[] refinedPartitioning​(int[] partition, int[] row)
      Refining the input partition based on the row entries.
      void reOrder​(int[] partition, int[] degrees, String[] symbols, int[] hydrogens)
      Re-order all the global variables based on the refined new partitioning.
      int reverseComparison​(int length, int index)
      The function to compare a node labelling array when the number of left consecutive entries is equal to the right consecutive entries.
      int[] row2compare​(int index, int[][] a, Permutation cycleTransposition)
      For a row given by index, detecting the other row to compare in the block.
      boolean rowCanonicalTest​(int index, int[] r, int[][] a, int[] partition, int[] newPartition, int[] initialPartition, int[][] partitionList, int[] nonCanonicalIndices, List<ArrayList<Permutation>> formerPermutations, int[] y, int[][] ys, boolean[] learningFromCanonicalTest)
      Canonical test for a row in the tested block.
      boolean rowDescendingTest​(int index, int[][] a, int[] partition, int[] nonCanonicalIndices, boolean[] learningFromCanonicalTest)
      The row descending test is the part of canonical test function.
      void run()
      Main function to initialize the global variables and calling the generate function.
      void runDistributeSymbols​(int nextSize, int currentSize, int reversedLength, int leftEquivalents, int rightEquivalents, boolean reversalIsSmaller, int oxy2, int sul2, int reverse)  
      void runDistributeSymbolsCheckNodeLabels​(int oxy, int sul, int nextSize, int currentSize, int reversedLength, int leftEquivalents, boolean reversalIsSmaller)  
      boolean setBiggest​(int index, int[][] a, Permutation permutation, int[] partition)
      Checks whether there is a permutation making the row bigger in descending order.
      void setBoundary​(boolean boundary)  
      void setConsumer​(Maygen.Consumer consumer)  
      void setFormula​(String formula)  
      void setFuzzyFormula​(String fuzzyFormula)  
      int[] setHydrogens​(int[] degree)
      Calling the generate function for each degree values after the hydrogen distribution.
      void setLearningFromConnectivity​(Set<Integer> zValues, int[] kValues, int[] connectivityIndices, boolean[] learningFromConnectivity)
      If matrix is not connected, setting learninfFromConnectivity global variables.
      void setLernenIndices​(int rowIndex1, Permutation cycle, int[][] a, int[] secondRow, int[] partition, int[] nonCanonicalIndices, boolean[] learningFromCanonicalTest)
      Setting the nonCanonicalIndices global variable.
      void setMultiThread​(boolean multiThread)  
      void setSetElement​(boolean setElement)  
      void setSymbols​(List<String> symbolList)
      Setting the firstSymbols and symbols global variables for the initial sorted list of symbols.
      void setTsvoutput​(boolean tsvoutput)  
      void setVerbose​(boolean verbose)  
      void setYZValues​(int[] initialPartition, int[][] ys, int[][] zs)
      Setting the y and z values for each block.
      void singleAtomCheck​(String[] atoms)  
      void singleAtomCheckLengthIsBiggerThanOne​(String[] atoms)  
      void sort​(List<String> symbols, Set<Map.Entry<String,​Integer>> set)  
      void sortAscending​(List<String> symbols)
      The initializer function, reading the formula to set the degrees, partition and file directory variables.
      int[] sortWithPartition​(int[] partitionList, int[] degrees, String[] symbols, int[] hydrogens)
      Sort arrays with partitions.
      void structureGenerator​(String localFormula)
      After the hydrogen distribution, calling the structure generator functions.
      int[] successor​(int[] indices, int localSize)
      Calculation of the next index pair in a matrix.
      int sum​(int[] array)
      Summing entries of an array.
      int sum​(int[] list, int index)
      Summing entries of a list until a given index.
      void swap​(int[] array, int i, int j)  
      void swap​(String[] array, int i, int j)  
      int[] upperIndex​(int index, int nextRowIndex, int[][] a, Permutation permutation)
      We need to calculate upperIndex.
      void upperTriangularC​(int[] degrees, int[][][] max, int[][][] c)
      c; upper triangular matrix like given in 3.2.1.
      void upperTriangularL​(int[] degrees, int[][][] max, int[][][] l)
      l; upper triangular matrix like given in 3.2.1.
      String[] validateFormula​(String formula)  
      String[] validateFuzzyFormula​(String formula)  
      void writeSingleAtom​(int[] hydrogens)
      Writing the single atom molecule in a output file.
      Set<Integer> wValues​(Set<Integer> nValues, int[] kFormer)
      Finding the W values of neighbors in the former connectivity partition.
      boolean zero​(int[] array)
      For a row given by index, checking whether it is in maximal form or not.
    • Method Detail

      • getSize

        public int getSize()
      • isBoundary

        public boolean isBoundary()
      • setBoundary

        public void setBoundary​(boolean boundary)
      • isSetElement

        public boolean isSetElement()
      • setSetElement

        public void setSetElement​(boolean setElement)
      • isTsvoutput

        public boolean isTsvoutput()
      • setTsvoutput

        public void setTsvoutput​(boolean tsvoutput)
      • getSymbolArray

        public String[] getSymbolArray()
      • isMultiThread

        public boolean isMultiThread()
      • setMultiThread

        public void setMultiThread​(boolean multiThread)
      • getCount

        public int getCount()
      • getFuzzyCount

        public int getFuzzyCount()
      • getFormula

        public String getFormula()
      • setFormula

        public void setFormula​(String formula)
      • getFuzzyFormula

        public String getFuzzyFormula()
      • setFuzzyFormula

        public void setFuzzyFormula​(String fuzzyFormula)
      • getTotal

        public int getTotal()
      • getOccurrences

        public int[] getOccurrences()
      • getOxygenSulfur

        public List<int[]> getOxygenSulfur()
      • getTotalHydrogen

        public int getTotalHydrogen()
      • isOnSm

        public boolean isOnSm()
      • getVerbose

        public boolean getVerbose()
      • setVerbose

        public void setVerbose​(boolean verbose)
      • permuteArray

        public int[] permuteArray​(int[] array,
                                  int i,
                                  int j)
        Permuting two entries of an Integer array.
        array - Integer[] array
        i - int first index
        j - int second index
      • sum

        public int sum​(int[] array)
        Summing entries of an array.
        array - int[]
        int sum
      • sum

        public int sum​(int[] list,
                       int index)
        Summing entries of a list until a given index.
        list - the int array
        index - the index
        int sum
      • atomOccurrence

        public int atomOccurrence​(String[] info)
        Getting the number of atoms' occurrences.
        info - String[] atom info
      • actArray

        public int[] actArray​(int[] array,
                              Permutation permutation)
        Performing the permutation action on an int array.
        array - int[] array
        permutation - Permutation permutation
      • idValues

        public int[] idValues​(int localSize)
        Values for an id permutation for a given localSize
        localSize - int permutation localSize
      • idPermutation

        public Permutation idPermutation​(int localSize)
        Builds id permutation.
        localSize - int Permutation localSize
      • sortAscending

        public void sortAscending​(List<String> symbols)
        The initializer function, reading the formula to set the degrees, partition and file directory variables.
        symbols - the symbols
      • singleAtomCheck

        public void singleAtomCheck​(String[] atoms)
      • singleAtomCheckLengthIsBiggerThanOne

        public void singleAtomCheckLengthIsBiggerThanOne​(String[] atoms)
      • checkOxygenSulfur

        public void checkOxygenSulfur​(String[] atoms)
      • getSingleAtomVariables

        public void getSingleAtomVariables​(String localFormula)
      • getSymbolOccurrences

        public void getSymbolOccurrences​(String localFormula)
        Getting the symbol occurrences from the input local formula.
        localFormula - String molecular formula
      • getHydrogensInfoLengthIsOne

        public int getHydrogensInfoLengthIsOne​(List<String> symbolList,
                                               String[] info,
                                               int hydrogens)
      • nextCount

        public int[] nextCount​(int index,
                               int i,
                               int localSize,
                               List<String> symbols,
                               int[] partition)
      • getPartition

        public int[] getPartition​(List<String> symbols)
        Getting the partition of symbols
        symbols - the list of symbols
      • setSymbols

        public void setSymbols​(List<String> symbolList)
        Setting the firstSymbols and symbols global variables for the initial sorted list of symbols.
        symbolList - the sorted list of atom symbols
      • normalizeFormula

        public String normalizeFormula​(String formula)
      • validateFormula

        public String[] validateFormula​(String formula)
      • validateFuzzyFormula

        public String[] validateFuzzyFormula​(String formula)
      • canBuildIsomer

        public boolean canBuildIsomer​(String formula)
        Checking whether a molecular formula can represent a graph or not.

        For a graph with n nodes, the sum of all its node degrees should be equal or bigger than 2*(n-1). Thus, the minimum number of nodes.

        formula - String molecular formula
      • canBuildIsomerSingle

        public boolean canBuildIsomerSingle​(String formula)
        Checking whether a molecular formula can represent a graph or not. This is just for the case of molecular formulae with single heteroatoms.

        For a graph with n nodes, the sum of all its node degrees should be equal or bigger than 2*(n-1). Thus, the minimum number of nodes.

        formula - String molecular formula
      • initialDegrees

        public void initialDegrees()
        Initial degree arrays are set based on the molecular formula.
      • equalSetCheck

        public boolean equalSetCheck​(int[] array1,
                                     int[] array2,
                                     int[] partition)
        Checks two int[] arrays are equal with respect to an atom partition.
        array1 - int[] first array
        array2 - int[] second array
        partition - int[] atom partition
      • getBlocks

        public int[] getBlocks​(int[] array,
                               int begin,
                               int end)
        Getting a part of a int array specified by two entry indices
        array - int[] array
        begin - int beginning index
        end - int ending index
      • equalSetCheck2

        public boolean equalSetCheck2​(int[] partition,
                                      int[] array1,
                                      int[] array2)
        Checks two int[] arrays are equal with respect to an atom partition.
        partition - int[] atom partition
        array1 - int[] array
        array2 - int[] array
      • compareIndexwise

        public boolean compareIndexwise​(int[] array,
                                        int[] array2,
                                        int index1,
                                        int index2)
        Comparing two int arrays are equal or not for given range of entries.
        array - int[] array
        array2 - int[] array
        index1 - int beginning index
        index2 - int last index
      • equalRowsCheck

        public boolean equalRowsCheck​(int index,
                                      int[][] a,
                                      Permutation cycleTransposition,
                                      Permutation permutation)
        Comparing two arrays are equal. The second row's index and entries are permuted based on cycle transposition and given permutation.
        index - int row index
        a - int[][] adjacency matrix
        cycleTransposition - Permutation cycle transposition
        permutation - Permutation permutation
      • descendingSort

        public int[] descendingSort​(int[] array,
                                    int index0,
                                    int index1)
        Sorting entries of a subarray specified by indices.
        array - int[] array
        index0 - int beginning index
        index1 - int last index
      • descendingSortWithPartition

        public int[] descendingSortWithPartition​(int[] array,
                                                 int[] partition)
        Sorting entries of a int array for a given atom partition.
        array - int[] array
        partition - int[] atom partition
      • biggerCheck

        public boolean biggerCheck​(int index,
                                   int[] firstRow,
                                   int[] check,
                                   int[] partition)
        Checks two arrays in descending order. The second row is sorted in descending order just to check whether there is a possible permutations making the first row non-maximal.
        index - int row index
        firstRow - int[] array
        check - int[] array
        partition - int[] atom partition
      • setBiggest

        public boolean setBiggest​(int index,
                                  int[][] a,
                                  Permutation permutation,
                                  int[] partition)
        Checks whether there is a permutation making the row bigger in descending order.
        index - int row index
        a - int[][] adjacency matrix
        permutation - Permutation permutation
        partition - int[] atom partition
      • getLernenIndices

        public void getLernenIndices​(int index,
                                     int[][] a,
                                     List<Permutation> cycles,
                                     int[] partition,
                                     int[] nonCanonicalIndices,
                                     boolean[] learningFromCanonicalTest)
        Get indices from "learning from canonical test" method. Here, the entry makes the row non-canonical is detected. Its indices are set to nonCanonicalIndices global variables.
        index - int row index
        a - the adjacency matrix
        cycles - the list of cycle transpositions
        partition - the atom partition
        nonCanonicalIndices - the nonCanonicalIndices
        learningFromCanonicalTest - the learningFromCanonicalTest
      • setLernenIndices

        public void setLernenIndices​(int rowIndex1,
                                     Permutation cycle,
                                     int[][] a,
                                     int[] secondRow,
                                     int[] partition,
                                     int[] nonCanonicalIndices,
                                     boolean[] learningFromCanonicalTest)
        Setting the nonCanonicalIndices global variable.
        rowIndex1 - int first row index
        cycle - Permutation cycle transposition
        a - int[][] adjacency matrix
        secondRow - int[] second row
        partition - int[] atom partition
        nonCanonicalIndices - the nonCanonicalIndices
        learningFromCanonicalTest - the learningFromCanonicalTest
      • getNonCanonicalMakerPermutation

        public Permutation getNonCanonicalMakerPermutation​(int[] array,
                                                           Permutation cycle,
                                                           int[] partition)
        Calculating the permutation, permuting the second row and making first row non maximal.
        array - the array
        cycle - the cycle
        partition - the partition
        the Permutation
      • zero

        public boolean zero​(int[] array)
        For a row given by index, checking whether it is in maximal form or not. If not, the nonCanonicalIndices is set.
        array - int[] array
      • rowDescendingTest

        public boolean rowDescendingTest​(int index,
                                         int[][] a,
                                         int[] partition,
                                         int[] nonCanonicalIndices,
                                         boolean[] learningFromCanonicalTest)
        The row descending test is the part of canonical test function.
        index - int index
        a - int[][] adjacency matrix
        partition - int[] atom partition
        nonCanonicalIndices - int[] the indices of the non canonical entry
        learningFromCanonicalTest - boolean[] the boolean setting
      • getPermutedIndex

        public int getPermutedIndex​(Permutation permutation,
                                    int index)
        By a given permutation, checking which entry is mapped to the index.
        permutation - Permutation permutation
        index - int entry index in the row
      • limit

        public int[] limit​(int index,
                           int nextRowIndex,
                           int[][] a,
                           Permutation permutation)
        Looking for the upper limit where the original entry is smaller.
        index - int row index
        nextRowIndex - int index of the row to compare
        a - int[][] adjacency matrix
        permutation - Permutation permutation from canonical test
      • lowerIndex

        public int[] lowerIndex​(int index,
                                int nextRowIndex,
                                int[][] a,
                                Permutation permutation)
        Looking for the maximum index where the entry is not zero.
        index - int row index
        nextRowIndex - int index of the row to compare
        a - int[][] adjacency matrix
        permutation - Permutation permutation from canonical test
      • upperIndex

        public int[] upperIndex​(int index,
                                int nextRowIndex,
                                int[][] a,
                                Permutation permutation)
        We need to calculate upperIndex. First, we need our j index where the original row become smaller, then calculating the lower index. Based on these two values and the value of j in the permutation, we calculate our upper index.

        This upper index is used for the 'learning from canonical test' method.

        index - int row index
        nextRowIndex - int index of the row to compare
        a - int[][] adjacency matrix
        permutation - Permutation permutation from canonical test
      • maximalIndexWithNonZeroEntry

        public int[] maximalIndexWithNonZeroEntry​(int[][] a,
                                                  int[] maximalIndices)
        In case if the index' entry is zero, updating the index with next index with non-zero entry.
        a - int[][] adjacency matrix
        maximalIndices - int[] maximal indices for canonical test
      • getTranspose

        public int[] getTranspose​(int[] indices)
        For an index pair, getting its transpose.
        indices - int[] indices
      • getMaximumPair

        public int[] getMaximumPair​(int[] a,
                                    int[] b)
        Between two index pairs, getting the bigger indices.
        a - int[] indices
        b - int[] indices
      • compare

        public boolean compare​(int[] array1,
                               int[] array2,
                               int index1,
                               int index2)
        Comparing two arrays for specific range of entries, whether the first array is bigger than the second one or not.
        array1 - int[] first array
        array2 - int[] second array
        index1 - int beginning index
        index2 - int last index
      • descendingOrderUpperMatrixCheck

        public boolean descendingOrderUpperMatrixCheck​(int index,
                                                       int[] partition,
                                                       int[] firstRow,
                                                       int[] secondRow)
        Checks the first row is bigger than the second row just in the upper matrix.
        index - int row index
        partition - int[] atom partition
        firstRow - int[] first row
        secondRow - int[] second row
      • descendingOrderCheck

        public boolean descendingOrderCheck​(int[] array,
                                            int f,
                                            int l)
        Checks subarray of specified range of entries, the array is descending order or not.
        array - int[] array
        f - int first index
        l - int last index
      • descendingOrderCheck

        public boolean descendingOrderCheck​(int[] partition,
                                            int[] array)
        Checks a int array is in descending order or not with respect to a given atom partition.
        partition - int[] atom partition
        array - the int array
      • upperTriangularL

        public void upperTriangularL​(int[] degrees,
                                     int[][][] max,
                                     int[][][] l)
        l; upper triangular matrix like given in 3.2.1. For (i,j), after the index, giving the maximum line capacity.
        degrees - the degrees
        max - the max
        l - the l
      • upperTriangularC

        public void upperTriangularC​(int[] degrees,
                                     int[][][] max,
                                     int[][][] c)
        c; upper triangular matrix like given in 3.2.1. For (i,j), after the index, giving the maximum column capacity.
        degrees - int[] valences
        max - the max
        c - the c
      • lsum

        public int lsum​(int i,
                        int j,
                        int[][][] max)
        Summing ith rows entries starting from the jth column.
        i - int row index
        j - int column index
        max - the max
        the lsum
      • csum

        public int csum​(int i,
                        int j,
                        int[][][] max)
        Summing ith column entries starting from the jth row.
        i - int column index
        j - int row index
        max - the max
        the csum
      • maximalMatrix

        public void maximalMatrix​(int[] degrees,
                                  int[][][] max)
        Possible maximal edge multiplicity for the atom pair (i,j).
        degrees - the degrees
        max - the max
      • checkJustH

        public void checkJustH​(int[][][] max,
                               int i,
                               int j,
                               int di)
      • generate

        public void generate​(IAtomContainer ac,
                             String[] symbolArrayCopy,
                             int[] degreeList,
                             int[] initialPartition,
                             int[][] partitionList,
                             int[] connectivityIndices,
                             boolean[] learningFromConnectivity,
                             int[] nonCanonicalIndices,
                             List<ArrayList<Permutation>> formerPermutations,
                             int[] hydrogens,
                             int[] partSize,
                             int[] r,
                             int[] y,
                             int[] z,
                             int[][] ys,
                             int[][] zs,
                             boolean[] learningFromCanonicalTest)
                      throws IOException,
        Initialization of global variables for the generate of structures for given degree list.
        ac - the IAtomContainer
        symbolArrayCopy - the symbolArrayCopy
        degreeList - int[] valences
        initialPartition - the initial partition
        partitionList - the partitionList
        connectivityIndices - the connectivityIndices
        learningFromConnectivity - the learningFromConnectivity
        nonCanonicalIndices - the nonCanonicalIndices
        formerPermutations - the formerPermutations
        hydrogens - the hydrogens
        partSize - the partSize
        r - the r
        y - the y
        z - the z
        ys - the ys
        zs - the zs
        learningFromCanonicalTest - the learningFromCanonicalTest
        IOException - in case of IOException
        CDKException - in case of CDKException
        CloneNotSupportedException - in case of CloneNotSupportedException
      • successor

        public int[] successor​(int[] indices,
                               int localSize)
        Calculation of the next index pair in a matrix.
        indices - int[] index pair.
        localSize - int row length.
      • predecessor

        public int[] predecessor​(int[] indices,
                                 int localSize)
        Calculation of the former index pair in a matrix.
        indices - int[] index pair.
        localSize - int row length.
      • nextStep

        public void nextStep​(IAtomContainer ac,
                             String[] symbolArrayCopy,
                             int[][] a,
                             int[] indices,
                             int[] degrees,
                             int[] initialPartition,
                             int[][] partitionList,
                             boolean[] callForward,
                             int[] connectivityIndices,
                             boolean[] learningFromConnectivity,
                             int[] nonCanonicalIndices,
                             List<ArrayList<Permutation>> formerPermutations,
                             int[] hydrogens,
                             int[] partSize,
                             int[] r,
                             int[] y,
                             int[] z,
                             int[][][] max,
                             int[][][] l,
                             int[][][] c,
                             int[][] ys,
                             int[][] zs,
                             boolean[] learningFromCanonicalTest,
                             boolean[] flag)
                      throws IOException,
        Calling foward or backward function in a nextstep function.
        ac - the IAtomContainer
        symbolArrayCopy - the symbolArrayCopy
        a - the a matrix
        indices - the indices
        degrees - the degrees
        initialPartition - the initial partition
        partitionList - the partitionList
        callForward - the callForward
        connectivityIndices - the connectivityIndices
        learningFromConnectivity - the learningFromConnectivity
        nonCanonicalIndices - the nonCanonicalIndices
        formerPermutations - the formerPermutations
        hydrogens - the hydrogens
        partSize - the partSize
        r - the r
        y - the y
        z - the z
        max - the max
        l - the l
        c - the c
        ys - the ys
        zs - the zs
        learningFromCanonicalTest - the learningFromCanonicalTest
        flag - the flag
        IOException - in case of IOException
        CDKException - in case of CDKException
        CloneNotSupportedException - in case of CloneNotSupportedException
      • addHydrogens

        public int[][] addHydrogens​(int[][] a,
                                    int index,
                                    int[] hydrogens)
        After generating matrices, adding the hydrogen with respect to the pre-hydrogen distribution.
        a - the adjacency matrix
        index - int beginning index for the hydrogen setting
        hydrogens - the hydrogens
        the adjacency matrix
      • findR

        public void findR​(int[] indices,
                          int[] initialPartition,
                          int[] r)
        Finding the R index of a block
        indices - int[] entry indices
        initialPartition - int[] initial partition
        r - int[] r
      • backwardCriteria

        public boolean backwardCriteria​(int x,
                                        int lInverse,
                                        int l)
        The criteria to decide which function is needed: forward or backward.
        x - the value in the adjacency matrix a[i][j]
        lInverse - lInverse value of indices {i,j}
        l - the l parameter
        the criteria
      • backward

        public int[][] backward​(int[][] a,
                                int[] indices,
                                int[] degrees,
                                int[] initialPartition,
                                boolean[] callForward,
                                int[] r,
                                int[][][] max,
                                int[][][] l,
                                int[][][] c,
                                boolean[] flag)
        Backward step in the algorithm.
        a - the adjacency matrix
        indices - the indices
        degrees - the degrees
        initialPartition - the initial partition
        callForward - the callForward
        r - the r
        max - the max
        l - the l
        c - the c
        flag - the flag
        the int[][]
      • forward

        public int[][] forward​(IAtomContainer ac,
                               String[] symbolArrayCopy,
                               int[][] a,
                               int[] indices,
                               int[] degrees,
                               int[] initialPartition,
                               int[][] partitionList,
                               boolean[] callForward,
                               int[] connectivityIndices,
                               boolean[] learningFromConnectivity,
                               int[] nonCanonicalIndices,
                               List<ArrayList<Permutation>> formerPermutations,
                               int[] hydrogens,
                               int[] partSize,
                               int[] r,
                               int[] y,
                               int[] z,
                               int[][][] max,
                               int[][][] l,
                               int[][][] c,
                               int[][] ys,
                               int[][] zs,
                               boolean[] learningFromCanonicalTest)
                        throws IOException,
        Setting successor indices entry if there is a possible filling.
        ac - the IAtomContainer
        symbolArrayCopy - the symbolArrayCopy
        a - the adjacency matrix
        indices - the entry indices
        degrees - the degrees
        initialPartition - the initial partition
        partitionList - the partitionList
        callForward - the callForward
        connectivityIndices - the connectivityIndices
        learningFromConnectivity - the learningFromConnectivity
        nonCanonicalIndices - the nonCanonicalIndices
        formerPermutations - the formerPermutations
        hydrogens - the hydrogens
        partSize - the partSize
        r - the r
        y - the y
        z - the z
        max - the max
        l - the l
        c - the c
        ys - the ys
        zs - the zs
        learningFromCanonicalTest - the learningFromCanonicalTest
        IOException - in case of IOException
        CDKException - in case of CDKException
        CloneNotSupportedException - in case of CloneNotSupportedException
      • maximalEntry

        public int maximalEntry​(int min,
                                int lInverse,
                                int l,
                                int cInverse,
                                int c)
        Calculating the maximal entry for the indices.
        min - int minimum of l, c amd maximal matrices for {i,j} indices.
        lInverse - int Linverse value of {i,j}
        l - int l value of {i,j}
        cInverse - int Cinverse value of {i,j}
        c - int c value of {i,j}
        int max
      • lInverse

        public int lInverse​(int i,
                            int j,
                            int[][] a,
                            int[] degrees)
        Calculating the sum of the entries in the ith row until the jth column.
        i - int row index
        j - int column index
        a - the adjacency matrix
        degrees - the degrees
      • cInverse

        public int cInverse​(int i,
                            int j,
                            int[][] a,
                            int[] degrees)
        Calculating the sum of the entries in the jth column until the ith row.
        i - int row index
        j - int column index
        a - the adjacency matrix
        degrees - the degrees
      • getPartition

        public int[] getPartition​(int[] degrees)
        Based on the new degrees and the former partition, getting the new atom partition.
        degrees - int[] new atom valences
      • getSubPartition

        public int[] getSubPartition​(int[] degrees)
        Calculating the sub partitions for a given group of degrees.
        degrees - int[] valences
      • nextCount

        public int[] nextCount​(int index,
                               int i,
                               int localSize,
                               int[] degrees,
                               int[] partition)
        Counting the occurrence of a value in a degree.
        index - the index
        i - the i
        localSize - int number
        degrees - int[] valences
        partition - int[] partition
      • checkLengthTwoFormula

        public boolean checkLengthTwoFormula​(String[] atoms)
        checking whether a molecular formula is length 2 or not. The length is counted based on the number of isotopes.
        atoms - String[] atom symbols
      • closeFilesAndDisplayStatistic

        public void closeFilesAndDisplayStatistic​(long startTime)
      • displayStatistic

        public void displayStatistic​(long startTime,
                                     String localFormula)
      • distributeHydrogens

        public List<int[]> distributeHydrogens()
        If there are hydrogens in the formula, calling the hydrogenDistributor. This is the pre-hydrogen distribution. Then, the new list of degrees is defined for each hydrogen distribution.
        the list of integer array
      • fillDegreeListHindexIsTwo

        public void fillDegreeListHindexIsTwo​(List<int[]> degreeList,
                                              List<int[]> distributions)
      • setYZValues

        public void setYZValues​(int[] initialPartition,
                                int[][] ys,
                                int[][] zs)
        Setting the y and z values for each block. y is the beginning index and z is the last index of a block in the adjacency matrix.
        initialPartition - the initial partition
        ys - the ys
        zs - the zs
      • findY

        public int findY​(int r,
                         int[] initialPartition)
        For a block index r, calculating its first row index.
        r - int block index
        initialPartition - the initial partition
      • findZ

        public int findZ​(int r,
                         int[] initialPartition)
        For a block index r, calculating its last row index.
        r - int block index
        initialPartition - the initial partition
      • setHydrogens

        public int[] setHydrogens​(int[] degree)
        Calling the generate function for each degree values after the hydrogen distribution.
        degree - int[] degree
      • structureGenerator

        public void structureGenerator​(String localFormula)
        After the hydrogen distribution, calling the structure generator functions.
        localFormula - String localFormula
      • clearGlobals

        public void clearGlobals()
        For several calls of the run function, setting the global variables.
      • nValues

        public Set<Integer> nValues​(int index,
                                    int total,
                                    int[][] mat)
        Finding the neighbors of a given index.
        index - int row (atom) index
        total - int number of atoms.
        mat - the adjacency matrix
        the nValues
      • wValues

        public Set<Integer> wValues​(Set<Integer> nValues,
                                    int[] kFormer)
        Finding the W values of neighbors in the former connectivity partition.
        nValues - the N values
        kFormer - the K values of the former step
        the wValues
      • kValues

        public int[] kValues​(int total,
                             Set<Integer> wValues,
                             int[] kFormer)
        Finding the connectivity partition, so the smallest index in the neighborhood.
        total - the total
        wValues - the wValues
        kFormer - the K values of the former step
      • initialKList

        public int[] initialKList​(int total)
        Initializing the first connectivity partition.
        total - int number of atoms.
      • connectivityTest

        public boolean connectivityTest​(int[][] mat,
                                        int[] connectivityIndices,
                                        boolean[] learningFromConnectivity)
        Test whether an adjacency matrix is connected or disconnected.
        mat - int[][] adjacency matrix
        connectivityIndices - the connectivityIndices
        learningFromConnectivity - the learningFromConnectivity
      • setLearningFromConnectivity

        public void setLearningFromConnectivity​(Set<Integer> zValues,
                                                int[] kValues,
                                                int[] connectivityIndices,
                                                boolean[] learningFromConnectivity)
        If matrix is not connected, setting learninfFromConnectivity global variables.
        zValues - the minimum index values of each atom's neighborhoods.
        kValues - the connectivity partition
        connectivityIndices - the connectivityIndices
        learningFromConnectivity - the learningFromConnectivity
      • minComponentIndex

        public int minComponentIndex​(Set<Integer> zValues,
                                     int[] kValues)
        Getting the minimum component index. Here, components are compared based on their last indices and sizes.
        zValues - the minimum index values of each atom's neighborhoods.
        kValues - the connectivity partition
      • findMaximalIndexInComponent

        public int findMaximalIndexInComponent​(int[] kValues,
                                               int value)
        Finding the maximal index in a component to compare with other components.
        kValues - int[] connectivity partition
        value - int minimum neighborhood index
      • allIs0

        public boolean allIs0​(int[] list)
        Checks whether all the entries are equal to 0 or not.
        list - int[]
      • indexYZ

        public int indexYZ​(int[] initialPartition,
                           int[] r)
        Based on the molecules automorphisms, testing an adjacency matrix is canonical or not.
        initialPartition - the initial partition
        r - the r
      • canonicalTest

        public boolean canonicalTest​(int[][] a,
                                     int[] initialPartition,
                                     int[][] partitionList,
                                     int[] nonCanonicalIndices,
                                     List<ArrayList<Permutation>> formerPermutations,
                                     int[] partSize,
                                     int[] r,
                                     int[] y,
                                     int[] z,
                                     int[][] ys,
                                     int[][] zs,
                                     boolean[] learningFromCanonicalTest)
      • clearFormers

        public void clearFormers​(boolean check,
                                 int y,
                                 int[][] partitionList,
                                 List<ArrayList<Permutation>> formerPermutations)
        When an adjacency matrix is non-canonical, cleaning the formerPermutations and partitionList from the first row of the tested block.
        check - boolean canonical test result
        y - int first row of the tested block
        partitionList - the partitionList
        formerPermutations - the formerPermutations
      • candidatePermutations

        public void candidatePermutations​(int index,
                                          List<Permutation> cycles,
                                          List<ArrayList<Permutation>> formerPermutations)
        Calculating all candidate permutations for row canonical test.

        The DFS multiplication of former automorphisms list with the list of cycle transpositions of the row.

        index - int row index
        cycles - the cycle transpositions
        formerPermutations - the formerPermutations
      • rowCanonicalTest

        public boolean rowCanonicalTest​(int index,
                                        int[] r,
                                        int[][] a,
                                        int[] partition,
                                        int[] newPartition,
                                        int[] initialPartition,
                                        int[][] partitionList,
                                        int[] nonCanonicalIndices,
                                        List<ArrayList<Permutation>> formerPermutations,
                                        int[] y,
                                        int[][] ys,
                                        boolean[] learningFromCanonicalTest)
        Canonical test for a row in the tested block.
        index - int row index
        r - int block index
        a - int[][] adjacency matrix
        partition - int[] former partition
        newPartition - int[] canonical partition
        initialPartition - the initial partition
        partitionList - the partitionList
        nonCanonicalIndices - the nonCanonicalIndices
        formerPermutations - the formerPermutations
        y - the y
        ys - the ys
        learningFromCanonicalTest - the learningFromCanonicalTest
      • addPartition

        public void addPartition​(int index,
                                 int[] newPartition,
                                 int[][] a,
                                 int[][] partitionList)
        Updating canonical partition list.
        index - row index
        newPartition - atom partition
        a - int[][] adjacency matrix
        partitionList - the partitionList
      • refinedPartitioning

        public int[] refinedPartitioning​(int[] partition,
                                         int[] row)
        Refining the input partition based on the row entries.
        partition - int[] atom partition
        row - int[] row
      • row2compare

        public int[] row2compare​(int index,
                                 int[][] a,
                                 Permutation cycleTransposition)
        For a row given by index, detecting the other row to compare in the block. For the detection of the next row index, cycle transposition is used.
        index - int row index
        a - int[][] adjacency matrix
        cycleTransposition - Permutation cycle transposition
      • findIndex

        public int findIndex​(int index,
                             Permutation cycle)
        With the cycle permutation, mapping the row index to another row in the block.
        index - int row index
        cycle - Permutation cycle transposition
      • cloneArray

        public int[] cloneArray​(int[] array)
        Cloning int array
        array - int[] array
      • getCanonicalPermutation

        public Permutation getCanonicalPermutation​(int[] originalRow,
                                                   int[] rowToCheck,
                                                   int[] partition)
        Calculating the canonical permutation of a row.

        In a block, the original and the other rows are compared; if there is a permutation mapping rows to each other, canonical permutation, else id permutation is returned.

        originalRow - int[] original row
        rowToCheck - int[] row to compare with
        partition - int[] partition
      • getCanonicalPermutation2

        public int[] getCanonicalPermutation2​(int[] partition,
                                              int[] max,
                                              int[] check)
        Calculating the canonical permutation of a row.

        In a block, the original and the other rows are compared; if there is a permutation mapping rows to each other, canonical permutation, else id permutation is returned.

        partition - int[] partition
        max - int[] max
        check - int[] check
      • getCyclesList

        public int[] getCyclesList​(int[] max,
                                   int[] non,
                                   int index,
                                   int[] values)
        For maximal and tested rows, getting the cycle lists
        max - int[] maximal row
        non - int[] non maximal row to test
        index - int row index
        values - int[] values
      • findMatch

        public int findMatch​(int[] max,
                             int[] non,
                             int value,
                             int start)
        Find the matching entries index in compared two rows.
        max - int[] max
        non - int[] non
        value - int value
        start - int start
      • getEqualPerm

        public Permutation getEqualPerm​(Permutation cycleTransposition,
                                        int index,
                                        int[][] a,
                                        int[] newPartition)
        Getting the permutation making two rows identical.
        cycleTransposition - Permutation cycle transposition
        index - int row index
        a - int[][] adjacency matrices
        newPartition - int[] refined atom partition
      • getCanonicalCycle

        public Permutation getCanonicalCycle​(int index,
                                             int total,
                                             int[][] a,
                                             int[] newPartition,
                                             Permutation cycleTransposition)
        Getting the canonical cycle of a row.
        index - int row index
        total - int matrix size
        a - int[][] adjacency matrices
        newPartition - int[] refined atom partition
        cycleTransposition - Permutation cycle transposition
      • check

        public boolean check​(int index,
                             int total,
                             int[][] a,
                             int[] newPartition,
                             List<ArrayList<Permutation>> formerPermutations)
      • cycleTranspositions

        public List<Permutation> cycleTranspositions​(int index,
                                                     int[] partition)
        Getting the list of cycle transpositions for a given atom partition and the row index
        index - int row index
        partition - int[] atom partition
        the list of permutations
      • lValue

        public int lValue​(int[] partEx,
                          int degree)
        To calculate the number of conjugacy classes, used in cycle transposition calculation.
        partEx - int[] former atom partition
        degree - the degree
        the LValue
      • canonicalPartition

        public int[] canonicalPartition​(int i,
                                        int[] partition)
        To get the canonical partition.
        i - int row index
        partition - int[] partition
      • addOnes

        public void addOnes​(int[] list,
                            int number)
        Add number of 1s into an ArrayList
        list - the integer array
        number - the number
      • findZeros

        public int findZeros​(int[] array)
      • partitionCriteria

        public int[] partitionCriteria​(int[] partEx,
                                       int degree)
        Partitioning criteria
        partEx - the former partition
        degree - degree of the partitioning.
        the partition criteria
      • orderDegreeSymbols

        public void orderDegreeSymbols​(int[] degree,
                                       String[] symbol,
                                       int index0,
                                       int index1,
                                       int[] hydrogens)
        Ordering degrees, hydrogens and symbols in ascending order
        degree - int[] atom valences
        symbol - String[] atom symbols
        index0 - int first index
        index1 - int second index
        hydrogens - int[] hydrogens array
      • swap

        public void swap​(String[] array,
                         int i,
                         int j)
      • swap

        public void swap​(int[] array,
                         int i,
                         int j)
      • sortWithPartition

        public int[] sortWithPartition​(int[] partitionList,
                                       int[] degrees,
                                       String[] symbols,
                                       int[] hydrogens)
        Sort arrays with partitions.
        partitionList - int[] atom partition
        degrees - int[] atom valences
        symbols - String[] atom symbols
        hydrogens - int[] hydrogens
        int array
      • initialPartition

        public int[] initialPartition​(int[] partition)
        Initial atom partition of the input molecular formula
        partition - int[] atom partition
      • buildArray

        public int[] buildArray​(int[] partition)
        Building the copy of the partition array
        partition - int[] atom partition
      • reOrder

        public void reOrder​(int[] partition,
                            int[] degrees,
                            String[] symbols,
                            int[] hydrogens)
        Re-order all the global variables based on the refined new partitioning.
        partition - int[] atom partition
        degrees - int[] atom valences
        symbols - String[] atom symbols
        hydrogens - int[] hydrogens
      • getFuzzyFormulaRanges

        public Map<String,​Integer[]> getFuzzyFormulaRanges​(String localFormula,
                                                                 List<String> symbolList)
        To get the fuzzy formula ranges for each element type in the molecular formula
        localFormula - String molecular localFormula
        symbolList - the symbol list
        the map of string ant integer array
      • getFuzzyFormulaRangesWithNewElements

        public Map<String,​Integer[]> getFuzzyFormulaRangesWithNewElements​(String localFormula,
                                                                                List<String> symbolList)
      • generateFormulae

        public void generateFormulae​(List<String> result,
                                     List<String> symbolList,
                                     Map<String,​Integer[]> symbols,
                                     String localFormula,
                                     int index)
        Formulae generator for each element ranges
        result - the list of string
        symbolList - list of string
        symbols - the symbols map
        localFormula - String localFormula
        index - int index
      • extendFormula

        public String extendFormula​(String localFormula,
                                    int number,
                                    String symbol)
        Adding new entry to the new molecular formula
        localFormula - String localFormula
        number - int number
        symbol - String symbol
      • getFormulaList

        public List<String> getFormulaList​(String normalizedLocalFuzzyFormula)
        Generating list of formulae for the input fuzzy formula
        normalizedLocalFuzzyFormula - String normalizedLocalFuzzyFormula
        the list of string
      • initSingleAC

        public void initSingleAC()
        Setting the initial atom container of a molecular formula with a single heavy atom
      • intAC

        public void intAC​(String formula)
        Setting the initial atom container of a molecular formula
        formula - the formula
      • initAC

        public IAtomContainer initAC​(IAtomContainer ac,
                                     String[] symbolArrayCopy)
        Building an atom container from a string of atom-implicit hydrogen information.
        ac - IAtomContainer IAtomContainer
        symbolArrayCopy - String[] symbol array of atoms
      • initAC

        public void initAC​(String symbol)
        Building an atom container from a string of atom-implicit hydrogen information.
        symbol - String symbol
      • buildAtomContainerFromMatrix

        public IAtomContainer buildAtomContainerFromMatrix​(int[][] mat,
                                                           IAtomContainer atomContainer)
        Building an atom container for an adjacency matrix.
        mat - int[][] adjacency matrix
        atomContainer - IAtomContainer atomContainer
      • generateOnSmMat

        public int[][] generateOnSmMat()
        Building an OnSm molecule for a given total number of atoms.
      • getHigherValences

        public void getHigherValences​(String localFormula)
        Reading the molecular formula and setting the higher valences.
        localFormula - String formula
      • reverseComparison

        public int reverseComparison​(int length,
                                     int index)
        The function to compare a node labelling array when the number of left consecutive entries is equal to the right consecutive entries.

        From this comparison, function returns :

        1: if node labelling is same as its reversal.

        0: if node labelling is smaller than its reversal.

        -1: if node labelling is bigger than its reversal.

        Reversal check helps to avoid duplicates, easy way of rotational symmetry check.

        length - int node labelling length
        index - int starting index in the array
        the result
      • buildSymbolArray

        public String[] buildSymbolArray()
      • distributeSymbols

        public void distributeSymbols​(int oxy,
                                      int sul,
                                      int nextSize,
                                      int currentSize,
                                      int reversedLength,
                                      int leftEquivalents,
                                      int rightEquivalents,
                                      boolean reversalIsSmaller)
                               throws CDKException,
        Main function for the distribution of atom symbols: O and S for OnSm form formulae.
        oxy - int number of oxygens to distribute
        sul - int number of sulfur to distribute
        nextSize - int length of the next labelling
        currentSize - int length of the current labelling
        reversedLength - int longest node labelling, equal to its reversal
        leftEquivalents - int the number of consequtively equivalent values at the left side of the array
        rightEquivalents - int the number of consequtively equivalent values at the left side of the array
        reversalIsSmaller - boolean from the reversal comparison, using the boolean variable to know reveral is smaller than the bode labelling or not.
        CloneNotSupportedException - in case of CloneNotSupportedException
        CDKException - in case of CDKException
        IOException - in case of IOException
      • isReversalIsSmaller

        public boolean isReversalIsSmaller​(int nextSize,
                                           int reversedLength,
                                           boolean reversalIsSmaller)