IAdductFormula |
Class defining an adduct object in a MolecularFormula.
IAminoAcid |
A AminoAcid is Monomer which stores additional amino acid specific
informations, like the N-terminus atom.
IAtom |
Represents the idea of an chemical atom.
IAtomContainer |
Base class for all chemical objects that maintain a list of Atoms and
IAtomContainerSet |
A set of AtomContainers.
IAtomType |
The base class for atom types.
IBioPolymer |
A BioPolymer is a subclass of a Polymer which is supposed to store
additional informations about the Polymer which are connected to BioPolymers.
IBond |
Implements the concept of a covalent bond between two or more atoms.
ICDKObject |
The base class for all data objects in this CDK.
IChemFile |
IChemModel |
An object containing multiple MoleculeSet and
the other lower level concepts like rings, sequences,
fragments, etc.
IChemObject |
The base class for all chemical objects in this cdk.
IChemObjectBuilder |
A helper class to instantiate a ICDKObject instance for a specific
IChemObjectChangeEvent |
Event fired by CDK IChemObject classes to their registered listeners
in case something changed within them.
IChemObjectListener |
Classes implementing this interface must implement this method
such that they react appropriately to changes in the object they
are interested in.
IChemSequence |
A sequence of ChemModels, which can, for example, be used to
store the course of a reaction.
ICrystal |
Class representing a molecular crystal.
IDoubleBondStereochemistry |
Stereochemistry specification for double bond stereochemistry.
IElectronContainer |
Base class for entities containing electrons, like bonds, orbitals, lone-pairs.
IElement |
Implements the idea of an element in the periodic table.
IFragmentAtom |
Class to represent an IPseudoAtom which embeds an IAtomContainer.
IIsotope |
Used to store and retrieve data of a particular isotope.
ILonePair |
A LonePair is an orbital primarily located with one Atom, containing
two electrons.
IMapping |
Represents a mapping of two atoms.
IMolecularFormula |
Class defining a molecular formula object.
IMolecularFormulaSet |
Class defining a molecular formula object.
IMonomer |
A Monomer is an AtomContainer which stores additional monomer specific
informations for a group of Atoms.
IPDBAtom |
A PDBAtom is a subclass of a Atom which is supposed to store additional informations about the Atom.
IPDBMonomer |
Represents the idea of an protein monomer as found in PDB files.
IPDBPolymer |
A PDBPolymer is a subclass of a BioPolymer which is supposed to store
additional informations about the BioPolymer which are connected to BioPolymers.
IPDBStructure |
Represents the idea of an chemical structure.
IPolymer |
Subclass of Molecule to store Polymer specific attributes that a Polymer has.
IPseudoAtom |
Represents the idea of a non-chemical atom-like entity, like Me,
R, X, Phe, His, etc.
IReaction |
Represents the idea of a chemical reaction.
IReactionScheme |
Classes that implement this interface of a scheme.
IReactionSet |
A set of reactions, for example those taking part in a reaction.
IRing |
Class representing a ring structure in a molecule.
IRingSet |
Maintains a set of Ring objects.
ISetting |
A simple setting that can be managed by the SettingManager.
ISingleElectron |
A Single Electron is an orbital which is occupied by only one electron.
IStereoElement<F extends IChemObject,C extends IChemObject> |
Representation of stereochemical configuration.
IStrand |
A Strand is an AtomContainer which stores additional strand specific
informations for a group of Atoms.
ISubstance |
A chemical substance that consists of one or more chemical structures.
ITetrahedralChirality |
Stereochemistry specification for quadrivalent atoms.