Interface | Description |
HighlightGenerator.Palette |
Defines a color palette, the palette should provide a color the specified
identifier (id).
IGenerator<T extends IChemObject> |
IGenerator converts chemical entities into parts of the
chemical drawing expressed as IRenderingElement s. |
IGeneratorParameter<T> |
Parameter from some rendering of the 2D diagram.
Class | Description |
AtomContainerBoundsGenerator |
IGenerator that draws a rectangular around the IAtomContainer . |
AtomMassGenerator |
IGenerator that can render mass number information of atoms. |
AtomNumberGenerator |
IGenerator for IAtomContainer s that will draw atom numbers
for the atoms. |
AtomNumberGenerator.AtomColorer |
The color scheme by which to color the atom numbers, if
AtomNumberGenerator.ColorByType boolean is true. |
AtomNumberGenerator.AtomNumberTextColor |
Color to draw the atom numbers with.
AtomNumberGenerator.ColorByType |
Boolean to indicate of the
AtomNumberGenerator.AtomColorer scheme will be used. |
AtomNumberGenerator.Offset |
Offset vector in screen space coordinates where the atom number label
will be placed.
AtomNumberGenerator.WillDrawAtomNumbers |
Boolean parameter indicating if atom numbers should be drawn, allowing
this feature to be disabled temporarily.
BasicAtomGenerator |
Generates basic
IRenderingElement s for atoms in an atom container. |
BasicAtomGenerator.AtomColor |
Class to hold the color by which atom labels are drawn.
BasicAtomGenerator.AtomColorer |
IAtomColorer used to draw elements. |
BasicAtomGenerator.AtomRadius |
Magic number with unknown units that defines the radius
around an atom, e.g.
BasicAtomGenerator.ColorByType |
Boolean property that triggers atoms to be colored by type
when set to true.
BasicAtomGenerator.CompactAtom |
Boolean parameters that will cause atoms to be drawn as
filled shapes when set to true.
BasicAtomGenerator.CompactShape |
Shape to be used when drawing atoms in compact mode,
as defined by the
BasicAtomGenerator.CompactAtom parameter. |
BasicAtomGenerator.KekuleStructure |
Determines whether structures should be drawn as Kekule structures, thus
giving each carbon element explicitly, instead of not displaying the
element symbol.
BasicAtomGenerator.ShowEndCarbons |
Boolean parameters that will show carbons with only one
(non-hydrogen) neighbor to be drawn with an element symbol.
BasicAtomGenerator.ShowExplicitHydrogens |
Boolean property that triggers explicit hydrogens to be
drawn if set to true.
BasicBondGenerator |
Generator for elements from bonds.
BasicBondGenerator.BondDistance |
The gap between double and triple bond lines on the screen.
BasicBondGenerator.BondWidth |
The width on screen of a bond.
BasicBondGenerator.DefaultBondColor |
The color to draw bonds if not other color is given.
BasicBondGenerator.TowardsRingCenterProportion |
The proportion to move in towards the ring center.
BasicBondGenerator.WedgeWidth |
The width on screen of the fat end of a wedge bond.
BasicGenerator |
Combination generator for basic drawing of molecules.
BasicSceneGenerator |
This generator does not create any elements, but acts as a holding place
for various generator parameters used by most drawings, such as the zoom,
background color, margin, etc.
BasicSceneGenerator.ArrowHeadWidth |
The width of the head of arrows.
BasicSceneGenerator.BackgroundColor |
The background color of the drawn image.
BasicSceneGenerator.BondLength |
The length on the screen of a typical bond.
BasicSceneGenerator.FitToScreen |
If true, the scale is set such that the diagram
fills the whole screen.
BasicSceneGenerator.FontName |
Font to use for text.
BasicSceneGenerator.ForegroundColor |
The foreground color, with which objects are drawn.
BasicSceneGenerator.Margin |
Area on each of the four margins to keep empty.
BasicSceneGenerator.Scale |
The scale is the factor to multiply model coordinates by to convert the
coordinates to screen space coordinate, such that the entire structure
fits the visible screen dimension.
BasicSceneGenerator.ShowMoleculeTitle |
Determines if the molecule's title is depicted.
BasicSceneGenerator.ShowReactionTitle |
Determines if the reaction's title is depicted.
BasicSceneGenerator.ShowTooltip |
Determines if tooltips are to be shown.
BasicSceneGenerator.UseAntiAliasing |
If set to true, uses anti-aliasing for drawing.
BasicSceneGenerator.UsedFontStyle |
The font style to use for text.
BasicSceneGenerator.ZoomFactor |
The zoom factor which is a user oriented parameter allowing the
user to zoom in on parts of the molecule.
BoundsGenerator |
Produce a bounding rectangle for various chem objects.
BoundsGenerator.BoundsColor |
The color of the box drawn at the bounds of a
molecule, molecule set, or reaction.
ExtendedAtomGenerator |
A generator for atoms with mass, charge, etc.
ExtendedAtomGenerator.ShowAtomTypeNames |
Boolean that indicates if atom type names should be given instead
of element symbols.
ExtendedAtomGenerator.ShowImplicitHydrogens |
Boolean that indicates if implicit hydrogens should be depicted.
HighlightGenerator |
Generate an under/overlaid highlight in structure depictions.
HighlightGenerator.HighlightPalette |
Defines the color palette used to provide the highlight colors.
HighlightGenerator.HighlightRadius |
Magic number with unknown units that defines the radius around an atom,
LonePairGenerator |
Generate the symbols for lone pairs.
MappingGenerator |
IGenerator that will show how atoms map between the reactant and
product side. |
MappingGenerator.AtomAtomMappingLineColor |
The width on screen of an atom-atom mapping line.
MappingGenerator.MappingLineWidth |
The width on screen of an atom-atom mapping line.
MappingGenerator.ShowAtomAtomMapping |
Boolean by which atom-atom mapping depiction can be temporarily disabled.
ProductsBoxGenerator |
Generate the symbols for radicals.
RadicalGenerator |
Generate the symbols for radicals.
ReactantsBoxGenerator |
Generate the symbols for radicals.
ReactionArrowGenerator |
Generate the arrow for a reaction.
ReactionBoxGenerator |
Generate the symbols for radicals.
ReactionPlusGenerator |
Generate the arrow for a reaction.
ReactionSceneGenerator |
Generator for general reaction scene components.
ReactionSceneGenerator.ArrowHeadWidth |
Double which indicates how wide the arrow head is in screen pixels.
ReactionSceneGenerator.ShowReactionBoxes |
Boolean that indicates if boxes are drawn around the reaction.
RingGenerator |
Generates just the aromatic indicators for rings : circles, or light-gray
inner bonds, depending on the value of CDKStyleAromaticity.
RingGenerator.CDKStyleAromaticity |
Depicts aromaticity of rings in the original CDK style.
RingGenerator.MaxDrawableAromaticRing |
The maximum ring size for which an aromatic ring should be drawn.
RingGenerator.RingProportion |
The proportion of a ring bounds to use to draw the ring.
RingGenerator.ShowAromaticity |
Determines whether rings should be drawn with a circle if they are
Enum | Description |
BasicAtomGenerator.Shape |
When atoms are selected or in compact mode, they will
be covered by a shape determined by this enumeration.
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