Atropisomeric |
Restricted axial rotation around Aryl-Aryl bonds.
DoubleBondStereochemistry |
Stereochemistry specification for double bonds.
ExtendedCisTrans |
Extended Cis/Trans double bond configuration.
ExtendedTetrahedral |
Extended tetrahedral configuration.
Octahedral |
Represents an octahedral configuration of an atom six neighbors.
SquarePlanar |
Describes square planar configuration.
Stereocenters |
Find atoms which can support stereo chemistry based on the connectivity.
StereoElementFactory |
Create stereo elements for a structure with 2D and 3D coordinates.
StereoTool |
Methods to determine or check the stereo class of a set of atoms.
TetrahedralChirality |
Stereochemistry specification for tetravalent atoms.
TrigonalBipyramidal |
Describes a trigonal-bipyramidal configuration.