Octahedral |
Represents an octahedral configuration of an atom six neighbors.
Projection |
Stereochemistry projection types.
SquarePlanar |
Describes square planar configuration.
Stereocenters |
Find atoms which can support stereo chemistry based on the connectivity.
Stereocenters.Stereocenter |
Defines the type of a stereocenter.
Stereocenters.Type |
StereoElementFactory |
Create stereo elements for a structure with 2D and 3D coordinates.
StereoTool.SquarePlanarShape |
The shape that four atoms take in a plane.
StereoTool.StereoClass |
Currently unused, but intended for the StereoTool to indicate what it
'means' by an assignment of some atoms to a class.
StereoTool.TetrahedralSign |
The handedness of a tetrahedron, in terms of the point-plane distance
of three of the corners, compared to the fourth.
TrigonalBipyramidal |
Describes a trigonal-bipyramidal configuration.