int electronCount
IAtom[] atoms
int atomCount
javax.vecmath.Point2d point2d
javax.vecmath.Point3d point3d
javax.vecmath.Point3d fractionalPoint3d
Integer hydrogenCount
Integer stereoParity
Double charge
and serves to provide a check whether the charge has been
set or notint atomCount
int bondCount
int lonePairCount
int singleElectronCount
int growArraySize
IAtom[] atoms
IBond[] bonds
ILonePair[] lonePairs
ISingleElectron[] singleElectrons
Set<E> stereoElements
IAtomContainer[] atomContainers
int atomContainerCount
Double[] multipliers
int growArraySize
IBond.Order maxBondOrder
Double bondOrderSum
Double covalentRadius
Integer formalCharge
AtomType(String, String)
) will explicitly set this field to 0IAtomType.Hybridization hybridization
Integer electronValency
Integer formalNeighbourCount
String identifier
IBond.Order order
int atomCount
IAtom[] atoms
IBond.Stereo stereo
IBond.Display display
IChemSequence[] chemSequences
int chemSequenceCount
int growArraySize
IAtomContainerSet setOfMolecules
IReactionSet setOfReactions
IRingSet ringSet
ICrystal crystal
List<E> chemObjectListeners
Map<K,V> properties
short flags
String identifier
boolean doNotification
IChemModel[] chemModels
int chemModelCount
int growArraySize
Integer electronCount
Integer atomicNumber
IAtomContainer fragment
boolean isExpanded
int electronCount
IAtom atom
IChemObject[] relation
String label
int attachPoint
int growArraySize
IAtomContainerSet reactants
IAtomContainerSet products
IAtomContainerSet agents
IMapping[] map
int mappingCount
IReaction.Direction reactionDirection
IReaction[] reactions
int reactionCount
int growArraySize
int electronCount
IAtom atom
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
ILoggingTool logger
BitSet bitset
int[] hitHashes
int[] numOfHits
boolean behaveAsBitFingerprint
int[] trueBits
int fingerprintLength
long[] baseTable
long[] sortedBaseTable
long[] compareTable
long[] sortedCompareTable
IAtomContainer base
IAtomContainer compare
IAtomContainer rootStructure
Map<K,V> rGroupDefinitions
Map<K,V> rootAttachmentPoints
Token currentToken
int[][] expectedTokenSequences
String[] tokenImage
String eol
int kind
int beginLine
int beginColumn
int endLine
int endColumn
String image
Token next
Token specialToken
int errorCode
int number
MDMolecule parentMolecule
IAtom switchingAtom
int number
String name
MDMolecule parentMolecule
double upper
double lower
String smarts
SmartsPattern[] compiledSmarts
String symbol
double upper
double lower
DescriptorSpecification specification
String[] parameterNames
Object[] parameterSettings
IDescriptorResult value
String[] descriptorNames
Exception exception
boolean value
int size
double value
int size
int value
boolean notification
Map<K,V> toolTipTextMap
IAtom highlightedAtom
IBond highlightedBond
IAtomContainer externalSelectedPart
IAtomContainer clipboardContent
IChemObjectSelection selection
Map<K,V> merge
IGeneratorParameter<T> externalHighlightColor
IGeneratorParameter<T> colorHash
Map<K,V> renderingParameters
class names to instances.javax.vecmath.Point2d point2d
javax.vecmath.Point3d point3d
javax.vecmath.Point3d fractionalPoint3d
Integer hydrogenCount
Integer stereoParity
Double charge
and serves to provide a check whether the charge has been
set or notint atomCount
int bondCount
int lonePairCount
int singleElectronCount
int growArraySize
IAtom[] atoms
IBond[] bonds
ILonePair[] lonePairs
ISingleElectron[] singleElectrons
Set<E> stereoElements
IAtomContainer[] atomContainers
int atomContainerCount
Double[] multipliers
int growArraySize
IBond.Order maxBondOrder
Double bondOrderSum
Double covalentRadius
Integer formalCharge
AtomType(String, String)
) will explicitly set this field to 0IAtomType.Hybridization hybridization
Integer electronValency
Integer formalNeighbourCount
String identifier
IBond.Order order
int atomCount
IAtom[] atoms
IBond.Stereo stereo
IBond.Display display
IChemSequence[] chemSequences
int chemSequenceCount
int growArraySize
IAtomContainerSet setOfMolecules
IReactionSet setOfReactions
IRingSet ringSet
ICrystal crystal
Map<K,V> properties
short flags
String identifier
boolean doNotification
IChemModel[] chemModels
int chemModelCount
int growArraySize
Integer electronCount
Integer atomicNumber
IAtomContainer fragment
boolean isExpanded
int electronCount
IAtom atom
IChemObject[] relation
String label
int attachPoint
int growArraySize
IAtomContainerSet reactants
IAtomContainerSet products
IAtomContainerSet agents
IMapping[] map
int mappingCount
IReaction.Direction reactionDirection
IReaction[] reactions
int reactionCount
int growArraySize
int electronCount
IAtom atom
long last
long curr
IAtom atom
int prime
Token currentToken
int[][] expectedTokenSequences
String[] tokenImage
String eol
int kind
int beginLine
int beginColumn
int endLine
int endColumn
String image
Token next
Token specialToken
int errorCode
List<E> allMCS
Map<K,V> firstSolution
List<E> allAtomMCS
Map<K,V> firstAtomMCS
List<E> allBondMCS
Map<K,V> firstBondMCS
MolHandler rMol
IQueryAtomContainer queryMol
MolHandler pMol
IAtomContainer pAC
List<E> stereoScore
List<E> fragmentSize
List<E> bEnergies
Algorithm algorithmType
boolean removeHydrogen
double bondSensitiveTimeOut
double bondInSensitiveTimeOut
boolean subGraph
boolean matchBonds
List<E> sphereNodes
List<E> sphereNodesWithAtoms
List<E> nextSphereNodes
int sphere
int maxSphere
List<E>[] spheres
List<E>[] spheresWithAtoms
StringBuffer HOSECode
IAtomContainer atomContainer
String[] sphereDelimiters
String[] bondSymbols
String centerCode rootNode
boolean debug
IAtomContainer acold
IRingSet soar
IsotopeFactory isotopeFac
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