Class | Description |
SelectionVisibility |
Extended existing symbol visibility options to account for selection of atoms in the standard
StandardGenerator |
The standard generator creates
IRenderingElement s for the atoms and bonds of a structure
diagram. |
StandardGenerator.AnnotationColor |
The color of the atom numbers.
StandardGenerator.AnnotationDistance |
The distance of atom numbers from their parent atom as a percentage of bond length, default
value is 0.25 (25%)
StandardGenerator.AnnotationFontScale |
Annotation font size relative to element symbols, default = 0.4 (40%).
StandardGenerator.AtomColor |
Defines the color of unselected atoms (and bonds).
StandardGenerator.BondSeparation |
Defines the ratio of the separation between lines in double bonds as a percentage of length
BasicSceneGenerator.BondLength ). |
StandardGenerator.DashSection |
The number of sections to render in a dashed 'unknown' bond, default = 4;
StandardGenerator.DelocalisedDonutsBondDisplay |
Render small delocalised rings as bonds/life buoys? This can sometimes
be misleading for fused rings but is commonly used.
StandardGenerator.DeuteriumSymbol |
Display deuterium
[2H] as 'D'. |
StandardGenerator.FancyBoldWedges |
Modify bold wedges to be flush with adjacent bonds, default = true.
StandardGenerator.FancyHashedWedges |
Modify hashed wedges to be flush when there is a single adjacent bond, default = true.
StandardGenerator.ForceDelocalisedBondDisplay |
Indicate delocalised/aromatic bonds should always be rendered, even when
there is a valid Kekule structure.
StandardGenerator.HashSpacing |
The preferred spacing between lines in hashed bonds.
StandardGenerator.Highlighting |
Parameter defines the style of highlight used to emphasis atoms and bonds.
StandardGenerator.OmitMajorIsotopes |
Whether Major Isotopes e.g.
StandardGenerator.OuterGlowWidth |
The width of outer glow as a percentage of stroke width.
StandardGenerator.PseudoFontStyle |
The default font style for pseudo-atoms, is Bold and Italic.
StandardGenerator.SgroupBracketDepth |
How "deep" are brackets drawn.
StandardGenerator.SgroupFontScale |
Scale Sgroup annotations relative to the normal font size (atom symbol).
StandardGenerator.StrokeRatio |
Defines the ratio of the stroke to the width of the stroke of the font used to depict atom
StandardGenerator.SymbolMarginRatio |
Defines the margin between an atom symbol and a connected bond based on the stroke width.
StandardGenerator.Visibility |
Defines which atoms have their symbol displayed.
StandardGenerator.WaveSpacing |
The spacing of waves (semi circles) drawn in wavy bonds with.
StandardGenerator.WedgeRatio |
Ratio of the wide end of wedge compared to the narrow end (stroke width).
Enum | Description |
StandardGenerator.HighlightStyle |
Enumeration of highlight style.
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