Class | Description |
AdductionLPMechanism |
This mechanism adduct together two fragments.
AdductionPBMechanism |
This mechanism adduct together two fragments due to a double bond.
HeterolyticCleavageMechanism |
This mechanism displaces the chemical bond to an Atom.
HomolyticCleavageMechanism |
This mechanism breaks the chemical bond between atoms.
RadicalSiteIonizationMechanism |
This mechanism extracts an atom because of the stabilization of a radical.
RadicalSiteRearrangementMechanism |
This mechanism displaces an Atom or substructure (R) from one position to an other.
RearrangementChargeMechanism |
This mechanism displaces the charge(radical, charge + or charge -) because of
a double bond which is associated.
RemovingSEofBMechanism |
This mechanism extracts a single electron from a bonding orbital which located in
an bond.
RemovingSEofNBMechanism |
This mechanism extracts a single electron from a non-bonding orbital which located in
a ILonePair container.
SharingElectronMechanism |
This mechanism displaces the charge (lonePair) because of
deficiency of charge.
TautomerizationMechanism |
This mechanism produces the tautomerization chemical reaction between two tautomers.
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