@Deprecated public final class RecursiveSmartsAtom extends SMARTSAtom
atomicNumber, charge, electronValency, exactMass, formalCharge, formalNeighbourCount, fractionalPoint3d, hybridization, hydrogenCount, naturalAbundance, point2d, point3d, stereoParity, symbol
Ac, Ag, Al, Am, Ar, As, At, Au, B, Ba, Be, Bh, Bi, Bk, Br, C, Ca, Cd, Ce, Cf, Cl, Cm, Cn, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Db, Ds, Dy, Er, Es, Eu, F, Fe, Fl, Fm, Fr, Ga, Gd, Ge, H, He, Hf, Hg, Ho, Hs, I, In, Ir, K, Kr, La, Li, Lr, Lu, Lv, Mc, Md, Mg, Mn, Mo, Mt, N, Na, Nb, Nd, Ne, Nh, Ni, No, Np, O, Og, Os, P, Pa, Pb, Pd, Pm, Po, Pr, Pt, Pu, Ra, Rb, Re, Rf, Rg, Rh, Rn, Ru, S, Sb, Sc, Se, Sg, Si, Sm, Sn, Sr, Ta, Tb, Tc, Te, Th, Ti, Tl, Tm, Ts, U, V, W, Wildcard, Xe, Y, Yb, Zn, Zr
Constructor and Description |
RecursiveSmartsAtom(IQueryAtomContainer query)
Creates a new instance
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
matches(IAtom atom)
Returns true of the given
atom matches this IQueryAtom. |
bonds, clone, equals, getAtomicNumber, getAtomTypeName, getBond, getBondCount, getBondOrderSum, getCharge, getContainer, getCovalentRadius, getExactMass, getExpression, getFormalCharge, getFormalNeighbourCount, getFractionalPoint3d, getHybridization, getImplicitHydrogenCount, getIndex, getMapIdx, getMassNumber, getMaxBondOrder, getNaturalAbundance, getPoint2d, getPoint3d, getStereoParity, getSymbol, getValency, hashCode, isAromatic, isInRing, setAtomicNumber, setAtomTypeName, setBondOrderSum, setCharge, setCovalentRadius, setExactMass, setExpression, setFormalCharge, setFormalNeighbourCount, setFractionalPoint3d, setHybridization, setImplicitHydrogenCount, setIsAromatic, setIsInRing, setMapIdx, setMassNumber, setMaxBondOrder, setNaturalAbundance, setPoint2d, setPoint3d, setStereoParity, setSymbol, setValency
addListener, addProperties, getBuilder, getFlag, getFlags, getFlagValue, getID, getListenerCount, getNotification, getProperties, getProperty, getProperty, notifyChanged, notifyChanged, removeListener, removeProperty, setFlag, setFlags, setID, setNotification, setProperties, setProperty
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
bonds, clone, getBond, getBondCount, getCharge, getContainer, getFractionalPoint3d, getImplicitHydrogenCount, getIndex, getMapIdx, getPoint2d, getPoint3d, getStereoParity, isAromatic, isInRing, setCharge, setFractionalPoint3d, setImplicitHydrogenCount, setIsAromatic, setIsInRing, setMapIdx, setPoint2d, setPoint3d, setStereoParity
getAtomTypeName, getBondOrderSum, getCovalentRadius, getFormalCharge, getFormalNeighbourCount, getHybridization, getMaxBondOrder, getValency, setAtomTypeName, setBondOrderSum, setCovalentRadius, setFormalCharge, setFormalNeighbourCount, setHybridization, setMaxBondOrder, setValency
getExactMass, getMassNumber, getNaturalAbundance, setExactMass, setMassNumber, setNaturalAbundance
getAtomicNumber, getSymbol, setAtomicNumber, setSymbol
addListener, addProperties, getFlag, getFlags, getFlagValue, getID, getListenerCount, getNotification, getProperties, getProperty, getProperty, notifyChanged, notifyChanged, removeListener, removeProperty, setFlag, setFlags, setID, setNotification, setProperties, setProperty, toString
public RecursiveSmartsAtom(IQueryAtomContainer query)
- public boolean matches(IAtom atom)
matches this IQueryAtom.matches
in interface IQueryAtom
in class SMARTSAtom
- IAtom to match againstCopyright © 2021. All rights reserved.