Interface | Description |
IIteratingChemObjectReader<T extends IChemObject> |
Interface for an iterating molecule reader.
Class | Description |
DefaultIteratingChemObjectReader<T extends IChemObject> |
Abstract class that IteratingChemObjectReader's can implement to have it
take care of basic stuff, like managing the ReaderListeners.
IteratingMDLConformerReader |
Iterate over conformers of a collection of molecules stored in SDF format.
IteratingPCCompoundASNReader |
Iterating PubChem PCCompound ASN reader.
IteratingPCCompoundXMLReader |
Iterating PubChem PCCompound ASN.1 XML reader.
IteratingPCSubstancesXMLReader |
Iterating PubChem PC-Substances ASN.1 XML reader.
IteratingSDFReader |
Iterating MDL SDF reader.
IteratingSMILESReader |
Iterating SMILES file reader.
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