Interface | Description |
IBitFingerprint |
Interface for bit fingerprint representations.
ICountFingerprint |
Interface for count fingerprint representations.
IFingerprinter |
Interface for fingerprint calculators.
Class | Description |
AbstractFingerprinter | |
AtomPairs2DFingerprinter |
Generates an atom pair 2D fingerprint as implemented in PaDEL given an
IAtomContainer , that
extends the Fingerprinter . |
BitSetFingerprint | |
CircularFingerprinter |
Circular fingerprints: for generating fingerprints that are functionally equivalent to ECFP-2/4/6 and FCFP-2/4/6
fingerprints, which are partially described by Rogers et al.
CircularFingerprinter.FP | |
EStateFingerprinter |
This fingerprinter generates 79 bit fingerprints using the E-State
ExtendedFingerprinter |
Generates an extended fingerprint for a given
IAtomContainer , that
extends the Fingerprinter with additional (25) bits describing ring
features and isotopic masses. |
Fingerprinter |
Generates a fingerprint for a given AtomContainer.
FingerprinterTool |
Tool with helper methods for IFingerprint.
GraphOnlyFingerprinter |
Specialized version of the
Fingerprinter which does not take bond orders
into account. |
HybridizationFingerprinter |
Generates a fingerprint for a given
IAtomContainer . |
IntArrayCountFingerprint | |
IntArrayFingerprint | |
KlekotaRothFingerprinter |
SMARTS based substructure fingerprint based on Chemical substructures
that enrich for biological activity (Klekota, Justin and Roth, Frederick P.. Bioinformatics. 2008. 24).
LingoFingerprinter |
An implementation of the LINGO fingerprint (Vidal, D. et. al.. J. Chem. Inf. Model.. 2005. 45).
MACCSFingerprinter |
This fingerprinter generates 166 bit MACCS keys.
PubchemFingerprinter |
Generates a Pubchem fingerprint for a molecule.
RandomNumber |
Generates pseudorandom numbers using the MersenneTwister method from commons-math.
ShortestPathFingerprinter |
Generates a fingerprint for a given
IAtomContainer . |
ShortestPathWalker | |
SignatureFingerprinter |
An implementation of a
AtomSignature -based fingerprint. |
SimpleAtomCanonicalizer |
This code returns a sorted set of atoms for a container according to its
symbol and hybridization states.
SimpleAtomComparator |
This code returns a sorted set of atoms for a container according to its
symbol and hybridization states.
StandardSubstructureSets |
Default sets of atom containers aimed for use with the substructure.
SubstructureFingerprinter |
IFingerprinter that gives a bit set which has a size equal to the number
of substructures it was constructed from. |
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