Interface | Description |
CyclicVertexSearch |
Describes a search to identify vertices which belong to elementary cycles and
if those cycles are isolated or are part of a fused system.
Class | Description |
AllRingsFinder |
Compute the set of all rings in a molecule.
FiguerasSSSRFinder | Deprecated
Use SSSRFinder instead (exact algorithm).
Queue | Deprecated
internal implemenation detail from SSSRFinder, do not use
RingPartitioner |
Partitions a RingSet into RingSets of connected rings.
RingSearch |
Efficiently search for atoms that are members of a ring.
SSSRFinder | Deprecated
Use the
Cycles API
Cycles.sssr(IAtomContainer) |
Enum | Description |
AllRingsFinder.Threshold |
The threshold values provide a limit at which the computation stops.
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