AminoAcidManipulator |
Class with convenience methods that provide methods to manipulate
AtomContainerComparator |
Compares two IAtomContainers for order with the following criteria with decreasing priority:
AtomContainerComparatorBy2DCenter |
Compares two IAtomContainers based on their 2D position.
AtomContainerManipulator |
Class with convenience methods that provide methods to manipulate
AtomContainerSetManipulator |
AtomTypeManipulator |
Class with utilities for the IAtomType class.
BondManipulator |
Class with convenience methods that provide methods to manipulate
ChemFileManipulator |
Class with convenience methods that provide methods from
methods from ChemObjects within the ChemFile.
ChemModelManipulator |
Class with convenience methods that provide methods from
methods from ChemObjects within the ChemModel.
ChemSequenceManipulator |
Class with convenience methods that provide methods from
methods from ChemObjects within the ChemSequence.
MolecularFormulaManipulator |
Class with convenience methods that provide methods to manipulate
IMolecularFormula 's.
MolecularFormulaRangeManipulator |
Class with convenience methods that provide methods to manipulate
MolecularFormulaSetManipulator |
Class with convenience methods that provide methods to manipulate
MoleculeSetManipulator |
ReactionManipulator |
Provides a variety of methods to manipulate and convert from/to IReaction .
ReactionSchemeManipulator |
ReactionSetManipulator |
RingManipulator |
RingSetManipulator |
RingSizeComparator |
SgroupManipulator |
Utilities related to Ctab Sgroups.