Interface ILoggingTool

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ILoggingTool
    Useful for logging messages. Recommended to be used as a private static variable instantiated using LoggingToolFactory.createLoggingTool(Class):
     public class SomeClass {
       private static ILoggingTool logger = LoggingToolFactory.createLoggingTool(SomeClass.class);

    The logger has six logging levels:

    Emits the largest number of log entries.
    Default mode. Used for information you might need to track down the cause of a bug in the source code, or to understand how an algorithm works.
    For reporting informative information to the user that he might easily disregard. Real important information should be given to the user using a GUI element.
    This indicates a special situation which is unlike to happen, but for which no special actions need to be taken. E.g. missing information in files, or an unknown atom type. The action is normally something user friendly.
    This level is used for situations that should not have happened *and* thus indicate a bug.
    This level is used for situations that should not have happened *and* that lead to a situation where this program can no longer function (rare in Java).

    Logging library might implement less logging levels than the six levels defined here. This may result in logging levels being merged. For example, slf4j has five logging levels. Logging level fatal is not supported so that calls to error and fatal are both logged with slf4j logging level error.

    Consider that debugging will not always be turned on. Therefore, it is better not to concatenate string in the logger.debug() call, but have the ILoggingTool do this when appropriate. In other words, use:

     logger.debug("The String X has this value: ", someString);
     logger.debug("The int Y has this value: ", y);
    instead of:
     logger.debug("The String X has this value: " + someString);
     logger.debug("The int Y has this value: " + y);

    For logging calls that require even more computation you can use the isDebugEnabled() method:

     if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {"The 1056389822th prime that is used is: ",

    In addition to the methods specific in the interface, implementations must also implement the static method create(Class<?>) which is called by LoggingToolFactory to instantiate the implementation.

    Source code:
    Belongs to CDK module:
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int DEBUG
      Debug, Info, Warn, Error, and Fatal messages will be emitted.
      static int DEFAULT_STACK_LENGTH
      Default number of StackTraceElements to be printed by debug(Exception).
      static int ERROR
      Error, and Fatal messages will be emitted.
      static int FATAL
      Only Fatal messages will be emitted.
      static int INFO
      Info, Warn, Error, and Fatal messages will be emitted.
      static int OFF
      Logging is OFF
      static int TRACE
      Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Error, and Fatal messages will be emitted.
      static int WARN
      Warn, Error, and Fatal messages will be emitted.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void debug​(Object object)
      Shows DEBUG output for the Object.
      void debug​(Object object, Object... objects)
      Shows DEBUG output for the given Object's.
      void dumpClasspath()
      Outputs the system property for java.class.path.
      void dumpSystemProperties()
      Outputs system properties for the operating system and the java version.
      void error​(Object object)
      Shows ERROR output for the Object.
      void error​(Object object, Object... objects)
      Shows ERROR output for the given Object's.
      void fatal​(Object object)
      Shows FATAL output for the Object.
      int getLevel()
      Get the current level of this logger.
      void info​(Object object)
      Shows INFO output for the Object.
      void info​(Object object, Object... objects)
      Shows INFO output for the given Object's.
      boolean isDebugEnabled()
      Use this method for computational demanding debug info.
      void setLevel​(int level)
      Set the level of this logger.
      void setStackLength​(int length)
      Sets the number of StackTraceElements to be printed in DEBUG mode when calling debug(Throwable).
      void warn​(Object object)
      Shows WARN output for the Object.
      void warn​(Object object, Object... objects)
      Shows WARN output for the given Object's.
    • Field Detail

      • TRACE

        static final int TRACE
        Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Error, and Fatal messages will be emitted.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DEBUG

        static final int DEBUG
        Debug, Info, Warn, Error, and Fatal messages will be emitted.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • INFO

        static final int INFO
        Info, Warn, Error, and Fatal messages will be emitted.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • WARN

        static final int WARN
        Warn, Error, and Fatal messages will be emitted.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • ERROR

        static final int ERROR
        Error, and Fatal messages will be emitted.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final int DEFAULT_STACK_LENGTH
        Default number of StackTraceElements to be printed by debug(Exception).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • dumpSystemProperties

        void dumpSystemProperties()
        Outputs system properties for the operating system and the java version. More specifically:, os.version, os.arch, java.version and java.vendor.
      • setStackLength

        void setStackLength​(int length)
        Sets the number of StackTraceElements to be printed in DEBUG mode when calling debug(Throwable). The default value is DEFAULT_STACK_LENGTH.
        length - the new stack length
        See Also:
      • dumpClasspath

        void dumpClasspath()
        Outputs the system property for java.class.path.
      • debug

        void debug​(Object object)
        Shows DEBUG output for the Object. If the object is an instanceof Throwable it will output the trace. Otherwise it will use the toString() method.
        object - Object to apply toString() to and output
      • debug

        void debug​(Object object,
                   Object... objects)
        Shows DEBUG output for the given Object's. It uses the toString() method to concatenate the objects.
        object - Object to apply toString() to and output
        objects - Object... to apply toString() to and output
      • error

        void error​(Object object)
        Shows ERROR output for the Object. It uses the toString() method.
        object - Object to apply toString() to and output
      • error

        void error​(Object object,
                   Object... objects)
        Shows ERROR output for the given Object's. It uses the toString() method to concatenate the objects.
        object - Object to apply toString() to and output
        objects - Object... to apply toString() to and output
      • fatal

        void fatal​(Object object)
        Shows FATAL output for the Object. It uses the toString() method.
        object - Object to apply toString() to and output
      • info

        void info​(Object object)
        Shows INFO output for the Object. It uses the toString() method.
        object - Object to apply toString() to and output
      • info

        void info​(Object object,
                  Object... objects)
        Shows INFO output for the given Object's. It uses the toString() method to concatenate the objects.
        object - Object to apply toString() to and output
        objects - Object... to apply toString() to and output
      • warn

        void warn​(Object object)
        Shows WARN output for the Object. It uses the toString() method.
        object - Object to apply toString() to and output
      • warn

        void warn​(Object object,
                  Object... objects)
        Shows WARN output for the given Object's. It uses the toString() method to concatenate the objects.
        object - Object to apply toString() to and output
        objects - Object... to apply toString() to and output
      • isDebugEnabled

        boolean isDebugEnabled()
        Use this method for computational demanding debug info. For example:
         if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
 "The 1056389822th prime that is used is: ",
        true, if debug is enabled
      • setLevel

        void setLevel​(int level)
        Set the level of this logger. The level is provided in one of the constants: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN , ERROR, FATAL. After setting the level only messages above the specified level will be emitted.
        level - the level
      • getLevel

        int getLevel()
        Get the current level of this logger. The level is provided in one of the constants: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN , ERROR, FATAL.
        the current level