Package org.openscience.cdk.rinchi

This package provides functionality related to RInChI.


  1. RInChIGenerator: Given an IReaction generates RInChI, RAuxInfo, Long-RInChIKey, Short-RInChIKey and Web-RInChIKey.
  2. RInChIToReaction: Consumes a RInChI and produces an IReaction.
  3. RInChIDecomposition: Given a RInChI and optionally an associated RAuxInfo decompose the RInChI into its constituent InChIs and AuxInfos.
To provide this functionality the library jna-inchi is used which in turn places calls to methods of the native InChI library by means of a JNA wrapper.

The usage of "aromatic" bonds is strongly discouraged. Instead, Kekule structures are recommended.