AdductionProtonLPReaction |
IReactionProcess which produces a protonation.
AdductionProtonPBReaction |
IReactionProcess which produces a protonation to double bond.
AdductionSodiumLPReaction |
IReactionProcess which produces an adduction of the Sodium.
CarbonylEliminationReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate mass spectrum process.
ElectronImpactNBEReaction |
IReactionProcess which make an electron impact for for Non-Bonding Electron Lost.
ElectronImpactPDBReaction |
IReactionProcess which make an electron impact for pi-Bond Dissociation.
ElectronImpactSDBReaction |
IReactionProcess which make an electron impact for Sigma Bond Dissociation.
HeterolyticCleavagePBReaction |
IReactionProcess which a bond is broken displacing the electron to one of the
HeterolyticCleavageSBReaction |
IReactionProcess which a bond is broken displacing the electron to one of the
HomolyticCleavageReaction |
IReactionProcess which breaks the bond homogeneously leading to radical ions.
HyperconjugationReaction |
HyperconjugationReaction is the stabilizing interaction that results
from the interaction of the electrons in a s-bond (for our case only C-H)
with an adjacent empty (or partially filled) p-orbital.
PiBondingMovementReaction |
IReactionProcess which tries to reproduce the delocalization of electrons
which are unsaturated bonds from conjugated rings.
RadicalChargeSiteInitiationHReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate mass spectrum process.
RadicalChargeSiteInitiationReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate mass spectrum process.
RadicalSiteHrAlphaReaction |
This reaction could be represented as [A*]-(C)_2-C3[H] => A([H])-(C_2)-[C3*].
RadicalSiteHrBetaReaction |
This reaction could be represented as [A*]-(C)_3-C4[H] => A([H])-(C_3)-[C4*].
RadicalSiteHrDeltaReaction |
This reaction could be represented as [A*]-(C)_4-C5[H] => A([H])-(C_4)-[C5*].
RadicalSiteHrGammaReaction |
This reaction could be represented as [A*]-C1-C2-C3[H] => A([H])-C1-C2-[C3*].
RadicalSiteInitiationHReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate mass spectrum process.
RadicalSiteInitiationReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate mass spectrum process.
RadicalSiteRrAlphaReaction |
This reaction could be represented as [A*]-(C)_2-C3[R] => A([RH])-(C_2)-[C3*].
RadicalSiteRrBetaReaction |
This reaction could be represented as [A*]-(C)_3-C4[R] => A([R])-(C_3)-[C4*].
RadicalSiteRrDeltaReaction |
This reaction could be represented as [A*]-(C)_5-C6[R] => A([R])-(C_5)-[C6*].
RadicalSiteRrGammaReaction |
This reaction could be represented as [A*]-(C)_4-C5[R] => A([R])-(C_4)-[C5*].
RearrangementAnionReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate in movement resonance.
RearrangementCationReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate in movement resonance.
RearrangementLonePairReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate in movement resonance.
RearrangementRadicalReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate in movement resonance.
SharingAnionReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate in movement resonance.
SharingChargeDBReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate in movement resonance.
SharingChargeSBReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate in movement resonance.
SharingLonePairReaction |
IReactionProcess which participate in movement resonance.
TautomerizationReaction |
IReactionProcess which produces a tautomerization chemical reaction.