AcidicGroupCountDescriptor |
Returns the number of acidic groups.
ALOGPDescriptor |
AminoAcidCountDescriptor |
Class that returns the number of each amino acid in an atom container.
APolDescriptor |
Sum of the atomic polarizabilities (including implicit hydrogens).
AromaticAtomsCountDescriptor |
Class that returns the number of aromatic atoms in an atom container.
AromaticBondsCountDescriptor |
This Class contains a method that returns the number of aromatic atoms in an AtomContainer.
AtomCountDescriptor |
IDescriptor based on the number of atoms of a certain element type.
AutocorrelationDescriptorCharge |
This class calculates ATS autocorrelation descriptor, where the weight equal
to the charges.
AutocorrelationDescriptorMass |
AutocorrelationDescriptorPolarizability |
This class calculates ATS autocorrelation descriptor, where the weight equal
to the charges.
BasicGroupCountDescriptor |
Returns the number of basic groups.
BCUTDescriptor |
Eigenvalue based descriptor noted for its utility in chemical diversity.
BondCountDescriptor |
IDescriptor based on the number of bonds of a certain bond order.
BPolDescriptor |
Sum of the absolute value of the difference between atomic polarizabilities
of all bonded atoms in the molecule (including implicit hydrogens) with polarizabilities taken from
This descriptor assumes 2-centered bonds.
CarbonTypesDescriptor |
Topological descriptor characterizing the carbon connectivity.
ChiChainDescriptor |
Evaluates chi chain descriptors.
ChiClusterDescriptor |
Evaluates chi cluster descriptors.
ChiPathClusterDescriptor |
Evaluates chi path cluster descriptors.
ChiPathDescriptor |
Evaluates chi path descriptors.
CPSADescriptor |
Calculates 29 Charged Partial Surface Area (CPSA) descriptors.
EccentricConnectivityIndexDescriptor |
A topological descriptor combining distance and adjacency information.
FMFDescriptor |
An implementation of the FMF descriptor characterizing complexity of a molecule.
FractionalCSP3Descriptor |
FractionalPSADescriptor |
Polar surface area expressed as a ratio to molecular size.
FragmentComplexityDescriptor |
Class that returns the complexity of a system.
GravitationalIndexDescriptor |
IDescriptor characterizing the mass distribution of the molecule.
HBondAcceptorCountDescriptor |
This descriptor calculates the number of hydrogen bond acceptors using a slightly simplified version of the
PHACIR atom types.
HBondDonorCountDescriptor |
This descriptor calculates the number of hydrogen bond donors using a slightly simplified version of the
PHACIR atom types.
HybridizationRatioDescriptor |
IPMolecularLearningDescriptor |
Deprecated. |
JPlogPDescriptor |
A logP model donated by Lhasa Limited.
KappaShapeIndicesDescriptor |
Kier and Hall kappa molecular shape indices compare the molecular graph with minimal and maximal molecular graphs;
a description is given at: :
"they are intended to capture different aspects of molecular shape.
KierHallSmartsDescriptor |
A fragment count descriptor that uses e-state fragments.
LargestChainDescriptor |
Class that returns the number of atoms in the largest chain.
LargestPiSystemDescriptor |
Class that returns the number of atoms in the largest pi system.
LengthOverBreadthDescriptor |
Evaluates length over breadth descriptors.
LongestAliphaticChainDescriptor |
Counts the number of atoms in the longest aliphatic chain.
MannholdLogPDescriptor |
Prediction of logP based on the number of carbon and hetero atoms.
MDEDescriptor |
MomentOfInertiaDescriptor |
A descriptor that calculates the moment of inertia and radius of gyration.
PetitjeanNumberDescriptor |
According to the Petitjean definition, the eccentricity of a vertex corresponds to
the distance from that vertex to the most remote vertex in the graph.
PetitjeanShapeIndexDescriptor |
RotatableBondsCountDescriptor |
The number of rotatable bonds is given by the SMARTS specified by Daylight on
SMARTS tutorial
RuleOfFiveDescriptor |
This Class contains a method that returns the number failures of the
Lipinski's Rule Of 5.
SmallRingDescriptor |
Small ring descriptors: these are based on enumeration of all the small rings (sizes 3 to 9) in a molecule,
which can be obtained quickly and deterministically.
SpiroAtomCountDescriptor |
Returns the number of spiro atoms.
TPSADescriptor |
VABCDescriptor |
Volume descriptor using the method implemented in the VABCVolume class.
VAdjMaDescriptor |
Vertex adjacency information (magnitude):
1 + log2 m where m is the number of heavy-heavy bonds.
WeightDescriptor |
IDescriptor based on the weight of atoms of a certain element type.
WeightedPathDescriptor |
Evaluates the weighted path descriptors.
WHIMDescriptor |
WienerNumbersDescriptor |
This descriptor calculates the Wiener numbers.
XLogPDescriptor |
Prediction of logP based on the atom-type method called XLogP.
ZagrebIndexDescriptor |
Zagreb index: the sum of the squares of atom degree over all heavy atoms i.