ChargeRule |
This class validate if the charge in the IMolecularFormula correspond with
a specific value.
ElementRule |
This class validate if the occurrence of the IElements in the IMolecularFormula
are into a limits.
IsotopePatternRule |
This class validate if the Isotope Pattern from a given IMolecularFormula
correspond with other to compare.
MMElementRule |
This class validate if the occurrence of the IElements in the IMolecularFormula, for
metabolites, are into a maximal limit according paper: .
NitrogenRule |
This class validate if the rule of nitrogen is kept.
RDBERule |
Ring Double Bond Equivalents (RDBE) or
Double Bond Equivalents (DBE) are calculated from valence values of
elements contained in a formula and should tell the number of bonds - or rings.
ToleranceRangeRule |
This class validate if the mass from an IMolecularFormula is
between the tolerance range give a experimental mass.