AtomTypeCharges |
Assigns charges to atom types.
Electronegativity |
Calculation of the electronegativity of orbitals of a molecule
by the method Gasteiger based on electronegativity is given by X = a + bq + c(q*q).
GasteigerMarsiliPartialCharges |
GasteigerPEPEPartialCharges |
The calculation of the Gasteiger (PEPE) partial charges is based on
[Saller, H., Quantitative Emperische Modelle fur Elektronische Effekte in Pi-Systemen und fur die Chemische Reaktivitat, 1985, ?Institute?].
InductivePartialCharges |
MMFF94PartialCharges |
The calculation of the MMFF94 partial charges.
PiElectronegativity |
Calculation of the electronegativity of orbitals of a molecule
by the method Gasteiger based on electronegativity is given by X = a + bq + c(q*q).
Polarizability |
Calculation of the polarizability of a molecule by the method of Kang and
Jhon and Gasteiger based on [ Kang, Y.K. and Jhon, M.S.. Theoretica Chimica Acta. 1982. 61] and [ Gasteiger, J. and Hutchings, M.G.. J. Amer. Chem. Soc.. 1984. 106]
Limitations in parameterization of atoms:
H, Csp3, Csp2, Csp2arom, Csp3, Nsp3, Nsp2, Nsp3,
P, Osp3 and Osp2.
StabilizationCharges |
The stabilization of the positive and the negative charge
obtained (e.g in the polar breaking of a bond) is calculated from the sigma- and
lone pair-electronegativity values of the atoms that are in conjugation to the atoms
obtaining the charges.